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3000 億元!兩部門加力支持大規模設備更新和消費品以舊換新:新能源車補 2 萬、家電最高補 20%

發布: 2024-07-26 01:17:04
1083 人瀏覽過

3000 亿元!两部门加力支持大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新:新能源车补 2 万、家电最高补 20%

本站 7 月 25 日消息,國家發展改革委、財政部 7 月 24 日印發《關於加力支持大規模設備更新和消費品以舊換新的若干措施》的通知。

通知指出,根據《推動大規模設備更新和消費品以舊換新行動方案》(國發〔2024〕7 號),現就統籌安排3000 億元左右超長期特別國債資金,加力支持大規模設備更新及消費品以舊換新,提出以下措施:


(一)最佳化裝置更新專案支援方式。安排超長期特別國債大規模設備更新專款加大對設備更新的支持。在工業、環境基礎設施、交通運輸、物流、教育、文旅、醫療等領域設備更新以及回收循環利用的基礎上,將支援範圍擴大到能源電力、老舊電梯等領域設備更新以及重點產業節能降碳和安全改造,並結合實際動態調整。統籌考慮不同領域特點,降低超長期特別國債資金申報門檻,不再設定「專案總投資不低於 1 億元」要求,支持中小企業設備更新。相關項目由國家發展改革委採取投資補助等方式支持,簡化申報審批流程,實際提升辦事效率。

(二)支援老舊營運船舶報廢更新。加速高能耗高排放老舊船舶報廢更新,推動新能源清潔能源船舶發展。支援內河客船 10 年以上、貨船 15 年以上以及沿海客船 15 年以上、貨船 20 年以上船齡的老舊船舶報廢更新。在報廢基礎上更新為燃油動力船舶或新能源清潔能源船舶的,根據不同船舶類型按1000—2200 元/ 總噸補貼;只提前報廢老舊營運船舶的,平均以1000 元/ 總噸予以補貼。

(三)支援老舊營運貨車報廢更新。支援報廢國三及以下排放標準營運類柴油貨車,加快更新為低排放貨車。報廢並更新購置符合資格的貨車,平均每輛車補貼8 萬元;無報廢只更新購置符合條件的貨車,平均每輛車補貼3.5 萬元;只提前報廢老舊營運類柴油貨車,平均每輛車補貼3 萬元。

(四)提高農業機械報廢更新補助標準。聚焦保障糧食及重要農產品穩定安全供給,提高農民及農業生產經營組織報廢更新老舊農機積極性,在《關於加大工作力度持續實施好農業機械報廢更新補貼政策的通知》(農辦機〔2024〕 4 號)基礎上,報廢20 匹馬力以下的拖拉機,單台最高報廢補貼額由1000 元提高到1500 元;報廢聯合收割機、播種機等並新購置同種類機具,在現行補貼標準基礎上,按不超過50% 提高報廢補貼標準;報廢並更新購置採棉機,單台最高報廢補貼額由3 萬元提高到6 萬元。各地區可結合實際自行確定新增不超過 6 個農機種類納入補助範圍,並依現有規定測算確定補助標準。

(五)提高新能源公車及動力電池更新補助標準。推動城市公車電動化替代,支持新能源公車及動力電池更新。更新車齡 8 年及以上的新能源公車及動力電池,平均每輛車補貼 6 萬元。

(六)提高設備更新貸款財務貼息比例。發揮再貸款政策工具作用,引導金融機構支援設備更新與技術改造。對符合《關於實施設備更新貸款財政貼息政策的通知》(財金〔2024〕54 號)條件經營主體的銀行貸款本金,中央財政貼息從1 個百分點提高到1.5 個百分點,貼息期限2 年,貼息總規模200 億元。



(8) Increase the subsidy standard for vehicle scrapping and renewal. On the basis of the "Implementation Rules for Automobile Trade-in Subsidies" (Business Consumption Letter [2024] No. 75), individual consumers scrap fuel passenger vehicles with National III and below emission standards or registered before April 30, 2018 (inclusive) New energy passenger cars, and when purchasing new energy passenger cars or fuel-fired passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less that are included in the "Catalogue of New Energy Vehicle Models Reduced or Exempted from Vehicle Purchase Tax", the subsidy standard will be increased to the subsidy level for purchasing new energy passenger cars. 20,000 yuan, and a subsidy of 15,000 yuan for purchasing a fuel-powered passenger car with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less. Consumers who apply for subsidies from the date of issuance of the "Detailed Implementation Rules for Car Trade-in Subsidies" will be subsidized in accordance with the standards of this notice. Consumers apply for subsidies according to the standards of this notice, and the corresponding scrapped motor vehicles must be registered in their name before the date of issuance of this notice.

(9) Support the trade-in of old home appliances for new ones. Trade-in subsidies will be given to individual consumers who purchase eight categories of home appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners, computers, water heaters, household stoves, and range hoods that meet energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of level 2 or above. The subsidy standard is 15% of the product sales price. For products purchased with energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of level 1 and above, an additional 5% subsidy of the product sales price will be provided. Each consumer can subsidize one product of each type, and the subsidy for each product shall not exceed 2,000 yuan. The Ministry of Commerce guides all regions to properly connect preferential policies based on actual conditions to ensure a smooth and orderly transition of policies.

(10) Implement financial support policies for the recycling and processing of waste electrical and electronic products. In 2024, the central government will allocate 7.5 billion yuan to continue to support the recycling and processing of waste electrical and electronic products in the form of "rewards instead of subsidies" to promote the healthy development of the industry. By the end of 2023, waste electrical and electronic products that have been recycled and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Products Disposal Fund Subsidy but have not yet been subsidized will be supported in installments after verification and approval by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

3. Strengthen organization and implementation

(11) Clarify funding channels. The National Development and Reform Commission takes the lead in arranging about 148 billion yuan of special funds for large-scale equipment renewal of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to implement the support policies listed in Articles (1) and (2) of this notice; it directly arranges about 150 billion yuan of ultra-long-term funds for local governments Special treasury bond funds are used to implement the support policies listed in Articles (3), (4), (5), (7), (8) and (9). The Ministry of Finance will arrange 27.5 billion yuan in central fiscal funds through original channels to implement the support policies listed in Articles (6) and (10). The support funds involved in Articles (3), (5), (7), (8), and (9) shall be shared by the central and local governments in accordance with the overall principle of 9:1, with the proportion of the central government in the eastern, central and western regions being 85% respectively. %, 90%, 95%. Provincial finance departments will allocate supporting funds in proportion according to the allocation of central funds. All regions must strictly implement the support standards in relevant fields specified in this notice. Support standards in other fields shall be reasonably formulated by each region based on actual conditions to ensure that capital investment meets policy requirements and that real money discounts reach consumers directly. If a region uses up the funds allocated by the central government, the excess will be supported by the region through local funds and the central government will no longer bear the burden. The unused funds allocated by the central government as of December 31, 2024 will be recovered to the central government.

(12) Strengthen organizational leadership. The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance coordinated and arranged ultra-long-term special government bond funds and central fiscal funds to support large-scale equipment upgrades and trade-in of consumer goods, and worked with relevant departments to formulate relevant implementation plans

以上是3000 億元!兩部門加力支持大規模設備更新和消費品以舊換新:新能源車補 2 萬、家電最高補 20%的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
