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電腦電源供電不足,輕則會導致系統不穩定、黑屏藍屏死機,重則可能燒壞主機板、顯示卡等硬體。 php小編西瓜將詳細介紹電源供電不足的症狀與解決方法,協助大家及時追蹤修復問題,確保電腦穩定運作。




1. 突然死機或重啟:當您運行比較耗費功率的應用程式(如遊戲、影片編輯等)時,電腦突然死機或重新啟動。

2. 效能下降:處理器、顯示卡等硬體的效能受限,運作速度變慢,玩遊戲卡頓嚴重。

3. 啟動困難:電腦在開機時需要更長的時間才能進入作業系統。

4. 噪音過大:由於電源供應硬體不足,各個硬體可能發出嘶嘶聲或噪音。

5. 電源燈或指示燈未亮起:如果您的電腦上有電源開關或指示燈,可能會遇到點不亮的情況。









你自問過幾百次的問題又浮現腦海,為什麼電腦這幾天的啟動速度都這麼慢。然後不幸的就發生了。硬碟沒完沒了地劇烈轉動著,最後終於變成巨大且令人揪心的噪音。閃過畫面的是"Failure Fixed Disk 0",或是類似的兇訊。你的胃感到一陣下沉--硬碟出麻煩了。

不要害怕。我們這裡有簡易步驟式的指南,能幫助你修復一切硬碟故障,還加上事先防止問題發生秘訣。 在你尋找螺絲起子之前,先試試這個。







如果這樣不奏效… 如果你嘗試了自動辨識(或你的BIOS自動嘗試),但BIOS卻無法認識硬碟,那麼問題比較嚴重了。這樣就該是關掉電腦、撥起插頭、拆開電腦外殼的時候了。 捲起你的袖子,來做幾個基本的硬體檢查。


在打開你的系統之前,應該先讓自己接觸一下電腦裡的金屬框架,以釋放出靜電,防止傷害系統的零件。然後撥去電腦的電源插頭。 (注意:如果你在打開電腦以後又站起來四處走動,你就必須再將電源插頭插回去,重新接地,然後再把插頭撥掉,以確保你身上沒有靜電。)





長時間的電氣擴張和收縮,會導致接頭內的接腳彼此接觸不良,光看是無法察覺的。所以當你打開外殼時,你可以輕輕搖晃每個連接在硬碟及主機板上的接頭--更好的方法,是將每個接頭撥開再重新接回去,以恢復其接觸狀態。 另外,碰碰你的電纜數據線作一下測試。如果它變得很硬,試試看換條新的--有可能是包附在絕緣層裡頭的某條纜線斷掉了。不過要確定你換的是同型的電纜線。 一旦這些事情你都做過了,請將電源插回,啟動電腦,然後看看會發生什麼事。






最後,就是保持一個健康的硬碟。常用類似ScanDisk等等的硬碟掃描工具來檢查壞的區塊,這工具在Windows 95/98的附件裡面都有。它可以幫你避免可能發生的問題,或是在問題變得嚴重之前,就把它們解決掉。



前幾天筆者的系統(WinXP)突然啟動不起來了(筆者的電腦配置:MSI KT333+8233A、西捷酷魚IV 60G),現像是一直停留在啟動畫面而無法進入作業系統。開始筆者也沒太在意,認為可能是啟動文件有問題,修復一下就成了。可是試了幾次都不成。



到這裡基本的問題已經找到,硬碟失去對DMA工作模式的支援了。筆者到西捷的官方網站下載專用的更改硬碟工作模式的工具,可是偵測出硬碟此時的預設模式就是DMA,又使用西捷硬碟的專用查錯工具進行全面檢查。結果一切正常!筆者開始感覺故障可能是硬體造成的。仔細檢察硬碟後終於發現問題了,硬碟的 IDE介面居然斷了一根針。筆者趕緊用梅花口的改錐擰下螺絲,將西捷硬碟外的金屬防護板及海綿取下,露出電路板,從其他地方找到一根跳線針,補到原來少針的地方並焊好。然後將硬碟復原,重裝系統後故障解決。



在電腦的使用過程中,我們都有可能會遇到電腦無法啟動的問題。造成系統啟動故障的原因有很多種,其中許多都與硬碟有關。一般情況下,當硬碟故障的時候,BIOS會給予一些英文提示訊息。由於不同廠商主機板或不同版本的BIOS,其給予的提示訊息可能會有​​一些差異,但基本上都是大同小異的。下面我們就以使用較為常見的Award BIOS為例,探討如何利用其給予的提示訊息,判斷並處理硬碟不能啟動故障的方法。

1.Hard disk controller failure. This is one of the most common error messages. When this happens, you should carefully check whether the connection plug of the data cable is loose, whether the connection is correct, or whether the hard disk parameter settings are correct.

2.Date error. When this happens, there are irreparable errors in the data the system reads from the hard disk or there are bad sectors on the disk. At this time, you can try to start the ScanDisk program to scan and correct logical errors in the sectors. If the bad sectors are physical bad sectors, you need to use special tools to try to repair them.

3.no boot sector on hard disk drive. In this case, the boot sector on the hard disk may be damaged, usually because the boot sector of the hard disk system has been infected with a virus. When encountering this situation, you must first use the latest version of anti-virus software to thoroughly check for viruses in the system, and then use software with boot sector recovery functions such as KV3000 to try to restore the boot record. If you are using WinXP system, you can start the "Recovery Console" and call the FIXMBR command to restore the master boot sector.

4.Reset Failed (hard disk reset failure), Fatal Error Bad Hard Disk (hard disk fatal error), DD Not Detected (hard disk is not detected) and HDD Control Error (hard disk control error). When any of the above prompts appear, it is usually a fault on the hard disk control circuit board, the hard disk interface circuit on the motherboard, or the mechanical part inside the disk body. In this case, you can only ask a professional to repair the corresponding control circuit or replace it directly. harddisk.

Folding Bad Sectors Fault

Through the above learning, King has some understanding of how to solve the problem of hard disk failure. The next thing King wants to know is of course how to deal with his own hard disk that already has bad sectors. In this issue, the teacher will introduce to King the faults of logical bad sectors and physical bad sectors and the corresponding repairs. But before the lecture began, the teacher reminded King that he must be cautious and careful in doing this work.

Logical bad sectors

Logical bad sectors are a type of hard disk failure that easily occurs in daily computer use. Logical bad sectors are actually the discrepancy between the checksum (ECC) on the disk track and the data and servo information on the track. match. The main reason for this kind of failure is usually due to the incorrect operation of some programs, or it is a precursor to the instability of the magnetic media in the sector. The manifestation of logical bad sectors in general computer use is an error when accessing files or when cloning a hard disk. When the error location is reached, an error message window pops up and the process cannot continue. The method to eliminate this kind of logical bad sectors is relatively simple. Many special software such as: DM, NORTON's DISK DOCTOR, etc. can do it, but the most commonly used one is the "disk scan" function that comes with Windows. For FATl6 or FAT32 partitions, you can use Scandisk to scan the disk in DOS real mode. At this time, the system can mark out the sectors with logical errors, and these sectors will be avoided during future access operations. Since the use of these software is relatively simple and has many introductions, I will not explain too much here.

However, if you use an NTFS partition and install Windows XP, since it does not have the Scandisk tool, you can only use the Chkdsk tool. The Chkdsk tool creates and displays disk status reports based on the file system used. In addition, Chkdsk can also list and correct errors on the disk. However, without any parameters, chkdsk will only display the status of the disk in the current drive and will not correct any errors. To correct errors, the /f parameter must be included.

Physical bad sectors

Hard drive physical bad sectors is a common hard drive failure. In fact, it is caused by "hard" reasons such as sudden power outages, shocks, and scratches during reading and writing, which cause the magnetic media in some sectors to lose their magnetic memory capabilities. Normally, such damage is difficult to repair. Because, in the track list inside the hard disk, this sector is marked as normal, and bad sectors also exist physically. Therefore, it cannot be eliminated by scanning, formatting, low formatting or activating sectors. This sector must be added to the system reserved area set inside the hard disk to tell the disk that these tracks can no longer be used before the hard disk can be restored. Eliminate this bad sector within the visible range of the control system. Of course, this requires the use of some special software, which makes maintenance difficult for ordinary users.

However, some hard drive manufacturers will provide original tool software, such as IBM/Hitachi’s DFT and Western Digital’s Data LifeGuard Diagnostics. These original tools not only have fast scanning speeds, but also have high identification accuracy, and can deal with the more common physical bad sector failures of hard drives. Therefore, the original software is more reliable for operating inside the hard disk. Unless the original tools cannot solve the problem, it is not recommended to use third-party software tools.

Compared with the more advanced hiding method above, for those users with low requirements, you can use the combination of "Bad Disk Partitioner" FBDISK and Disk Genius to complete the location of bad sectors. Tasks hidden by partitions. Its specific operations are briefly introduced as follows:

First, copy the downloaded software to the root directory of the C drive of a normally used computer, and then mount the hard drive with physical bad sectors on the computer as the second hard drive. Then boot into the real mode of DOS and run the Disk Genius executable program Diskgen, then press the "Ctrl+Alt" key combination and select "Second Hard Drive" under the "Hard Disk" menu. At this time, you can see the specific partition status of the second hard disk. If you want to resize this hard disk, you can delete all partitions, then save and exit.

Then run FB Disk, select the hard drive to be detected and press "Y" to start scanning. If the hard disk has bad sectors, FB Disk will automatically show which sector and track it is in. After the scan is completed, it can list all bad sectors and ask if you want to write to the hard disk. If you press "Y", the bad sectors will be automatically hidden, and finally press the Esc key to exit.

Then run Diskgen again. At this time, you can see the disk condition after FB Disk processing. At this time, the bad sectors will appear grayish white. Use Diskgen to slightly expand the partition that hides physical bad sectors. Finally, hide all these bad sectors in one partition, and the repair work is over.

The two softwares are used together because the hard disk processed by FBDisk may have many partitions, and the software itself is limited to a maximum of 4 primary partitions, which will lead to low hard disk utilization. Through the cooperation of Diskgen, this problem can be solved well.

Collapse and edit this section Bad Sector Repair

Scandisk is the most commonly used tool to solve hard drive logical bad sectors, but our common Format command cannot repair any hard drive bad sectors. This is something we need to clear. If the hard disk has bad sectors, we can select the hard disk drive letter to be processed in "My Computer" under the Windows system environment, select its "Properties", and select "Check Status" in the "Tools" button that appears. , click "Start Check", then select "Comprehensive Check" in "Scan Type", and check "Automatically Repair Errors", and then "Start". It will completely scan the hard disk surface and Possible bad clusters are automatically corrected. Secondly, in DOS state, if the hard disk has bad sectors, the computer will usually automatically run Scandisk to scan when it starts, and the bad clusters will be marked with a "B" (bad) in red letters on a black background. Of course, if the system does not scan the disk at startup or cannot enter the Windows system, we can also use a floppy disk or CD-ROM boot disk to start the computer and run Scandisk under the corresponding drive letter, such as "A:" *: (Note: * is the hard drive letter to be scanned), press Enter and then repair the corresponding hard drive partition that needs to be scanned and repaired.

If there are irreparable bad clusters or physical bad sectors on the hard disk, you can use some disk software to divide these bad sectors into a separate area and hide them, which can extend the service life of your hard disk.

If the system displays "TRACK 0 BAD, DISK UNUSABLE", it means "zero track is damaged, the hard disk cannot be used" or when scanning other hard disks with ScanDisk, a red "B" appears in sector 0. Damage to sector 0 of a hard disk is a troublesome problem for everyone. Most people tend to scrap hard disks with such failures. In fact, the rational use of some disk software to shield the scrapped 0 sectors and replace them with 1 sectors can bring about a resurrection effect. Such software such as Pctools9.0 and NU8, etc.

Method 1: Let’s take Pctools9.0 as an example to illustrate. The above failure occurs on a 2.1G hard disk. After starting the computer with the disk, run the DE.EXE file in the Pctools9.0 directory. Then select Drive in the Select of the main menu. After entering, select Physical in the Drive type item, press the space button to select, then press the Tab key to switch to the Drives item, select hard disk, then OK and press Enter to return to the main menu. Open the Select menu, and Partition Table will appear. After selecting it, the hard disk partition table information will appear. The hard disk has two partitions. Find area C. This partition starts from the 0 cylinder of the hard disk. Then, just change the 0 of the Beginning Cylinder of the 1 partition to 1. Save and exit. After restarting the computer, press the Del key to enter the COMS settings and run "IDE AUTO DETECT". You can see that CYLS changes from 782 to 781. After saving and exiting, repartition and format the hard drive to bring it back to life.

Method 2: Norton NU8.0 is also easier to use. For example, if a 1.28G hard disk has a 0-track damage fault, enter the NU8 toolkit directory, run its main program NORTON.EXE, and then select the "Rescue Disk" RESCUE option to back up the boot area, partition table and other information of the hard disk. Then select "Disk Editor DISKEDIT". After successful operation, select "Object". After selecting "Partition Table", you can see that the parameters of this hard disk are as follows: SIDE is 0-63, cluster CYLINDER is 0-255, and sector SECTOR is 1. -63, its master boot record and partition table information should be in 0 side, 0 column and 1 sector. What we have to do is to change the starting sector of the C drive from 0 side, 0 column, and 1 sector to 0 side, 1 column, and 1 sector. Just move the cursor and modify it manually. Another thing that needs to be said is that changing the value should be based on the specific situation. Finally, after saving, exit and restart the computer. Use the Format command to format the hard disk and it can be used normally. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the repaired hard disk must not be repartitioned using partitioning tools such as Fdisk under DOS to avoid changing the starting cylinder of the hard disk.

If none of the above methods work, you have to use the hard drive low-level formatting program that comes with the motherboard or the low-level formatting program provided with the hard drive manufacturer such as DM, LFormat, etc. to perform low-level formatting on the entire hard drive. It can perform low-level formatting on the hard drive. Reorganize and eliminate some bad sectors.

4. Computer host power failure

Computer host power failure: How to identify and solve common problems

In the process of our daily use of computers, computer host power failure is a common problem that may cause problems for our work It brings a lot of troubles to life. Knowing how to identify and resolve computer host power failures is critical to maintaining the normal operation of your computer. This article will introduce you to some common computer host power failures and solutions to help you better deal with this problem.

How to identify computer host power supply failure

Computer host power supply failure may manifest itself as the computer cannot start, suddenly freezes, or the computer shuts down immediately after starting. Here are some signs that may indicate a power supply problem:

The computer won't start and nothing happens when I press the power button. The computer suddenly freezes after starting up without any warning. The computer often shuts down automatically while running. The computer makes an unusual buzzing or noise when it is turned on.

If you encounter the above situation, it is likely that the computer host power supply is faulty. Next, we will introduce some common solutions to help you deal with computer host power failure.

Common computer host power failures and solutions

1. Poor contact of the power cord

Poor contact of the power cord of the computer host may cause the computer to fail to start or suddenly crash. The solution is to check whether the power cord is plugged in properly, re-plug and unplug the power cord to make sure the connection is secure.

2. Power supply problem

The power supply may malfunction due to overload or aging. You can try to replace it with another reliable power supply to test whether it is a power supply problem.

3. Power switch failure

A power switch failure may cause the computer to fail to start or shut down. You can try to open the computer host with a screwdriver and check whether the power switch is normal. If there is any problem, replace the power switch.

4. Power module failure

Power module failure may be one of the causes of computer host power failure. You can disassemble the computer host and check whether the power module is burned out or damaged. If there is any problem, it is recommended to ask a professional to replace the power module.

5. Computer motherboard failure

In some cases, computer host power failure may be caused by computer motherboard failure. If you suspect that the power failure is caused by a faulty computer motherboard, it is recommended to contact professional maintenance personnel immediately for repair.

How to prevent computer host power failure

In addition to promptly identifying and solving computer host power failures, preventing failures is equally important. Here are some suggestions to help you prevent computer host power failure:

Regular cleaning: Clean the computer host and power cord regularly, and ensure good ventilation. Pay attention to electricity usage: Avoid using low-quality power cords or connectors, and pay attention to the socket and power supply conditions around the computer. Avoid overloading: Avoid excessive use of the computer and be aware of overloading of the power supply. Regular maintenance: Regularly check the power supply and related components of the computer host to find and solve problems in time.


Computer host power failure is a common problem during computer use, but as long as we can identify the problem in time and take effective measures to solve it, we can ensure the normal operation of the computer. We hope that the content introduced in this article can help you better understand the identification and solution of computer host power failure, prevent the occurrence of failures, and ensure the stable operation of the computer.

5. What usually happens when the computer’s power fails?

1. The optical drive itself is intact. Due to motherboard or data cable failure, some accessories have poor contact, resulting in the inability to read the disk. Solution: Use the replacement method to eliminate problems with the CPU, power supply and other accessories, and then use the replacement method to lock the fault in on the power supply. Because the added light drives the computer power supply to be insufficient, the disk cannot be read. You can replace the power supply or uninstall the optical drive and the fault disappears. Due to insufficient power of the power supply, it will also cause the computer to restart for no reason. It is also necessary to replace the power supply with a larger power. 2. The computer cannot work normally or performs unstable. Turn on the main power supply of the computer and observe that the "power" and "hdd" indicators of the computer are slightly bright. When the "power" button is pressed, the computer starts to self-check the optical drive and hard disk. After the inspection, it actually stopped working. Even if I pressed the restart button on the computer, there was no response, but sometimes it could start normally, but the performance was unstable.

6. What will happen if the computer power supply burns out?

If your computer’s power supply burns out, the following situations will occur:

1. The computer does not respond when it is turned on

2. The computer monitor does not display

3. The chassis fan cannot be heard rotating

Extended information

Maintenance common sense

Fault type: No output from the power supply

This type of fault is the most common fault, and the main manifestation is that the power supply does not work. When the host confirms that the power cord is connected (some power supplies with AC switches need to be turned on), there is no response when turning on the computer, and there is no display on the monitor (the monitor indicator light flashes). No output faults are divided into the following types:

① +5VSB no output

As mentioned before, +5VSB should have a normal 5V output as soon as the host power supply is connected to AC power, and supply power to the motherboard startup circuit. Therefore, there is no output from +5VSB, the motherboard startup circuit cannot operate, and the computer cannot be started.

The method to determine this fault is: remove the power supply from the host, connect the host power AC input line, and use a multimeter to measure the voltage of the purple line (+5VSB) output from the power supply to the 20-pin plug on the motherboard. If there is no output voltage It means that the +5VSB line is damaged and the power supply needs to be replaced. For some motherboards with a standby indicator light, if there is no multimeter, you can also use whether the indicator light is on to determine whether there is output from +5VSB. This kind of fault indicates that there is damage to the internal components of the power supply, and the fuse is probably blown.

7. What will happen if the computer power supply is broken?

After the power supply is damaged, the following symptoms will generally appear. First, the computer cannot be turned on, or the screen will be black after turning on, and the monitor cannot display anything. In some cases, the computer can be turned on and the monitor can also display content, but the computer often fails. Restarting for no reason;

If these situations occur, the computer power supply may be damaged. In order to further determine whether the computer power supply is damaged, you can open the computer main case, unplug the power cord on the motherboard, and use a wire to connect the power interface The green wire and the black wire next to it are short-circuited;

If the power supply fan can rotate after powering on, it means there is no problem with the power supply. Otherwise, it proves that the computer power supply has been damaged.

8. What will happen if the expansion valve fails?

If the expansion valve is clogged, it will easily cause the evaporator of the air conditioner to freeze if it is turned on for a long time. Once the evaporator freezes, the air conditioner will have cool air but no air volume. Reasons for failure: 1. The expansion valve is clogged. The symptoms include high temperature at the air-conditioning outlet in the car, low pressure on the high-pressure side, and negative pressure on the low-pressure side. When slightly blocked, frost or condensation will appear at the inlet of the expansion valve; when fully blocked, there will be no temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the expansion valve. 2. If the expansion valve opening is too small or fails, the phenomenon is the same as a blockage failure. 3. The opening of the expansion valve is too large, which shows that the temperature of the air-conditioning outlet in the car is too high. The pressure on the low pressure side is too high.

9. What will happen if the car electric oil pump fails?

I believe that car owners who have been driving for a long time have encountered such a problem: when the car is idling, unstable faults such as shaking occur. What exactly causes this situation? How to deal with it?

If your car experiences unstable problems such as body shaking when idling, it is likely to be caused by the following factors:

1. Ignition system problems

If the car ignition system fails, it will cause the ignition system to malfunction. Problems such as poor spark plug sparkover conditions may cause instability in the car during idling.

The solution is to check the working condition of the spark plug, high-voltage wire and ignition coil to see if there is excessive carbon deposits in the spark plug. Once found, clean or replace the spark plug immediately.

2. Poor fuel quality

According to surveys, most domestic car owners experience instability problems such as "idle speed" jitter, which is closely related to the quality of the fuel. If the fuel quality is too poor, it will damage the performance of the engine and cause idling vibration. The solution to this problem is to clean the car's "throttle" in time, which can basically eliminate various common faults. If it still can't be solved, it can only be sent for repair.

If you want your car to avoid this problem when idling, you should pay attention to the quality of the oil when refueling, and be sure to refuel at a regular gas station.

3. The engine has too much carbon deposits or is aging.

There is too much carbon deposit inside the engine. The gasoline sprayed from the fuel injection head at cold start will be absorbed by the carbon deposits, causing the mixture at cold start to be too thin, making it difficult to start. .

In this case, it is easy to start the car only when the gasoline absorbed by the coke is saturated. After the car is started, the gasoline adsorbed on the coke will be sucked into the cylinder by the engine's vacuum suction for combustion, making the mixture richer. , the engine's combustible mixture is sometimes lean and sometimes rich, causing idling jitter after cold start. The solution to this problem is to clean the oil circuit and check whether the idle motor has carbon deposits and should be cleaned.

In addition, car vibration is also related to the aging of the engine. The engine feet are actually the engine's shock absorber system. The engine feet are responsible for absorbing the subtle vibrations of the engine when it is running. If there is a problem with the engine feet, these vibrations will be transmitted to the steering wheel and the cab, causing vibration at idle speed.

4. Unstable oil pressure

If the fuel supply pressure of the oil pump is abnormal or the intake pressure sensor has incorrect values ​​and poor working conditions, it will cause vehicle body vibration. The solution is to check the oil pressure and replace parts if necessary.

