支線任務是《Zenless Zone Zero》中尋找資源的首選,可幫助您拉出更好的角色。這些支線任務之一就是失蹤的卡車。將本指南放在甲板上,以加快並找到 Zenless 零區 (ZZZ) 每個區域中所有丟失的丟失貨運卡車的位置。
透過在 Zenless 零區中尋找丟失的卡車,您可以找到其他重要的收藏品,例如 HIA 紀念幣。因此,值得您花時間去尋找這些卡車。然而,找到它們似乎是一個挑戰。它們隱藏得很好。但不用擔心,本指南將引導您瀏覽每個區域以及在哪裡可以找到它們。
有 20 輛卡車可供尋找,每輛卡車都分佈在各個區域。卡車相當小,所以你很有可能走過一輛。
這將是 Zenless 零區的起始區域,由於它很小,找到每輛丟失的貨運卡車可能會更容易。在這個區域,您會發現多達六輛丟失的卡車。
當您接近哈爾的報攤時,經過Godfinger Arcade和Bardic Needle。你應該到達一條小巷。走到盡頭,直到看到兩個輪胎和一面牆。第一輛貨運卡車將停在牆前。還應該值得注意的是,在你拿到卡車之前,你會遇到 Chalky 和 Foamy,它們是完成每週定制時間表所需的三隻貓中的兩隻。
第四輛卡車,前往 Coff Cafe。這輛卡車應該位於建築物的左側,靠近一些垃圾。如果您看到三個大管道相互重疊,那麼您就來對地方了。只需看它的右側即可。
經過麵館就可以找到第六街的最後一輛卡車。商店和Godfinger Arcade附近應該有一條小巷,它就在Random Replay商店旁邊。沿著路線走,直到到達垃圾箱。卡車就在對面。
在這個區域,您只能找到四輛卡車。然而,其中三個似乎只能在早上找到。第四輛卡車只能在 Zenless 零區的下午時段找到。因此,在搜索它們之前,請確保您處於正確的時間段。如果您不知道時間是什麼,該資訊將顯示在 HUD 的左上角。
與 Brant Street Construction 的卡車不同,您可以在 Zenless Zone Zero 的晚上輕鬆找到所有四輛卡車。再次強調,首先檢查您是否在正確的時間。
In the starting spot and right behind an Officer Mewmew, you can find the first truck. It’ll be in the back of this alleyway.
After you nab that truck, head back out towards the officer, and turn left. Go to the platform that crosses the road. This should take you to the other side of the road. When you reach the bottom of the platform when you’re on the other side, keep going straight. You should have another statue. Go left but hug the wall. Keep on the wall till you reach the end. The second truck will be in a nook beside a three-wheeled scooter.
If you head right from the second truck’s location, look for a statue that is shaped like a plus sign. The third truck will be directly left of it beside a Howl’s Newsstand.
The fourth truck will be nearby as well. Follow the road left from the third truck. You should be able to see the cargo truck as soon as start moving toward it.
Once you get the fourth truck, head right, and go up the stairs. You’ll reach a playground. The fifth truck will be on the opposite side where you entered from.
Before going and looking for this truck, ensure you’re at the right time which is night. Next, head back to the Officer Mewmew. This time go right of him. You’ll be led into a large parking lot. The final truck will be on the left side of the lot beside a handful of bikes. It is also worth noting that once you find all the trucks in Zenless Zone Zero, your chances of earning Ellen may go higher.
以上是Zenless 零區 (ZZZ) 每個區域的所有遺失貨運卡車位置的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!