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【IT之家】專訪|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星時代教育,攜手共建 RTX AI 數位藝術創意加速落地

發布: 2024-07-28 17:03:56
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2024 年7 月24 日,由知名PC 硬體品牌七彩虹、全球人工智慧運算領域領導企業NVIDIA 以及中國CG 職業教育領導品牌火星時代教育攜手打造的「RTX AI 創作加速體驗區」落成儀式在北京火星時代總部大廈成功舉辦,這是繼2022 年三方首次就數位藝術教育開展合作後的第三次強強聯合,三方將共同引領數位藝術人才培養,向「無限仿真,創意角逐」進階,加速更多CG 人才創意落地,RTX AI 技術和RTX AI PC 在CG 教育領域的應用由此走上了一個新階梯。

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

活動現場,NVIDIA Studio 生態合作經理曹夢琪女士、七彩虹移動系統事業部產品經理陳楚東先生,火星時代教育 AI 設計教研總監吳大吉先生共同出席,並親自揭牌合影留念。

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

火星時代教育 AI 設計教研總監吳大吉老師在活動上致詞。他提到在科技日新月異的今天,AI 技術的廣泛應用正在促使傳統教育模式不斷轉變。火星時代教育敏銳地捕捉到了AIGC(人工智慧生成內容)的發展趨勢,將AI 技術全面融入CG 課程設計之中,覆蓋“AI + 平面設計”“AI + 原畫設計”“AI+3D 建模”“ AI + 短視頻」等重點CG 技能,在AI 時代,領先行業培養全能型CG+AI 設計人才,並持續積極探索AI 技術與教育和設計行業的深度融合。

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

NVIDIA Studio 生態合作經理曹夢琪女士為現場觀眾介紹了 RTX GPU 及 AI 技術,在 AI 應用中強大的加速性能和生態優勢。 RTX AI 技術已廣泛應用於繪畫、平面設計、視訊剪輯處理、3D 渲染以及遊戲等多個領域,NVIDIA RTX GPU 搭載了專用的AI Tensor Core,更有RTX AI 技術和工具加持,能夠為PC 用戶帶來生成式AI 的原生加速能力,充分釋放AI 潛能。

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

七彩虹集團移動系統事業部產品經理陳楚東先生為大家詳細講解了七彩虹新一代AI PC 全能本新品“源N14”,其不僅搭載了NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 筆記本電腦“源N14”,其不僅搭載了NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 筆記本電腦-13900H 處理器等強悍硬體配置,可提供強大的AI 創作加速性能,擁有17.9mm+1.53kg 的輕薄機身,還內置了“虹光AI”人工智能助手,能幫助用戶進行AI 工作處理以及AI創作等場景,實現了設計和體驗上的全能體驗。

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

落成儀式圓滿結束後,眾多媒體和火星時代學員紛紛來到 RTX AI 創作加速體驗區“打卡”,領略是七彩虹 PC 新魅力。

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

NVIDIA Studio の環境協力マネージャーである Cao Mengqi 氏は、現場のメディアと対話し、Colorful AI PC および RTX AI テクノロジに基づくさまざまな AIGC 効果の例をデモンストレーションし、メディアの友人が参加できるようにしました。イベント終了後、当サイトは本イベント唯一の特別招待メディアとして、就任式に出席したゲスト3名に徹底したインタビューを実施し、Colorful、NVIDIA Studio、Mars Age Educationの連携の背景にあるストーリーを探りました。


  • Colorful Source N14 クリエイティブ AI PC は、薄型軽量デザインと高性能を組み合わせ、オールラウンドなエクスペリエンスを追求します。

  • カラフルな製品は、ユーザーが「効率の価値」を生み出し、AI 使用シナリオ向けのハードウェアの実装に集中できるように支援します。

  • AI は本質的にクリエイティブなツールであり、クリエイターが商業的価値を実現できるよう支援することが火星時代の教育ビジョンです。

  • Colorful、NVIDIA Studio、Mars Age の協力は、自己成長における画期的な進歩であり、Win-Win の状況です。

  • NVIDIA は AI エコシステムの動力源となることに尽力しており、そのハードウェア コンピューティング能力は無限の AI 作成の可能性を生み出します。

  • 実際のユーザーの声を聞くことは、NVIDIA のエコロジー構築の価値の一部であり、励ましやモチベーションにもなります。


【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

Colorfulモバイルシステム事業部プロダクトマネージャーChen Chudong氏

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

NVIDIA Studio環境協力マネージャーMs.

【IT之家】专访|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星时代教育,携手共建 RTX AI 数字艺术创意加速落地

火星時代の教育AIデザイン 教育研究ディレクター ウー・ダジ氏



Colorful Source N14の新製品はAIの作成を支援します

このサイト: Colorful Source N14, the今回紹介する新製品は、非常にコンパクトなボディながら強力なハードウェア構成を備えたオールラウンドAI PCです。 Colorful ノートブック シリーズは現在最も重要なクリエイティブ デザインの旗艦であると考えられますが、Colorful はこの製品をデザインする際にその中心的な特性をどのように定義しましたか?

Chen Chudong: この製品では、私たちが最初に追求するのは、オールラウンドな体験です。 デザインの際には、薄型軽量ボディと持ち運び可能なサイズだけでなく、高性能を求めるユーザーのタイプも考慮しました。では、どうすれば全能性を達成できるのでしょうか?まず全体的なハードウェア構成を見てみますと、CPUにはフラッグシップのi9-13900Hプロセッサーを採用しており、その中にRTX 4070グラフィックスカードを1.5kg以内、厚さで搭載していることがわかります。胴体17.9mm。二重焼成時の機械全体の性能解放は100Wに達し、同サイズの機械の中でもトップクラスです。

第二に、3D レンダリングやビデオ編集などの高いパフォーマンスが必要なシーンや、高い AI コンピューティング能力が必要なシーンなど、さまざまなアプリケーション シナリオに導入して使用できることを願っています。 薄さ、軽さ、高性能を考慮した小型ボディ、高性能、持ち運び可能これらはすべてハードウェア構成に基づいています。

次はユーザーエクスペリエンスです。たとえば、素材として非常に快適な金属を選択し、表面にはCNCダイヤモンドカット技術が採用されており、より高品質に見えます。カラーマッチングに関しては、ユーザー調査を行った結果、全体的なデータからシルバーが最もユーザーに受け入れられていることから、より多くのユーザーの選択肢を提供したいと考え、ベーシックモデルにはシルバー、メインカラーにはブルーを採用しました。 ソース N14 は 14 インチで利用可能になり、将来的には同じタイプの他のサイズとカラーも更新される予定です。つまり、デザインに関してはユーザーに選択を委ね、エクスペリエンスに関しては包括的であることを目指しています。



このサイト: Mars Age は、2023 年初めにコース製品の全範囲に AI を完全に統合します。カラフルはパートナーとして機能しますマースエイジとの教育分野での協力は?

Chen Chudong: 現在、AI の応用のほとんどは、教育、テクノロジー、創造に至るまで、さまざまな分野に応用されており、実際、あらゆる側面が私たちの生活に組み込まれています。そして効率の向上がその核心です。この段階でAIがもたらす価値。

For example, this time Colorful, NVIDIA Studio and Mars Age collaborated on the RTX AI Creation Acceleration Experience Zone. Why do we want to do this? Because we can see that future AI applications will include many scenarios that require hardware implementation. In industries such as 3D animation and CG film and television in the field of education, it can truly improve the efficiency of creators and students in their work and life through the actual implementation of hardware in usage scenarios.

Through Colorful’s product hardware, and then paired with NVIDIA’s software drivers, as well as the Mars era’s accumulation in the education field and supporting teaching experience, These things are combined together to help creators use them more efficiently in specific scenarios. Spend more energy on creation rather than simply moving bricks. This is the original intention of our cooperation.

In future cooperation, we will continue to maintain this original intention and provide our users with more efficient products. We also hope to help them create "efficiency value".


Will AI disrupt the development of the CG industry?

This site: Before coming here, I watched some videos from the Age of Mars (a required course for AI design commercialization). One of the videos mentioned the idea that the traditional design workflow in the CG industry will be subverted by AI, because PC hardware with AI computing power can greatly simplify the creative process and improve creative efficiency. In the past, it took several days to model, render, and color the generated pictures. Now, AI tools can be used to produce pictures in 10 minutes, and then it takes half a day to modify them. Just BUG. The factors that restrict creators are no longer design, painting and software operation abilities, but ideas, aesthetics and computing power.

So I am curious, what impact will the introduction of NVIDIA Studio and Colorful AI PC hardware have on the educational scene in the Martian era? Will teachers in the future spend more energy cultivating students’ creative design thinking?

Wu Daji: These questions of yours are quite typical. In fact, many people will have some misunderstandings about AI, such as the subversion you just mentioned. From the current perspective, this view is not comprehensive enough. AI is essentially a tool in the workflow for the CG industry or us. It can speed up the creative process. Maybe it can greatly accelerate and improve efficiency in a certain link. The effect of a certain AI tool on our entire commercial project Production is very helpful, but looking at the industry, we must continue to observe and summarize what the future development of the industry will be like.

In other words, if they want to do commercial projects, students still need to systematically learn and train in traditional CG related knowledge. What we teach students is how to complete a purely commercial work from beginning to end. It is not only theoretical knowledge, but also our experience and thinking about the CG industry. After all, it is people who do the project, not AI. As a tool attribute in the workflow, AI plays more of a supporting role rather than laying a foundation.

In the CG industry, everyone is actually very keen to embrace new AI hardware and technology. After all, our work is done through computers, and hardware and technology are also what we eat. Because computer hardware and NVIDIA graphics card technology are of great help to our entire workflow, through cooperation with NVIDIA Studio, we will also explore the improvement and optimization of work content based on the role of AI, and continue to fine-tune the teaching process. Improve the practicality of teaching.

On the other hand, we have also been working hard to introduce advanced hardware equipment into the classroom so that students can experience it for the first time. We will even accept some commercial projects for a fee, let students work in groups to complete them, and then send all the income to For them, everyone will be more motivated to learn after receiving the red envelope, and they can also accumulate valuable business experience during the learning stage. Some students have projects that have been launched on TV stations or movie theaters before they graduate. In the final analysis, we hope to help students adapt to the complex commercial environment more quickly and efficiently.


AI creative ecological integration promotes win-win situation among all three parties

This site: Mars Age Education RTX AI Creation Acceleration Experience Zone This cooperation, how did the three parties of Colorful, NVIDIA and Mars Age initially work? Hit it off right away? Can you share the story behind it?

Wu Daji: In 2022, NVIDIA Studio launched their Canvas creative drawing tool. When we saw this tool, we felt that the AI ​​technology behind it might have an impact on our future teaching and industry Significant influence. So we established cooperation with NVIDIA Studio and together we built the first NVIDIA Canvas comprehensive practice base in China. Another opportunity was that Colorful launched a PC console specifically targeted at designers, the Colorful ProMaster A1 designer console. It was precisely because of this opportunity that the GeForce RTX creative design space was born.

Later, after case creation testing, Canvas has great practical prospects for Matte Painting (digital painting) in the film and television industry, so we also integrated this software into the course. (We) were very happy with that cooperation process. In fact, Everyone is very satisfied with the entire cooperation process and results. With this foundation in place, we will conduct another round of cooperation in 2023. This time it is a commercial creation open class cooperation in the direction of pure AI. It is also an exploration for everyone to do together.

We (Mars Age Education), NVIDIA Studio, and Colorful shared together, and later had some more in-depth cooperation. For example, NVIDIA launched the TensorRT acceleration plug-in for Stable Diffusion. We collaborated with NVIDIA Studio to produce the "NVIDIA TensorRT Stable Diffusion Creation Acceleration Guide" white paper, which is a very important attempt by Mars and NVIDIA to commercialize AIGC teaching this year.

Of course, as I mentioned before, the CG industry will naturally pay attention to and embrace some new technologies and new equipment, and will have in-depth discussions with partners on how the industry will develop and change in the future, and how to update workflows and Talent needs are something we will continue to explore. As early as 30 years ago, when the Chinese CG industry just emerged, we entered this industry. It can be said that we have enlightened and led the development of the CG industry along the way. Therefore, from the perspective of responsibility, everyone also wants to do something for this industry. After all, our Students are the backbone of the future industry.


NVIDIA Studio: Use computing power and tools to help the AI ​​ecosystem

This site:I noticed that the RTX AI Creation Acceleration Experience Zone can be said to be a collaboration between three parties in terms of hardware, technology and ecology What role do you think NVIDIA plays in this fusion?

Cao Mengqi: From NVIDIA’s perspective, the RTX AI Creation Acceleration Experience Zone we launched this time through our cooperation hopes to expose students to some advanced AI workflows through the RTX AI PC brought together with Colorful Bring acceleration and boost. NVIDIA's RTX GPUs use computing power to provide computing power support, optimization and acceleration for all similar AI workflows, which is the role of the source of power.

Take Stable Diffusion as an example.

The entire SD runs on NVIDIA's CUDA ecosystem, so our graphics card can naturally accelerate its performance. This is inseparable from the engine and technology we use. It's open. In addition, the concept of "AI PC" is particularly popular in the PC industry now. Everyone hopes that whether it is a notebook or a desktop, they can handle current and future AI tools freely.

In fact, NVIDIA has a set of standards for measuring AI PC performance. Generally speaking, it is measured in the unit of TOPS. TOPS refers to how many trillions of AI operations the GPU can perform per second. The higher the value, the better The computer’s performance is stronger for AI computing.

At present, basically the TOPS computing power level of NVIDIA RTX 40 series graphics cards is above 200, which can well handle the scenarios that consumers are exposed to in their daily lives that require AI local computing, such as AI conferences, coding fields, and the above mentioned More advanced AI application workflows.

Speaking of our Canvas creative drawing software, NVIDIA Canvas is a software for designers that can be used quickly and easily to create. Its positioning is to hope that creators of any age and profession can enjoy the creation experience. Bring fun.

Our idea is very straightforward, that is, using AI technology to make you feel that creation can actually become very simple.

At first I thought Canvas was an entertainment tool, but after we cooperated with Mars Age,

I saw professionals bring their creative thinking to inspire many unimaginable application scenarios for Canvas. When our own technical colleagues demonstrated Canvas, they may have drawn things that looked like simple drawings, but after giving it to teachers in the Mars era to try it out, the final effect was very shocking, and it was indeed the talent of a professional. Do the professional thing. The works they created using Canvas, from composition to aesthetic style, are completely different from ours.


Gathering sand into a tower, cooperation is the catalyst for healthy development

This site: As a demonstration cooperation project in the education model room of RTX AI accelerated creation, the teaching experience of the Mars era and Colorful’s hardware considerations Will it also feed back NVIDIA Studio to make more targeted innovations in the education ecosystem, such as functional feature updates of Studio platform applications and tools, software workflow optimization, etc.?

Cao Mengqi: I think it definitely will happen. Our cooperation with Mars Age started two years ago. It was initially an AI drawing application based on NVIDIA Canvas. We worked together to launch a film and television editing package for digital matte paintings. During the cooperation, we received a lot of feedback about Canvas from teachers and students in the Mars Era, including some suggestions for improvement.

For example, the output resolution of Canvas can only produce a low resolution of 512*512 at first, but we later made improvements. Such in-depth and detailed demand feedback from partners in practical applications will be discussed and added to future product upgrades and iteration plans to gradually improve. For example, the 3D rendering mode that will be launched later is also the result of the collision of everyone's minds, so we cherish every cooperation with Mars Age.

As for the RTX AI Creation Acceleration Experience Zone, I think it is a good opportunity for NVIDIA to understand the actual application of AI in the design industry, including what ordinary users can do with NVIDIA graphics cards and their needs for hardware points and how you want to improve efficiency on the software side, these are all important.

We usually have a certain distance from end consumers and designer groups. Through bridges like Colorful and Mars Age Education, we can quickly grasp some needs and feedback. In turn, they also need Stable Diffusion on TensorRT. Acceleration plug-in to help them have a better learning and creation efficiency improvement.

Through our series of three-party cooperation, I believe that in the future we will continue to promote and promote the development of the entire design industry on the road of AI.

以上是【IT之家】專訪|七彩虹、NVIDIA 和火星時代教育,攜手共建 RTX AI 數位藝術創意加速落地的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
