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說好的拆中國設備就給補貼 結果美國電信說話不算話

發布: 2024-07-25 07:11:43
907 人瀏覽過


這不,美國人也這樣。前段時間路透社曝光了美國聯邦通訊委員會( FCC )的吐槽,原來聯邦的老爺讓他們去拆運營商之前買的華為、中興設備。

但,卻不給補償。 。 。


说好的拆中国设备就给补贴 结果美国电信说话不算话



不過這 FCC 可比政府還急,人家法案還沒發布,他們就禁止美國電信公司們,用他家基金買這些產品了。

说好的拆中国设备就给补贴 结果美国电信说话不算话

但實際上,買中國設備的美國電信公司實在是太多了,拆不完,根本拆不完。 。 。

主要明眼人都知道我國 5G 技術遙遙領先,所以當年 5G 剛開始商用的時候,美國人就跟風下注了。像 CenturyLink 和 Verizon 這樣的大型營運商,光買中興的 5G 設備就花了幾十億。


而這些小業者為了賺米,毫不意外地選擇了便宜還可靠的中國設備。光是 FCC 曝光出來,買過中興華為兩家設備的公司就超過 200家,要是再算上買了其他小廠的,數量只會更多。

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不過,隨著川普那幾年的政策,反對中國廠商的聲音從上到下很快影響了民間,疫情期間更是出現了“口罩藏5G 天線”,“5G 基地台傳播病毒」這種弱智的陰謀論。

但政策也下來了,輿論也到這了,企業還能咋辦呢,沒錢也得拆,寶寶心裡苦啊。 。 。

说好的拆中国设备就给补贴 结果美国电信说话不算话

為了響應聯邦號召, FCC 趕緊對業者表示,沒事趕緊拆,哥們不差錢,給補助。

但運營商們沒想到的是,話雖這麼說,可 FCC 實際上只有 19 億美元能給,而這些公司實際申請的補貼總量達到了 49.8 億,整整差出 30個億的刀樂。

更令他們大跌眼鏡的是,這些補貼還是從 USF ( Universal Service Fund ,普遍服務基金)裡出的。

要知道,這個 USF 本質上就是從運營商嘴裡抽成的錢,也就是說,運營商要用自己的錢補貼自己的損失。 。 。不是哥們,這是不是有點?

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因為法案涉及了這麼些公司,先拿到補貼的只有那幾個小公司,可他們實際收到的錢還不夠設備成本的四成。 。 。

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由於金錢的問題,迄今為止完全更換了華為和中興設備的運營商只有 5 家。 。 。

但人家聯邦可不管這些,沒錢也得辦, 25 年 2 月前必須全部拆光。但就現在這個狀態,不是咱說,人家路透社也預言,要是他們真的拆下去,不少美國農村地區可能就要大面積斷網了。


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Take the UK as an example. There are a total of 19,000 telecommunications base stations in the UK, and more than 12,000 of them use Huawei technology. If they are all demolished, the entire frequency band will be blocked, let alone Scotland and Wales, just the old London man with the Union Jack flag. You have to disconnect from the Internet. Mr. Ning still wants to watch the European Cup? There are no doors.

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However, in order to give the government good news, BT still said, "Although we have dismantled it, we have not completely dismantled it. All 4G and 5G services in the UK no longer have Huawei equipment, but 2G and 3G There are still a lot of services, and we haven’t started yet.”

That’s what I said, but according to the data provided by the British government a few years ago, although Huawei is no longer in the 5G core network, there are still 35 equipment in the non-core network. %. In 4G, there are even more, accounting for 41%.

So even though their bill stipulated that it must be demolished before December 31, 2023, BT still failed to do it in the end. They are also fined 10% of their annual income for missing the deadline. . .

I finally understand Shichao. They say it’s for national security and ban Chinese equipment, but in fact they’re just trying to steal their own company’s wool, right?

说好的拆中国设备就给补贴 结果美国电信说话不算话

But it’s not just BT that suffers. After leaving Huawei, the people of old London experienced firsthand what delay is. MedUX, a European Internet testing company, released a report two days ago saying that London’s 5G network is the worst in Europe! The download speed is only 143Mbps, while the download speed in Mr. He’s video 5 years ago was 800 or 900 Mbps.

In turn, those countries that embrace China’s 5G will not be troubled at all. For example, Spain, one of the countries with the best Internet speeds in Europe, even the Philippines’ 5G service is better than that of the United Kingdom.

In the end, it’s because China’s manufacturing does have something. Our family is arrogant in the field of communications. We have no choice but to kill the New Year pig without Zhang Butcher. The result of rejecting technology is to shoot yourself in the foot.

As for not giving money but also wanting others to dismantle the equipment, Shichao thinks this is really funny. It once again fully proves that although the world is so big, it is really built by the grass-roots team.

以上是說好的拆中國設備就給補貼 結果美國電信說話不算話的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
