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'有機增長點”or'頂級 PUA”,積分激勵模式的優劣勢在哪裡?

發布: 2024-07-16 22:15:21
589 人瀏覽過


但近期,Blast 等專案的 TGE 分配引發了人們的憤怒狂潮,體現在對拉長激勵週期的同時帶來低迴報的不滿。有大戶疾呼現在類似的空投已經演變為對所有參與者的「頂級 PUA”,故本文從多維度視角出發,探討積分模式的優劣勢,並試圖找出相對應的解決方案。


在浪潮的最早期,以太坊 ICO 如火如荼之時,空投可以說是相對簡單粗暴的,只需要提交一個簡單的 0x 地址,便可收穫可觀的代幣進賬。由於 ICO 時代項目的主要特徵是以概念炒作為主,對於鏈上交互的構建幾近空白,故對於所有人來說,(持幣)地址本身便可以成為激勵指標。

而在 DeFi Summer 伊始,Balancer 和 Compound 都採用了流動性挖礦的方式進行激勵。不難看出對於當時的 DeFi 項目而言,鏈上流動性的規模決定協議的發展,並且就當時的市場形勢而言流動性的需求也比較緊迫,所以他們都採用了直接的代幣激勵。雖說對 TVL 的成長貢獻頗豐,但也衍生出了「挖賣提」的弊病。

之後 Uniswap 的空投算是一石激起千層浪,真正將交互空投範式帶入加密領域,並由此催生出專業的空投獵人群體。隨後許多 DeFi 計畫進行了跟進,同時伴隨許多 L2 和公鏈的技術落地,有關生態的治理模式建構也提上了日程。由於許多協議的治理本質上是其代幣經濟的子集,故必然對參與者產生相關空投預期。由此開始,以代幣和互動為核心的激勵模式開始融合進加密經濟之中。


  • 直接的代幣激勵:對於早期專案​​而言,還未飽和的競爭環境所帶來的成長空間給予他們足夠的自由度,並使他們在實現規模增長的同時透過代幣激勵讓利於用戶。
  • 交互門檻低:由於當時鏈上生態不算成熟,協議的產品模型比較簡單,對於用戶而言交互流程也很簡便。
  • 即時回報(同步性):在 Uniswap 之前,許多專案採用挖礦的方式,對用戶的存款實現即時的代幣回饋,所做即所得。


在積分激勵之前,隨著生態的蓬勃發展,專案方面臨用戶留存和激勵的兩難問題。而Galxe 等一眾任務平台提供了一個解決方案,具體而言,任務平台允許專案將激勵過程平攤到用戶互動的具體任務上,並採用NFT 而非代幣進行一定程度上的激勵(標記) 。整體來看,這樣的激勵方式已經開始產生激勵上的異步,即發放代幣激勵與用戶實際的互動中間的周期被拉長。而積分激勵其實與任務平台一樣,是加密領域互動精細化的產物之一。

最早廣泛性採用積分模式的項目是 Blur,Pacman 創新性的採用積分進行 NFT 交易的激勵計算,且相關措施對 Blur 的協議增長顯著,具體表現在流動性和交易量上。從圖1 的數據上分析Blur 的規模發展,我們可以看出積分主要起到瞭如下三個作用:

  • 抬高信心:透過積分激勵,讓用戶提前擁有一定的獲得感,並提高後續對空投的信心程度,並影響幣價的初始啟動。
  • 延長週期:積分可以平攤用戶對協議空投的預期,延長整體激勵週期。一個很明顯的例子是,在 Blur 實施代幣啟動後,其仍然保持積分激勵的存在,在減小拋壓的同時為用戶創造一個可持續的激勵環境,體現在交易量和 TVL 的持續性。
  • 實在性:相比於交互任務結束後的NFT,積分能夠給用戶帶來某種代幣對應映射的感受,使用戶感覺已經獲得了代幣而非只獲得像徵性的徽章,體現在前期挖礦的交易量和代幣價格的相關性。

“有机增长点”or“顶级 PUA”,积分激励模式的优劣势在哪里?

圖 1 Blur 相關數據(DefiLlama)


  • 提高留存率:過去在「挖賣提」的大背景下,使用者通常對協議的忠誠度不高。而透過積分激勵,專案方可以引導使用者產生持續性的現金流量和鏈上互動。
  • 規避代幣成本:基於積分的激勵可以減少專案方在代幣做市和相應營運上的成本,有的時候還可降低合規風險。
  • 更高的靈活性:積分激勵的有機調節賦予專案方更高的靈活性,並不受相關代幣走勢的影響,將注意力更多集中在產品構建上。


在以積分為主要激勵模式的加密專案營運週期中,我們可以大致分為三個階段,兩個重要節點分別是採用積分激勵和 TGE(代幣生成事件)。圖 2 展現了使用者在專案週期內的信心程度變化。

“有机增长点”or“顶级 PUA”,积分激励模式的优劣势在哪里?

圖2 使用者在專案全週期中的信心程度變化

在積分激勵之前,我們可以看出整體的信心呈現線性成長的態勢,因為在專案的早期階段,使用者通常對專案的發展保持樂觀態度,早期階段相對應的消息面也有較多利好。而在實施積分激勵之後,相較於無積分激勵而言使用者因為積分本身所產生的獲得感,導致信心有短暫增強。但隨後積分激勵的週期開始平攤用戶對專案空投的預期,同時場外開始對專案的激勵進行市場化定價,故信心整體回落到無積分激勵的水平。在TGE 後,經歷過積分激勵的用戶信心程度會降低更多,因為積分激勵的整體週期較長,導致用戶無法在TGE 後整體收益明晰的情況下繼續承受週期產生的成本繼而選擇拋售,體現為更大的拋壓。




在發放上,積分的操縱空間主要體現在不上鍊和規則清晰度,相比於代幣激勵,積分激勵通常不會上鏈,進而對於項目方而言操縱空間更大。而在規則清晰度上,專案方掌握對協議內各部分的激勵分配權,並且從Blast 的激勵就可以看出,激勵的長週期代表著規則的強靈活性可以在周期內最大程度上中和大部分使用者的情緒反應,減少信心損耗。但 Blast 第二階段的分配事實上對上線前大戶的存款積分進行了稀釋,並將這一部分利益轉移給鏈上交互者。對大戶而言,這樣的平攤導致空投可能無法涵蓋前期所產生的資金成本,並增加後期鏈上的交互成本,但如果提取存款,他們便麵臨沉沒成本的問題。而在空投最終分配時,大戶被動性的線性釋放已經證明了專案方在發放上選擇轉移大戶的利益到散戶手中。

在市場定價上,諸如 Whales Market 等場外積分交易平台也為專案方提供了一個可供衡量的資料來源。具體而言,他們為市場上的積分OTC 交易進行了可觀的市場化定價,而專案方可以透過做市商對積分所帶來的預期定價進行合適的調整,並且TGE 前的低流動性環境減少了做市的難度。當然,這樣的交易也加劇了潛在專案預期的透支。


  • 操縱空間大:不管是在發放上還是在市場定價上,專案方都可以進行足夠的操作。
  • 透支預期:積分激勵的長週期和二級市場的過度投機帶來對用戶空投預期的消耗。
  • 平攤收益:由於積分的釋放週期長,早期參與者和後期參與者所產生的價值被平攤,相對應會損害參與者的利益。




In the long cycle of point incentives, point distribution is crucial to the development of the protocol. Unlike the interaction on the task platform, most projects do not clarify the correspondence between interaction indicators and points, forming a kind of black box, and users have no right to know in this case. However, completely clear-cut rules will also facilitate the studio’s targeted play, leading to higher anti-witch costs on the chain. A possible solution is to control the visibility of rules to users by decentralizing the incentive process, such as organically distributing points through an intra-ecological protocol, which can further refine the incentives for users' on-chain behavior while equally sharing the distribution costs. , and the decentralized allocation rights give specific project parties greater room for dynamic adjustment, and also facilitate users to eat more with one fish based on strong composability.

Weighing the interests of all parties

Now many protocols need to face the trade-off between TVL and on-chain interactive data, which is reflected in the points mechanism as how to allocate corresponding weights. For Blur and other transactions-led or DeFi is TVL-led In terms of projects, the two can essentially form a flywheel effect that promotes each other, so the role of points in it is to stimulate a single indicator. But when this logic was transferred to Layer 2, participants began to split, and the demands of the project side also shifted from a single indicator to diversified growth, which in turn put forward higher requirements for the points allocation mechanism. Blast's gold points tried to resolve such divisions, but in the end the overall effect was still unsatisfactory due to distribution ratio issues. In other projects, there is currently no similar mechanism design, so the design of the points mechanism of future protocols can consider corresponding refinements in interaction and deposit incentives.

Demand space for incentive space

Nowadays, the original intention of many projects using point incentives is just to delay TGE while maintaining incentive activities. Compared with traditional point incentive use cases, the purpose of points itself is missing. This gap in demand is also the fundamental reason why points only exist as another token in the eyes of users. Therefore, this part of the demand can be effectively developed. For example, for cross-chain bridges or on-chain derivatives, using points to offset related costs can not only allow users to instantly obtain the utility generated by points, but also attract users to continue to use the agreement. , it can also free up space for points allocation, reduce inflationary pressure while controlling expectations. But in this part, it is necessary to effectively and accurately measure the relationship between the user's actual interaction and the handling fee.

In addition, whether it is in the traditional field or the encryption field, demand always outweighs incentives, and a large part of the demand space is generated by the protocol itself. Just like many MEME-related projects, there is no point incentive because they naturally occupy the advantage of the demand side, and users gain more value from outside the agreement when using these projects. Therefore, for project parties, they need to consider whether their product model construction has a corresponding PMF, so that the purpose of letting users participate is no longer for the misty tokens.

Consensus Incentives

For users, consensus incentives create an environment with clear rules for them and allow them to participate in consensus building as independent individuals. For example, in the community, the project team can build some decentralized environments to allow users to participate in free competition and carry out organic distribution similar to PoW according to the results. On the one hand, such competition can eliminate the impact of the airdrop distribution cycle in the consensus, and on the other hand, it can also improve user loyalty and retention rates. However, the consensus itself changes relatively slowly and has low flexibility, which may not be suitable for a rapidly growing ecology.

Points on the chain

Putting points on the chain is different from directly issuing tokens. Compared with tokens, it removes liquidity and at the same time increases the non-tamperability and composability of the chain. Linea LXP presents us with a good example. When all addresses and points can be traced on the chain, the operating space is visibly reduced, and smart contracts provide composability based on the chain, which greatly The indexability of points within the ecosystem has been improved, so that protocols within the ecosystem can be motivated and adjusted based on relevant indicators.

以上是'有機增長點”or'頂級 PUA”,積分激勵模式的優劣勢在哪裡?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
