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使用後台任務 API (RequestIdleCallback) 提高 Web 應用程式效能

發布: 2024-07-26 11:47:23
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就 Web 應用程式效能而言,每一毫秒都很重要。為了確保流暢且反應迅速的使用者體驗,開發人員需要優化程式碼執行並有效利用可用資源。在這篇文章中,我們將深入研究 requestIdleCallback() API 及其提高 Web 效能的潛力。我們將探討在串列程式碼產生器中使用 requestIdleCallback() API 的實際範例,展示這個強大的 API 如何最佳化程式碼執行並增強使用者體驗。

Boosting Web Application Performance with Background Task API (RequestIdleCallback)

什麼是 requestIdleCallback?

requestIdleCallback 是一個 JavaScript API,使開發人員能夠安排在瀏覽器事件循環空閒時執行的任務。事件循環負責處理使用者互動、渲染更新和執行 JavaScript 程式碼。透過利用 requestIdleCallback,開發者可以確保非必要或耗時的任務在空閒時間執行,減少對關鍵操作的影響並提高應用程式的整體效能。

讓我們仔細看看串列程式碼產生器如何在串列程式碼產生器的上下文中使用 requestIdleCallback() API


序號產生器是一個 Web 應用程序,可產生指定數量的序號。它採用 requestIdleCallback() API 在瀏覽器空閒期間執行程式碼,確保流暢的使用者體驗。讓我們來探索一下所提供程式碼的關鍵元件和功能。


您可以在此處查看 GitHub 上的程式碼。

使用 requestIdleCallback() 產生串列程式碼:

串列程式碼產生器中的 JavaScript 邏輯利用 requestIdleCallback() API 有效率地產生串列程式碼。其工作原理如下:

// Function to generate a chunk of serial codes
function generateCodeChunk(deadline) {
    while ((deadline.timeRemaining() > 0 || deadline.didTimeout) && codeChunkLength < lengthText.value && !Taskend) {
        let code = '';
        for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
            const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length);
            code += characters.charAt(randomIndex);

        // If the desired number of codes is reached, start generating background tasks
        if (codeChunkLength >= lengthText.value) {
            logElem.innerText = null;
            taskHandler = requestIdleCallback(generateBackgroundTasks, { timeout: 1000 });

    // Continue generating code chunks if more codes are needed
    if (codeChunkLength < lengthText.value && !Taskend) {
        chunktaskHandler = requestIdleCallback(generateCodeChunk, { timeout: 1000 });
    } else {
        chunktaskHandler = null;
        taskHandler = requestIdleCallback(generateBackgroundTasks, { timeout: 1000 });

// Function to initiate the serial code generation process
function generateSerialCode() {
    const value = lengthText.value.trim();

    if (!validateNumber(value)) {
        alert('Please enter a valid number greater than zero.');

    logElem.innerText = 'Processing Data....';
    currentTaskNumber = 0;
    codeChunkLength = 0;
    lengthText.disabled = true;
    start.disabled = true;
    Taskend = false;

    chunktaskHandler = requestIdleCallback(generateCodeChunk, { timeout: 1000 });

generateCodeChunk()函數中,我們利用requestIdleCallback() API來有效率地產生一大塊串列程式碼。它會迭代,直到瀏覽器的空閒時間到期或產生所需數量的程式碼。這種方法可以防止阻塞主執行緒並提供響應式使用者體驗。

generateSerialCode() 函數負責啟動串列程式碼產生過程。它驗證使用者輸入,停用輸入欄位和開始按鈕,並透過使用generateCodeChunk()調度requestIdleCallback()來啟動程式碼產生。

透過使用 requestIdleCallback() API,序列程式碼產生器可確保程式碼產生任務在空閒期間執行,從而提高 Web 應用程式的整體效能和使用者體驗。

Benefits of Using requestIdleCallback

  1. Improved Responsiveness: By deferring non-critical tasks to idle periods, web applications can maintain a responsive user interface. This is particularly important when dealing with tasks that require significant processing time, such as complex calculations, data manipulation, or rendering updates. By executing these tasks during idle periods, the main thread remains available for handling user interactions, resulting in a smoother and more interactive experience.
  2. Optimal Resource Utilization: The requestIdleCallback API helps in optimizing resource utilization by ensuring that tasks are executed when system resources are available. By avoiding resource contention, web applications can efficiently utilize the CPU, memory, and other system resources, leading to improved overall performance.
  3. Reduced Jank and Stutter: Jank refers to the visible stutter or jerkiness experienced by users when interacting with a web application. By using requestIdleCallback to schedule tasks, developers can minimize jank by distributing the workload evenly across idle periods. This results in a more consistent frame rate and a smoother visual experience.
  4. Progressive Loading and Rendering: requestIdleCallback is particularly useful for progressive loading and rendering techniques. Instead of loading and rendering all the content at once, developers can leverage idle periods to load and render content incrementally, improving perceived performance and allowing users to start interacting with the application sooner.

Implementing requestIdleCallback involves the following steps:

  • Task Scheduling: Identify tasks that can be deferred and executed during idle periods. These tasks should be non-critical and not impact the immediate user experience.
  • Registering the Callback: Use the requestIdleCallback() function to register a callback function that will be invoked when the browser's event loop is idle. This function takes a callback function as an argument, which will be executed when idle time is available.
function performIdleTasks(deadline) {
  // Task execution logic

  // Check if there are more tasks remaining
  if (moreTasks()) {
    // Reschedule the callback to continue executing tasks in the next idle period

// Initiate the first requestIdleCallback
  • Task Execution: Within the callback function, perform the desired tasks that were identified for idle execution. These tasks could include data processing, optimizing performance, lazy-loading resources, or any other operation that can be deferred without affecting immediate user interactions.
function performIdleTasks(deadline) {
  while (deadline.timeRemaining() > 0) {
    // Perform idle tasks here
    // These tasks should be non-critical and time-consuming

  // Check if there are more tasks remaining
  if (moreTasks()) {
    // Reschedule the callback to continue executing tasks in the next idle period

// Initiate the first requestIdleCallback
  • Task Prioritization: Prioritize tasks within the callback function based on their importance and impact on the user experience. Ensure that critical tasks are executed first, while less critical or time-consuming tasks can be executed later during subsequent idle periods.
function performIdleTasks(deadline) {
  while (deadline.timeRemaining() > 0) {
    // Check if there are critical tasks that need to be executed immediately
    if (hasCriticalTasks()) {
      // Execute critical tasks
      return; // Exit the callback to prioritize critical tasks

    // Perform less critical or time-consuming tasks here

  // Check if there are more tasks remaining
  if (moreTasks()) {
    // Reschedule the callback to continue executing tasks in the next idle period

// Initiate the first requestIdleCallback

By following these steps and incorporating requestIdleCallback into your code, you can effectively schedule non-critical tasks to be executed during idle periods, optimizing performance and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Web performance optimization is a crucial aspect of delivering exceptional user experiences. The requestIdleCallback() API offers a powerful tool to schedule non-critical tasks during idle periods, ensuring smooth performance and responsiveness. The Serial Code Generator example showcased how this API can be effectively utilized, enabling background code execution without disrupting critical tasks.

By incorporating the requestIdleCallback() API into your web development workflow, you can optimize resource usage, prioritize essential tasks, and enhance overall performance. Whether it’s generating codes, performing complex calculations, or updating large data sets, leveraging idle periods with requestIdleCallback() can lead to significant performance gains.

As you embark on your web development journey, consider integrating the requestIdleCallback() API to unlock the full potential of your applications. By optimizing code execution and leveraging idle periods efficiently, you can provide users with exceptional experiences and set your web applications apart from the competition.

Keep exploring and experimenting with the requestIdleCallback() API to make your web applications faster, smoother, and more enjoyable for your users.

Happy optimizing!

以上是使用後台任務 API (RequestIdleCallback) 提高 Web 應用程式效能的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
