狀態管理在 React 應用程式中至關重要,因為它有助於追蹤應用程式資料。由於使用者介面 (UI) 是狀態的函數,因此確保應用程式的狀態始終是最新的至關重要。在本文中,您將了解如何選擇合適的狀態管理工具來滿足您的應用程式要求。
注意:本文適用於已經對 React 有一定了解但希望基於狀態管理為自己的 React 應用程式做出更好選擇的開發者。如果您還不了解 React,請查看文件開始學習。
基於上述先決條件,您可能已經對 React 有了一些了解。但讓我們稍微回憶一下。
React 中的狀態是元件的內存,包含特定於該元件的資訊。用程式設計術語來說,狀態就是一個 JavaScript 對象,它只包含與元件相關的資料。
如前所述,React 中的 UI 直接受狀態影響。狀態的變化主要是由於使用者互動而發生的,例如按鈕點擊、滑鼠事件、輸入操作等。因此,管理應用程式中的狀態對於確保用戶根據其互動在螢幕上體驗最新的介面至關重要。
當 React 元件的狀態改變時,會導致元件重新渲染。在此過程中,組件在幕後被銷毀並從頭開始重建。
大多數 React 應用程式在使用者與應用程式互動時都會經歷大量的狀態更新。使用最好的狀態管理技術來增強用戶體驗非常重要;畢竟,使用無響應的應用程式並不具有吸引力。想像一下,點擊 Instagram 應用程式上的「讚」按鈕,但它沒有響應。很煩吧?
React 提供了內建的鉤子來管理功能組件的狀態。這些鉤子易於使用,非常適合本地狀態管理。
當然,函數式元件是無狀態的,但 React 引入了 useState 鉤子,使開發人員能夠將狀態變數添加到需要它們的元件中。
這個鉤子在元件的頂層調用,並傳入一個初始狀態值,它傳回一個目前值的陣列和一個 setter 函數。以下是如何使用它的程式碼範例:
import { useState} from 'react'; function Counter() { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); return ( <div> <p>You clicked {count} times</p> <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}> Click me </button> </div> ); }
useState 鉤子非常適合在以下情況下管理元件中的狀態:
The useState hook provides a simple and efficient way to handle state for these scenarios, ensuring your components remain manageable and easy to understand.
The useReducer hook was introduced by the React team to handle complex state logic or case-sensitive updates. Here are the key parameters you need to keep in mind while using useReducer:
Here’s a code example of how to use this hook:
import React, { useReducer } from 'react'; const initialState = { count: 0 }; function reducer(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'increment': return { count: state.count + 1 }; case 'decrement': return { count: state.count - 1 }; default: throw new Error(); } } function Counter() { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState); return ( <div> <p>Count: {state.count}</p> <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'increment' })}> + </button> <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'decrement' })}> - </button> </div> ); }
Key Takeaways:
The useReducer hook is ideal for managing state in your components when:
Examples of Projects that Require useReducer
Complex forms: A multi-step form in a registration process.Each step of the form collects different data, and the state needs to be managed for all steps, with validation and submission logic.
Advanced to-do-list: A to-do list application with features like adding, removing, editing, and filtering tasks.
E-commerce cart management: An e-commerce site with a shopping cart that handles adding, removing, and updating item quantities.
The previously discussed options are great, but they come with a downside: the problem of prop drilling. Prop drilling occurs when a state needs to be passed down through multiple nested components from a parent to a child. This can lead to verbose and hard-to-maintain code, as each intermediary component needs to explicitly pass the state or function down the tree.Global state, which is the state needed by multiple components, becomes particularly challenging to manage with prop drilling.
To solve this problem, React introduced the Context API, which is used for managing global state. The Context API allows you to create a context object that can be accessed by any component within its provider, eliminating the need to pass props through intermediate components.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it:
Create a Context: First, create a context using the createContext function. This creates an object with a Provider and a Consumer.
import React, { createContext } from 'react'; const MyContext = createContext();
Provide Context Value: Wrap the components that need access to the context with the Provider component. Pass the value you want to share as a prop to the Provider.
function App() { const [state, setState] = useState("Hello, World!"); return ( <MyContext.Provider value={{ state, setState }}> <ChildComponent /> </MyContext.Provider> ); }
Consume Context Value: This Use the context value in the child components by using the useContext hook or the Consumer component.
import React, { useContext } from 'react'; import MyContext from './path-to-context'; function ChildComponent() { const { state, setState } = useContext(MyContext); return ( <div> <p>{state}</p> <button onClick={() => setState("Context API is awesome!")}> Change Text </button> </div> ); }
Example Usage
Here’s a complete example demonstrating how to use the Context API:
import React, { createContext, useState, useContext } from 'react'; // Create a context const MyContext = createContext(); function App() { const [state, setState] = useState("Hello, World!"); return ( <MyContext.Provider value={{ state, setState }}> <ChildComponent /> </MyContext.Provider> ); } function ChildComponent() { const { state, setState } = useContext(MyContext); return ( <div> <p>{state}</p> <button onClick={() => setState("Context API is awesome!")}> Change Text </button> </div> ); } export default App;
Key Takeaways:
Context API 非常適合需要在多個元件之間共用狀態或資料而無需在元件樹的每個層級傳遞 props 的場景。當處理全域狀態或狀態需要由深度嵌套的元件存取時,它特別有用。以下是 Context API 有益的一些具體案例:
透過了解何時以及如何使用 Context API,您可以更有效地管理 React 應用程式中的全域狀態。這種方法有助於避免 prop 鑽探的陷阱,保持程式碼庫清潔和可維護,並有助於創建更強壯和可擴展的 React 應用程式。
第三方狀態管理庫提供了額外的工具和模式來有效地管理狀態,特別是在複雜的應用程式中。這些程式庫通常具有進階功能和最佳化,可增強 React 提供的內建狀態管理解決方案。一些最受歡迎的第三方狀態管理庫包括 Redux、MobX、Recoil 和 Zustand。
在本文中,我們將介紹 Redux。如果您需要使用提到的其他人,您可以查看他們的文檔;我將在本文末尾添加連結。不要感到不知所措,這些工具中的大多數都非常適合初學者。現在,讓我們直接進入 Redux!
Redux 是一個第三方狀態管理庫,透過將所有狀態儲存在一個稱為 store 的中心位置,為 prop 鑽探和全域狀態管理提供了最佳解決方案。這意味著所有元件都可以獨立存取此狀態,無論它們在元件樹中的位置如何。
請記住,Redux 並不特別限於 React;它是一個獨立的函式庫,可以與 Angular、Vue 等其他 JavaScript 框架整合。
在我們逐步了解使用 Redux 的過程之前,了解構成 Redux 基礎的關鍵概念非常重要:
Understanding these concepts is essential to effectively implementing Redux in your React application.
In this subsection, you will learn a step-by-step approach to integrating Redux with your React projects. We'll use a simple counter-example to illustrate the process. Here are the steps:
Setting up your Project
Create a React app with Vite:
npm create vite@latest projectName
Navigate into your project directory:
cd projectName
Install Redux Toolkit and React-Redux:
npm install @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux
Creating the Redux Store: Create a new file src/app/store.js and set up the Redux store:
import { createStore } from 'redux'; import rootReducer from '../features/counter/counterReducer'; const store = createStore(rootReducer); export default store;
Creating the Reducer: Create a new directory src/features/counter and inside it, create a file counterReducer.js:
const initialState = { value: 0, }; function counterReducer(state = initialState, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'INCREMENT': return { ...state, value: state.value + 1 }; case 'DECREMENT': return { ...state, value: state.value - 1 }; case 'INCREMENT_BY_AMOUNT': return { ...state, value: state.value + action.payload }; default: return state; } } export default counterReducer;
Creating Actions: In the same directory, create a file counterActions.js:
export const increment = () => ({ type: 'INCREMENT', }); export const decrement = () => ({ type: 'DECREMENT', }); export const incrementByAmount = (amount) => ({ type: 'INCREMENT_BY_AMOUNT', payload: amount, });
Providing the Store to Your App: Wrap your application with the Redux Provider in src/main.jsx:
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import store from './app/store'; import App from './App'; import './index.css'; ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store}> <App /> </Provider>, document.getElementById('root') );
Connecting React Components to Redux: In your src/App.jsx, use the Redux state and dispatch actions:
import React from 'react'; import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { increment, decrement, incrementByAmount } from './features/counter/counterActions'; function App() { const count = useSelector((state) => state.value); const dispatch = useDispatch(); return ( <div> <p>Count: {count}</p> <button onClick={() => dispatch(increment())}>+</button> <button onClick={() => dispatch(decrement())}>-</button> <button onClick={() => dispatch(incrementByAmount(2))}>+2</button> </div> ); } export default App;
This is how to use Redux in your React applications. If you need to know more, you can check the documentation. However, Redux has introduced a more optimized way of writing Redux applications with Redux Toolkit (RTK).
Before RTK, the legacy Redux was the only way to use Redux. Now, we have Redux Toolkit with some optimized features, and that is what we will be covering in the next section.
RTK introduces several key concepts that simplify state management. The major ones you need to know are:
Slices: A slice is a collection of Redux reducer logic and actions for a single feature of your application. It streamlines the process of writing reducers and actions into a single unit.
createSlice: This RTK function helps you create a slice, automatically generating action creators and action types. It reduces boilerplate code significantly.
configureStore: This function simplifies the process of creating a Redux store by providing good defaults, including integration with the Redux DevTools Extension and middleware like redux-thunk.
createAsyncThunk: This function is used for handling asynchronous logic. It generates actions and action creators to manage different stages of an asynchronous operation (e.g., pending, fulfilled, and rejected).
Selectors: Functions that extract and derive pieces of state from the store. RTK encourages using selectors to encapsulate and reuse state logic.
RTK Query: An advanced data fetching and caching tool built into RTK. It simplifies handling server-side data, reducing the need for boilerplate code related to data fetching, caching, and synchronization.
Understanding these concepts is essential for effectively implementing Redux Toolkit in your React application.
In this subsection, you'll learn a step-by-step approach to integrating Redux Toolkit with your React projects. We’ll use a simple counter example, similar to the one used in the plain Redux example, to highlight the improvements and optimizations Redux Toolkit offers. Here are the steps:
Setting up your Project
Create a React app with Vite:
npm create vite@latest projectName
Navigate into your project directory:
cd projectName
Install Redux Toolkit and React-Redux:
npm install @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux
Creating a Redux Slice: Create a new file for your slice (e.g., counterSlice.js):
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; const counterSlice = createSlice({ name: 'counter', initialState: { count: 0 }, reducers: { increment: (state) => { state.count += 1; }, decrement: (state) => { state.count -= 1; }, }, }); export const { increment, decrement } = counterSlice.actions; export default counterSlice.reducer;
Configuring the Store: Create a new file for your store (e.g., store.js):
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import counterReducer from './counterSlice'; const store = configureStore({ reducer: { counter: counterReducer, }, }); export default store;
Providing the Store to Your App: Wrap your app with the Provider component in your main file (e.g., main.js or index.js):
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import store from './store'; import App from './App'; ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store}> <App /> </Provider>, document.getElementById('root') );
Using Redux State and Actions in Your Components: Use the useSelector and useDispatch hooks in your component (e.g., Counter.js):
import React from 'react'; import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { increment, decrement } from './counterSlice'; function Counter() { const count = useSelector((state) => state.counter.count); const dispatch = useDispatch(); return ( <div> <p>{count}</p> <button onClick={() => dispatch(increment())}>+</button> <button onClick={() => dispatch(decrement())}>-</button> </div> ); } export default Counter;
Redux Toolkit (RTK) simplifies and optimizes the traditional Redux setup by reducing boilerplate code and integrating essential tools and best practices. While legacy Redux requires manual configuration and verbose code for actions and reducers, RTK offers a more streamlined approach with utility functions like configureStore, createSlice, and createAsyncThunk.
RTK includes built-in middleware, integrates seamlessly with Redux DevTools, and promotes a standard way of writing Redux logic, making state management in React applications more efficient and maintainable. If you need to use Redux, I recommend using the modern Redux Toolkit, as it is now recommended by Redux. You can check the docs to learn more about RTK.
Redux is a powerful state management library, but it isn't always necessary for every React application. Here are some scenarios when using Redux might be beneficial:
Complex State Logic:
Global State Management:
Consistent and Predictable State:
DevTools Integration:
I hope by now you have gained more clarity and insights into choosing the right state management tool for your projects. We have covered tools that cater to both small and extremely large projects. With the knowledge gained from this article, you can now make more informed decisions for your projects. See you next time on another insightful topic.
Redux docs
Zustand docs
Mobx docs
Recoil docs
React docs
以上是Reactjs 中的狀態管理:為您的專案選擇正確的狀態管理工具的指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!