首頁 > 網路3.0 > 比特幣上MEV日益凸顯:MEV以更隱晦的方式蔓延至比特幣


發布: 2024-07-18 20:01:11
832 人瀏覽過


作者:George Kaloudis, CoinDesk

編譯:Felix, PANews


  • 傳統金融和加密領域都存在套利機會,但由於後者待處理的可見性和結算時間較長,可見性和結算時間較長,可見性和結算時間較長套利機會更加明顯。
  • 儘管比特幣上的MEV沒有以太坊那麼突出,但正透過「狙擊」Ordinal銘文、挖空區塊和礦工卡特爾化等出現。
  • 比特幣上出現的MEV可能導致市場對內存池「私有化」的壓力,這將破壞加密貨幣的創始原則。


當早期資本湧入這些代幣時,首先在代幣上線CEX之前,透過自動做市商(AMM)在DEX購買。 AMM是去中心化的應用程序,可以匹配加密代幣的買家和賣家,而無需通過受監管的交易所,也無需KYC(如護照照片、駕照照片或多張自拍照)。你要做的就是連接加密錢包,透過AMM輸入想購買哪種資產,點擊購買就可以了。








三明治交易和其他類型的「低效率發現」更廣泛地稱為最大化(或礦工)可提取價值(簡稱MEV)。 MEV的意思是,驗證交易的人選擇以對自己而不是交易者最有利的方式對交易進行排序。由於區塊時間(驗證交易所需的時間)不是即時的(在以太坊中,交易每12秒左右驗證一次),因此有足夠的時間進行套利交易,尤其是交易機器人。


MEV: Pros, cons, and presence on Bitcoin

The discussion surrounding MEV is extensive. Is it good or bad? Is it illegal?

It depends on who you ask.

On the positive side, MEV is a free market that calculates the real cost of things on the blockchain by eliminating inefficiencies that will be exploited until the inefficiency is close to zero. On the negative side, MEV can be exploited by uninformed laymen and new users and exploited by professionals and advanced users.

Only Ethereum has been mentioned so far, because despite MEV’s first-mover advantage, MEV has not historically existed in Bitcoin. Although it exists in theory, in practice it is not economically feasible (except in very special circumstances).

You may be thinking: "No MEV? If the AMM based on Ethereum has MEV, then the AMM based on Bitcoin must also have MEV, right?"

You are right, but there is no AMM based on Bitcoin yet. This is because Ethereum is more expressive than Bitcoin, which means you can "do more with it," like create tokens with Doge or other memes, trade on AMMs, and get rich.

And because Bitcoin is not very expressive, there is not a thriving market or AMM for new coins on Bitcoin. How could AMM-related MEV opportunities arise if there are no new non-Bitcoin assets on Bitcoin? Exchange Bitcoin for other Bitcoins?

Yes. This is where Bitcoin’s MEV comes into play.

MEV on Bitcoin

MEV is far less robust on Bitcoin than on Ethereum, and when experts discuss this topic, it always comes with a caveat.

Colin Harper, director of research and content at Bitcoin mining company Luxor Technology, said: "This is more like a game you can play, rather than MEV."

Three years ago, Bitcoin went through an update called Taproot , making the network more expressive. Through the Ordinals protocol, it is unexpectedly possible to make Bitcoin equivalent to NFT. This is what was previously meant by "exchanging Bitcoin for other Bitcoins": "NFTs" can work on Bitcoin because the Ordinals protocol is able to see which satoshis (the smallest unit of Bitcoin, one in 100 million) Arbitrary data is engraved on it, which can be pictures, text or other things. These collectibles are called inscriptions, which are different from NFTs (individual tokens). If you buy an Inscription instead of buying a brand new token like on Ethereum, you are just buying some Bitcoins that are special only from the perspective of the Ordinals protocol.

This is actually using Bitcoin to buy Bitcoin (of course, use more to buy less). Just like buying SHIB with ETH or USDC with USDT, buying Bitcoin with Bitcoin is an activity that can be done first.

Colin Harper explains: “When you sell Inscription on Magic Eden or other similar marketplaces, you are using PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction). The seller signs their half and when the buyer buys, they The transaction is completed with their signature, and the buyer pays the transaction fee. Therefore, if the NFT trader sees the transaction in the mempool, they can replace the original buyer's payment and address by broadcasting their own transaction (stealing it). A higher-fee RBF (Replacement of Fees) transaction to ensure their transaction is confirmed before the original transaction."

Although this is not quite the same as the pure MEV discussed in the first section of this article, it still looks like it. Like MEV: There is a mismatch between expected buyers and sellers because a third party steps in and offers miners more compensation in exchange for inscriptions, while miners maximize their own value in the transaction by accepting third-party transactions.

Other MEV-like stuff on Bitcoin

Bitcoin still has miners, and in the mining business, there are a few things that happen all the time that look like MEV.

A common example is empty block mining. Bitcoin periodically mines an empty block. The block is of no use to anyone except the miner who mined it, since no other pending transactions are verified except for the coinbase (lowercase "c", not the company) transaction that rewards the miner with the block. There are technical reasons for this situation to occur. The appearance of empty blocks is actually accidental, but it is difficult to say whether this is MEV and whether it is beneficial to Bitcoin.

There is also the cartelization of miners (PANews note: A cartel is a monopoly group that can easily occur when a small number of resources are fully controlled by several companies). Many Bitcoin miners now use mining pools to balance their income by mining collectively and receiving a corresponding share. This can create a problem, especially as mining pools get larger. As Walt Smith of the venture capital firm Cyber ​​Fund wrote in a lengthy article titled “Bitcoin’s MEV”:

“…pool mining creates systemic risk by enabling savvy multi-block MEV by increasing the odds of consecutive block wins. Mining pools and other mining cartels enforce this by abusing pool economics Common block templates, blacklisting small miners doing non-standard block construction. Continued excess fees combined with economies of scale will trigger consolidation, creating a pathological cycle."

Currently, some mining pools control quite a lot. A portion of the network's computing power, or even two or three mining pools, can join forces to control more than half of the computing power. If a mining pool cartel wins enough blocks in a row, it can exercise monopoly power to maximize profits.

Another real-world example of Bitcoin miner behavior could be MEV: out-of-band payments. Bitcoin miners are paid for accepting transactions that are considered non-standard (either off-chain or via separate and seemingly unrelated Bitcoin transfers). Again, this is not pure MEV, as the extracted value does not appear on the blockchain as a result of shrewd program decisions. Instead, value is extracted by miners being paid more than they otherwise would have been paid.

Some researchers worry that out-of-band payments are the first step on a slippery slope that could obscure incentives. But miners are seizing the opportunity. Listed mining giant Marathon has launched a service called Slipstream to accept non-standard transactions.

The concern is that this backroom operation could lead to the privatization of the mempool, which is troubling on any blockchain. As CoinDesk’s Sam Kessler writes: “Most pressingly, there are concerns that mempool privatization could entrench new intermediaries in key areas of the Ethereum transaction pipeline.”

If most transactions are submitted to private mempools for processing Confirmed, then a small number of people (i.e. a designated few) can influence Bitcoin transactions. This would centralize the power of the blockchain, which is obviously an unacceptable situation for anyone who values ​​censorship resistance.

There are other MEV-like examples on Bitcoin, which inevitably exist in some form and which network participants need to be aware of.

Related reading: Overview of the current L2 status data: How big is the MEV scale?

