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本月用戶數突破1萬並推出激勵活動,我們該如何參與Notional Finance?

發布: 2024-07-26 13:01:22
730 人瀏覽過

Notional Finance 是一家於 2021 年發起的專注於固定利率加密貸款的新創公司。自同年 4 月 30 日宣布獲得 1,000 萬美元 A 輪融資以來,由 Pantera Capital 領投,Parafi、1Confirmation、Spartan Group、Nascent 和 Nima Capital 等創投公司也參與其中。 Notional Finance 利用此次融資積極建構團隊,推動產品和服務的持續優化。

截至目前,Notional Finance 的總存款額已達 4,062 萬美元,總未償債務為 1,820 萬美元,活躍帳戶數為 1,259 個。這些數據充分展示了其在 DeFi 領域的影響力和快速成長的用戶基礎。

在最新進展中,Notional Finance 宣布其 V3 版本已於 2023 年 11 月 6 日上線 Arbitrum。 Notional V3 版本支援 12 種資產的借貸,並計劃推出更多新功能,包括新增 3 個新的 Aura 槓桿金庫策略,以及將 LINK、UNI 和 LDO 作為新的抵押品。此舉將進一步增強 Notional Finance 的產品多樣性和市場競爭力。

本月用户数突破1万并推出激励活动,我们该如何参与Notional Finance?

從最新數據顯示,Notional V3 在各個日期的儲備量和累積用戶數均呈現出顯著增長。尤其是在 2024 年 7 月初,其儲備量達到了一個新的高峰,同時累積用戶數也在短時間內急劇上升,突破了 10000 人。這些數據不僅反映了 Notional Finance 的穩健發展,也反映出市場對其產品的高度認可。

那麼,Notional Finance 是如何在競爭激烈的 DeFi 市場中持續發展的呢?


DeFi 賽道作為加密領域最古老的賽道之一,在本輪多頭市場的表現並不盡如人意。根據數據顯示,DeFi 板塊在過去一年的整體漲幅僅為 41.3%,遠遠落後於市場平均 91%,甚至落後於以太坊的 75.8%。 2024 年的數據也顯示,DeFi 板塊整體下跌 11.2%,表現依舊不佳。然而,在當前山寨幣價格大幅滑落的背景下,DeFi 板塊,尤其是其中的頭部項目,可能迎來了其誕生以來的最佳佈局時刻。

在這樣的市場環境下,固定利率加密貸款協議 Notional Finance 展現了其獨特的優勢和市場吸引力。 2023 年 11 月 6 日,Notional Finance 宣布其 V3 版本已上線 Arbitrum。 Notional V3 支援 12 種資產的借貸,並即將推出更多新功能,包括新增 3 個新的 Aura 槓桿金庫策略,以及將 LINK、UNI 和 LDO 作為新的抵押品。這一系列的創新舉措不僅豐富了其產品線,也進一步增強了其在 DeFi 市場的競爭力。

最新數據顯示,Notional V3 在各個日期的儲備量和累積用戶數均呈現顯著增長。尤其是在 2024 年 7 月初,其儲備量達到了一個新的高峰,同時累積用戶數也在短時間內急劇上升,突破了 10000 人。這些數據不僅反映了 Notional Finance 的穩健發展,也反映出市場對其產品的高度認可。

此外,Notional Finance 的市場表現同樣令人矚目。其 pCash 市場的利用率達到了 65.39%,借款利率為 12.17%,供應利率為 6.63%。總的來說,Notional V3 的總供應量為 2032874.44 美元,而總債務為 1329371.63 美元。過去一天的協議費用為 333.57 美元,累積協議費用達到了 214052.33 美元。這些數據表明,Notional Finance 在優化使用者體驗和提升市場參與度方面取得了顯著成效。

本月用户数突破1万并推出激励活动,我们该如何参与Notional Finance?

Concerns about market fluctuations enable them to plan and manage their finances better. User John said: "Notional Finance's fixed-rate loan helped me maintain the stability of my assets during market turmoil. I no longer worry about the risks caused by sudden interest rate changes." In addition, after the launch of Notional Finance's V3 version, the user experience has improved significantly improved. Newly added asset-backed and leveraged vault strategies provide users with more choices and flexibility. Sarah, a long-term user, commented: "The launch of the V3 version and the introduction of new features have made my operations on Notional Finance more convenient and efficient. I am very much looking forward to more innovative features in the future."

Overall, Notional Finance Finance has performed well in user demand and market feedback, and its status and influence in the DeFi market are also constantly increasing. In the future, Notional Finance is expected to continue to lead the development of the DeFi fixed-rate lending market and provide users with more secure, efficient and diversified financial services.

Notional adopts a fixed-rate lending model and has more innovative features, emerging in DeFi

Notional Finance occupies a place in the DeFi market mainly due to its unique advantages and advanced technical framework. As an innovative platform focusing on fixed-rate crypto loans, Notional Finance provides a stable and reliable lending environment, allowing users to maintain financial stability amid market fluctuations.

First of all, the biggest advantage of Notional Finance is its fixed-rate lending model. Unlike the variable rate lending offered by most DeFi platforms, Notional enables fixed rate lending through the fCash token mechanism. The fCash token is defined by an associated cryptocurrency and maturity date, allowing users to determine interest rates in advance when borrowing and lending, avoiding interest rate uncertainty caused by market fluctuations. This mechanism greatly reduces the risk of lending and attracts a large number of risk-averse users.

本月用户数突破1万并推出激励活动,我们该如何参与Notional Finance?

Secondly, Notional Finance’s technical framework also brings significant advantages to it. Its V3 version introduces several innovative features to further enhance the platform’s flexibility and user experience. For example, the V3 version supports lending and borrowing of 12 assets and adds 3 new Aura leveraged vault strategies, allowing users to utilize capital more efficiently. In addition, Notional also includes tokens such as LINK, UNI and LDO as collateral, enriching users' choices.

Notional’s technical architecture adopts an advanced automated market maker (AMM) model to ensure the platform’s liquidity and interest rate stability. Notional enables efficient treasury management and risk control by deploying multiple liquidity pools between fCash and supported assets. Its custom AMM functionality dynamically adjusts curve sensitivity to reduce slippage and ensure deposits and withdrawals have minimal impact on real interest rates.

In addition, the security of Notional Finance is also fully guaranteed. The platform has undergone strict auditing and verification during the code writing and testing phases to ensure the reliability and security of the protocol. Notional partners with leading security audit firms such as APT and Certora to further improve system security and user trust through immutability verification and code arena.

Taken together, Notional Finance has established a good reputation in the DeFi market with its unique fixed-rate lending model, advanced technical framework and strong security guarantees. In the future, Notional will continue to innovate and optimize its products and services to provide users with more secure, efficient and diversified financial solutions.

Multiple incentive plans are launched simultaneously, and users can make profits by harvesting Notional wool

In order to further enhance user experience and market participation, Notional Finance has launched a number of incentive plans. These programs are designed to attract more users to Notional’s products and reward those who provide liquidity, lend, and use leverage strategies on the platform.

ARB Incentive Program Overview:

Starting June 12, 2024, Notional launched a 12-week ARB Incentive Program on Arbitrum, with a total of 250,000 ARB distributed. This plan mainly targets the following types of users:

1. Liquidity Providers (LPs): Provide liquidity in Notional’s fixed interest rate market and earn interest and transaction fees. Supported assets include USDC, ETH, USDT, rETH, and wstETH.

2. Lenders: Earn variable or fixed interest rates by depositing tokens, and can use these tokens as collateral for borrowing. Supported assets include USDC, ETH, USDT, DAI, FRAX, and wstETH.

3. Borrowers: Borrow funds at variable or fixed interest rates. Supported assets include USDC, USDT, DAI, and FRAX.

4. Leveraged Vault Users: Earn leveraged income through Notional’s unique leveraged vault strategy.

Points Plan and Distribution Method:

ARB incentives will be distributed on a monthly basis through the Points Plan, which is divided into three four-week seasons:

Season 1: 55,000 ARB will be distributed, starting on June 12, 2024

Season 2 And 3: 60,000 ARB each distributed

Users receive points based on the multiplication factor (Boost) of each dollar of assets and products held. For example, if a user deposits $200 in a product with a 2x multiplier factor, he will receive 400 points per day. Points are converted into ARB allocations at the end of the season, and the number of ARBs a user receives is directly related to the proportion of points they earned during the season.

How to participate:

1. Visit Notional platform: Visit Notional Finance.

2. Deposit assets or borrow money: Choose to deposit supported assets on the platform, provide liquidity, or borrow money.

3. Participate in the points program: Check the multiplication factor and details of each product on the points program page.

4. Receive rewards: After each season, receive corresponding ARB incentives based on the points ratio.

Through these incentive plans, Notional Finance provides users with additional income opportunities, enhancing the platform’s activity and user stickiness. In the future, Notional will continue to launch more innovative measures to promote the development of the DeFi ecosystem.

以上是本月用戶數突破1萬並推出激勵活動,我們該如何參與Notional Finance?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
