
發布: 2024-07-19 05:52:00
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這種高考後的購機熱潮已經成為每年手機市場的一大亮點,手機廠商和經銷商們也早已註意到這一市場需求,選擇在618 電器優惠期間推出各種促銷活動和優惠政策,以吸引剛解放的學子。


根據市場調查公司 Counterpoint 的數據顯示,2023 年中國智慧型手機市場在 6 月至 8 月期間的銷量比其他月份平均高出 17%。這項增幅主要歸功於高考後學生群體的集中購買行為。

此外,艾瑞諮詢的報告也顯示,高考結束後的三個月內,超過 45% 的中國考生選擇購買新手機。這些數據,充分證明了高考後的購機熱潮,對手機市場有顯著影響。


儘管從現在的眼光看,高考完買手機似乎是一件「自古以來」的事情,但實際上實際上這個「傳統」也不過是近10 年才開始出現的。 2014 年前後,智慧型手機的普及率迅速提升,行動互聯網技術日益成熟。根據中國互聯網絡資訊中心(CNNIC)的數據顯示,2014 年中國網民規模達到 6.49 億,手機網民規模首次超過 PC 網民,達到 5.27 億。這顯示手機成為了主要的上網設備,推動了智慧型手機市場的爆發。

4G 網路的廣泛覆蓋也是一個關鍵因素。中國在 2013 年底開始大規模部署 4G 網絡,到 2014 年,4G 用戶數迅速成長,覆蓋範圍不斷擴大,為行動互聯網的高速發展提供了堅實的基礎。高速的網路連線使得智慧型手機的應用場景更加豐富,使用者體驗大幅提升,進一步激發了消費者對智慧型手機的需求。



從這個角度來看,高考結束後購買手機在2014 年前後成為趨勢,確實是手機智能的普及、4G 網絡的發展、普及品牌和行動互聯網應用的興起等多重因素共同推動的結果。

以小雷身邊的同事、同學為例,2012 年參加高考的「老黃」就表示,出成績後買iPhone 4S 其實是跟家裡的約定,想著趁著這個機會用成績換點「大件」獎勵一下自己。在5 元30 兆和3.5 吋「大螢幕」的時代背景下,手機的應用場景還較為有限:

買手機對我來說更多是一種對三年刻苦學習成果的獎勵,而不僅僅是因為需要一部高階手機。那時,擁有一部最新的 iPhone 4S 對我來說也是一種激勵,標誌著新的生活階段的開始。雖然當時的 iPhone 確實很吸引人,但更重要的是透過這樣的獎勵來肯定和鼓勵自己。

至於實用性,老黃也表示在那個離開 Wi-Fi 就上不起網的年代,「iPhone 4S 的網路優勢一點都沒體現出來,更多的還是一台遊戲機」。

而 2015 年高考的小李,在換手機時就有了對功能性的考慮。由於心思都在學習上,小李在此之前用的都是功能手機。他說:


另外,學校內不少事情都是需要手機來處理,例如選課、跑操。雖然說這些用電腦也能處理,但電腦有 Wi-Fi 網路的限制,用機會方便很多。

As for Xiao Lei, who took the college entrance examination in 2014, he switched from Lumia 900 to Nexus 6 after his freshman military training. Although the school had a certain "cooperation" with Microsoft at the time and was also an "old player" of the Innovation Cup, the school's course selection system, The educational administration system's support for mobile terminals is limited to iOS and Android. For practical reasons, even though Windows Phone has extremely smooth animations and interactions, it was still switched to the Android platform.


Image source: Google

In other words, although the act of changing mobile phones after the college entrance examination still has a strong sense of "ritual", the attribute of "tool" has appeared behind it .

But what’s interesting is that Xiao Liu, Xiao Nie and Xiao Yang, who took the college entrance examination in 2018, did not change their mobile phones after the exam. They did not even list changing their mobile phones as a consideration after the exam. They did not even change their mobile phones. The reasons are all surprisingly consistent: Cell phones are good enough.

Xiao Yang believes that "mobile phones at that time have become quite durable, and their performance is not bad even if they don't play games, so there is no need to replace them." Xiao Nie said, "The machine I am using has good performance, and the price of Android phones has become very cheap compared to when Samsung was the only one. I can change my phone at any time if I want, so it is better to take advantage of the opportunity after finishing the college entrance examination to install it." A high-performance desktop computer. "


Photo source: Xiaomi

Xiao Liu's situation is similar to Xiao Nie. He had already used a good Xiaomi flagship before the college entrance examination, so after the college entrance examination I didn’t think about changing my phone until my phone was stolen. What’s even more interesting is that the three respondents who took the college entrance examination in 2018 used Xiaomi 6, Xiaomi 10 and Xiaomi MIX respectively. It can only be said that Xiaomi’s influence is indeed extraordinary.

From the conversation between the three people, it is not difficult to see that at that time, college entrance examination students were no longer eager to change their mobile phones after the exam. This was mainly because the performance and price of smartphones had significantly improved in recent years. Domestic brands such as Xiaomi have launched cost-effective models, allowing students to buy high-performance mobile phones during high school. The phone excels in durability and performance and can still meet daily needs even after two or three years of use. Therefore, many students feel there is no need to change their mobile phones after the college entrance examination, but continue to use their existing devices.

But why has it become a “trend” to change mobile phones after the college entrance examination in recent years?

618 plus “College Entrance Examination Bonus”, online phone purchase has become mainstream

First of all, the price increase of flagship mobile phones is an important factor. In recent years, the prices of high-end models in the mobile phone market have continued to rise, with the prices of flagship mobile phones exceeding 5,000 yuan or even higher.

This makes many students and parents more cautious when considering replacing devices, and are more inclined to replace them at an important node such as the college entrance examination to ensure that the new mobile phone can maintain high performance and use value in the next few years. This trend makes buying a flagship phone not only a reward, but also a long-term investment.

Secondly, the synchronization of the college entrance examination time and the 618 e-commerce discounts also promoted this trend. After the college entrance examination in June every year, the 618 mid-year promotions of major e-commerce platforms immediately follow, which provides candidates and parents with an excellent purchase opportunity.

Various promotions, discounts and gift packages make high-performance mobile phones more cost-effective, attracting a large number of candidates to choose to buy new mobile phones during this period - not only can they enjoy the discounts, but they can also get started with new devices as soon as possible during the holidays , prepare for the upcoming college life.


Image source: Lei Technology

By the way, among the 15 respondents asked by Xiao Lei, 13 took the college entrance examination before 2020, and only one of them purchased at Xiaomi Mall For mobile phones, others purchased them through offline channels; but the two interviewees who took the college entrance examination after 2020 chose to exchange for new phones through online channels. In the past few days, Xiao Lei has even visited several representative mobile phone offline stores in Guangzhou. There are not many buyers of high school age in the stores. It is not difficult to see how attractive e-commerce discounts are to college entrance examination candidates.

Furthermore, the increase in mobile phone configuration requirements for mobile games in recent years is also a key reason. With the popularity of large-scale mobile games such as "Honor of Kings", "Peace Elite", and "Genshin Impact", the hardware performance of mobile phones has become particularly important. As the college entrance examination is a transitional point between "strictly controlling the use of mobile phones" and "not playing with mobile phones", it has naturally become the peak period for changing mobile phones.

Written at the end

In the final analysis, changing mobile phones after the college entrance examination has become a trend again, mainly because the practicality and necessity of mobile phones in education and life have increased significantly. With the rapid development of AI technology, smartphones are not only communication tools, but also auxiliary devices for efficient learning and life.

Future smartphones will further integrate AI functions, such as intelligent learning assistants, personalized education applications and augmented reality technology, which can greatly improve students' learning efficiency and quality of life. At that time, the mobile phone itself may be endowed with more attributes, the entertainment color will be reduced, and the learning and productivity potential will be released.

And when mobile phones become part of teaching, "giving mobile phones" when entering school may no longer be a joke.

From May 20th to June 30th, 2024, the 618 Mid-year Sale is coming. The six major e-commerce platforms of Taobao, Tmall, JD.com, Pinduoduo, Douyin, Kuaishou, and Xiaohongshu collectively " "Listen to my advice", cancel the pre-sale, and slash the price like crazy!

Popular AI hard technology categories such as digital mobile phones, AI PCs, smart home appliances, TVs, small home appliances, and air conditioner washers are gearing up and the battle is fierce.

Lei Technology 618 reporting team will pay full attention to the latest battle situation of e-commerce platforms, the latest developments of AI hard technology brands, and new trends in the e-commerce industry. Please stay tuned and look forward to it.


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