伴隨暑期的到來,廣大學子開始了豐富多元的社會實踐與課外學習。就在 7 月 26 日,2024「走進華為・人生第一堂 HarmonyOS 公開課」活動正式向全網開啟報名。據悉,7 月26 日至8 月10 日期間,活動開放於2024 年高考畢業生及大一/ 大二學生報名,最終入選的100 名學生將於8 月17 日走進華為參加HarmonyOS 公開課活動,並有機會與天才少年等大咖嘉賓面對面、沉浸式探索HarmonyOS 全場景智慧新體驗等。這次HarmonyOS 公開課的公開招募,不僅為即將步入大學校園或已在大學深造的學生們搭建了一個難能可貴的學習平台,背後更深藏著華為在鴻蒙生態建設以及人才培養上的深遠佈局與戰略考量。

自去年9 月鴻蒙原生應用全面啟動開發以來,金融、生活、社交、娛樂等多個領域的鴻蒙原生應用都在加速推進開發進程,鴻蒙生態的增速進展,持續帶動著人才需求的不斷釋放,也吸引了大量人才湧入鴻蒙生態的懷抱。
今年初智聯招聘發布的《2024 年春招市場行情週報(第一期)》指出:鴻蒙生態快速發展,帶動人才供需兩旺,春節後開工第一周,鴻蒙相關職位數同比增長163%,投遞人數較去年同期成長349%,即分別增至去年同期的2.6 倍、4.5 倍,漲勢突出。
同時,根據智聯研究院數據顯示,軟體和網路產業的大公司是鴻蒙人才的主要招募方,鴻蒙開發崗位的平均月薪超過了 18,000 元。

在今年 6 月的華為開發者大會(HDC 2024)上,華為宣布了一個令人矚目的成績:鴻蒙生態設備的數量已經超過了 9 億台。
同時,有超過 5000 個應用程式開始了鴻蒙原生應用程式的開發,並且已經有 1500 多個應用程式成功上架。
為此,華為不斷投入大量資源培養鴻蒙系統的專業人才,持續建立堅實的鴻蒙人才基礎。這次的「走進華為・人生第一堂 HarmonyOS 公開課」活動的舉辦,事實上也是華為在人才培育領域眾多舉措中的一部分。
早在去年,諸如清華大學、北京航空航天大學、武漢大學等985 高校已經率先開設了HarmonyOS 的相關課程,課程內容涵蓋了分佈式操作系統原理與鴻蒙實踐、基於HarmonyOS 的移動智能終端開發、基於HarmonyOS 的人工智慧程式設計實踐等等。
不僅如此,華為也為鴻蒙人才培養提供豐厚的資源支援。例如在今年年初的鴻蒙生態千帆啟航儀式上,華為宣布「耀星計畫」投入 70 億元激勵鴻蒙開發者在鴻蒙原生應用、元服務、SDK 等方面的創新。
華為宣布將攜手夥伴,依托鴻蒙生態學堂、大學共同培養鴻蒙人才、城市發布鴻蒙人才培養政策等方式,每月培養 10 萬多鴻蒙開發者。
此外,華為還開啟了 2024 HarmonyOS 創新賽,最高單項獎 100 萬元,為開發者提供以賽代練、持續進階的開放平台。

Up to now, students from 305 universities have participated in Hongmeng-related activities, Hongmeng campus open courses have entered 175+ universities, and there are more than 200 Hongmeng industry-university cooperation projects; 3,409 companies have participated in Hongmeng Ecological School, and the number of students has reached 435 Ten thousand, 750,000+ developers have passed Hongmeng related certifications; 285,000+ developers have obtained professional certificate certification; the number of Hongmeng developers has reached 2.54 million; the number of monthly calls to application development services is 82.7 billion times; Huawei has joined forces with 23 certified training partners to accelerate Hongmeng Talent training and institutional empowerment have reached 290,000+ people; six cities including Fuzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Xiamen, Dongguan, and Huizhou have issued Hongmeng talent training policies.
The implementation of this series of courses, training and policies jointly reflects the firm confidence and deep expectations of universities, enterprises and local governments in the future development of Hongmeng talents. It also indicates that Hongmeng Ecosystem is growing at an unprecedented speed, building a The virtuous cycle system driven by ecological development, market demand and talent training has given powerful wings to Hongmeng's take-off.
Writing at the end There is no doubt that ecology is the foundation of the development of operating systems, and the core driving force for this development undoubtedly comes from talents. When a system ecosystem continues to grow and develop rapidly, the industry's demand for talents will also rise to new heights.
Hongmeng is the best example.
At present, HarmonyOS has become the second largest operating system in China, and pure-blood Harmony has also entered the sprint commercial stage. It is predicted that by 2025, the demand for Hongmeng development talents will exceed one million, and a huge blue ocean market is ready to develop.
For college students, a new era of opportunities is about to usher in. This time entering Huawei's first HarmonyOS open class is the best time to understand and learn about Harmony. It is worth mentioning that this time Huawei has also prepared a generous admission gift package, including a 100 yuan gift certificate for Huawei wallet and transportation card, a Huawei App season card gift package, a 7-day Tianjitong global traffic card, and a series of peripheral gifts. Interested students Partners, you may wish to follow the top Weibo of Huawei Device Cloud Service, click on the web link or scan the QR code on the event poster to participate in the registration.

以上是HarmonyOS 公開課程公開招募,人才是鴻蒙發展關鍵引擎的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!