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車牌辨識系統是智慧交通的重要組成部分,問題層出不窮,困擾著大家。 php小編新一今日收集整理了一份車牌辨識系統故障大全,詳細列舉了常見的故障類型、成因和解決方案,旨在幫助大家快速排除故障,提高系統穩定性。隨著系統深入部署和應用,越來越多的細節問題會湧現出來,本故障大全將持續更新,敬請關注。























在中文狀態下,我們按下鍵盤上的“Shift”和主鍵盤區的“數字鍵”,從左到右依序是“! @ # ¥ % …… & * ( )”

在英文狀態下,我們按下鍵盤上的“Shift”鍵和主鍵盤區的“數字鍵”,從左到右依次是“! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )”

在中文狀態下,按住「Shift」鍵和這些對應的鍵,就可以輸入「~ —— + { } | : 「 」 《 》 ? 」



達、前途似錦。 東昌一名寓指電腦企業旭日東昇、繁榮昌盛,不僅給人大氣的前途似錦。感覺,也帶有















  電子計算機(electronic computer)通稱電腦,是現代一種用於高速計算的電子計算機器,可以進行數值計算、邏輯計算,具有存儲記憶功能,能夠按照程序運行,自動、高速處理海量數據。









Ctrl + A 全選

Ctrl + B 整理收藏夾

Ctrl + C 複製

Ct, 7.com IE及傲遊中是保存為收藏)

Ctrl + E 搜尋助理在Word中是段落居中

Ctrl + F 查找

Ctrl+ G 在Word中是定位

Ctrl + H 1%

Ctrl + I 收藏夾

Ctrl + J IE7.0裡的來源

Ctrl + K 在Word中是插入連結

Ctrl + L =Ctrlp+O 開啟


Ctrl + N 新視窗

Ctrl + P 列印在Word中是等於Ctrl+Shift+F12

Ctrl + R 刷新在Word中可使段落右對齊

Ctrl + S 儲存

Ctrl+T IE7.0開啟新分頁

Ctrl+U 在Word中是將所選內容加上底線

Ctrl + V 貼上

+ X 剪切

Ctrl + Y 恢復上一步操作

Ctrl + Z 撤消上一步操作


F1 幫助

F2 重命名

F1 幫助

F2 重命名

F3 搜索

F3” Windows 資源管理器」中的「網址」列清單。

F5 刷新

F6 在視窗或桌面上循環切換螢幕元素。

F7 DoS下專用功能

F8 Windows 啟動選項

F9 Excel 中計算公式

F10 啟動選單列(可用時)


Windows鍵+D 顯示器桌面

Windows鍵+E 開啟資源管理器

Windows鍵+F 尋找所有檔案

Windows鍵+L 切換使用者

鍵+M 最小化所有檔案

Windows鍵+L 切換使用者

鍵+M 最小化所有檔案

Windows鍵+L 切換使用者

鍵+M 最小化所有檔案

Windows鍵+R 運行指令

Windows鍵+U 輔助工具



Shift + Delete 永久刪除所選用,而不將它放到「回收站」。 (慎用。)

拖曳某一項時按 CTRL 複製所選選項,按SHIFT強制移動所選用。

拖曳某一項時按 CTRL + SHIFT 建立所選項目的快速鍵。

CTRL + 向右方向鍵 將插入點移到下一個單字的起始處。

CTRL + 向左方向鍵 將插入點移到前一個單字的起始處。

CTRL + 向下方向鍵 將插入點移到下一段落的起始處。

CTRL + 向上方向鍵 將插入點移到前一段落的起始處。

CTRL + SHIFT + 方向鍵 反白顯示一塊文字。

SHIFT + 方向鍵 在視窗或桌面上選擇多項,或選取文件中的文字。

Alt + Enter 查看所選項目的屬性。 /切換全螢幕

Alt + F4 關閉目前項目或關閉電腦

Alt + 空白鍵 為目前視窗開啟控制選單。

Ctrl + F4 在允許同時開啟多個文件的程式中關閉目前文件。

Alt + Tab 在開啟的項目之間切換。

Alt + Esc 以項目開啟的順序循環切換。 🎜

Shift + F10 顯示所選的快速選單。

shift 滑鼠左鍵點選視窗超級連接在新視窗開啟指定的連接

Alt + 空白鍵 顯示目前視窗的「系統」選單。

Ctrl + Esc 顯示「開始」功能表。

ALT + 選單名稱中帶下劃線的字母 顯示對應的選單。

在開啟的選單上顯示的命令名稱中帶有下劃線的字母 執行相應的命令。

右方向鍵 開啟右邊的下一選單或開啟子選單。

左方向鍵 開啟左邊的下一選單或關閉子選單。

BackSpace 在「我的電腦」或「Windows 資源管理器」中查看上一層資料夾。

Esc 取消目前任務。

將光碟插入 CD-ROM 光碟機時按 SHIFT 鍵 阻止光碟自動播放。


按鍵 目的

Ctrl + Tab 在選項卡之間向前移動。

Ctrl + Shift +Tab 在選項卡之間向後移動。

ctrl + 滑鼠左鍵 可以暫時允許彈出視窗程式

Ctrl+Home 目前視窗或文件的最上端

Ctrl+End 目前視窗或文件的最下端

Tab 在選項之間向前移動。

Shift + Tab 在選項之間向後移動。

Alt + 帶下劃線的字母 執行相應的命令或選取相應的選項。

Enter 執行活選項動或按鈕所對應的指令。

空格鍵 如果活選項動是複選框,則選中或清除該複選框並在文件初始位置增加一個空格。

方向鍵 活選項動是一組選項按鈕時,請選取某個按鈕。

F1 顯示幫助。

F4 顯示目前清單中的項目。

BackSpace 如果在「另存為」或「開啟」對話方塊中選取了某個資料夾,則開啟上一層資料夾。


在「Microsoft 自然鍵盤」或包含 Windows 標誌鍵(簡稱WIN) 和「應用程式」鍵(簡稱KEY) 的其他相容鍵盤中,您可以使用以下快捷鍵。

按鍵 目的

WIN 顯示或隱藏"開始"選單。

WIN+ BREAK 顯示"系統屬性"對話框。

WIN+ D 顯示桌面。

WIN+ M 最小化所有視窗。

WIN+ Shift + M 還原最小化的視窗。

WIN+ E 開啟"我的電腦"。

WIN+ F 搜尋檔案或資料夾。

CTRL+WIN+ F 搜尋計算機。

WIN+ F1 顯示 Windows 幫助。

WIN+ L 如果連接到網路網域,則鎖定您的計算機,或者如果沒有連接到網路網域,請切換使用者。

WIN+ R 開啟"運行"對話方塊。

KEY 顯示所選的快速選單。

WIN+ U 開啟"工具管理器"。


按鍵 目的

右側 SHIFT 鍵八秒鐘 切換「篩選鍵」的開啟和關閉。

左邊的 ALT + 左邊的 SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN 切換「高對比」的開和關。

左邊的 ALT + 左邊的 SHIFT + NUM LOCK 切換「滑鼠鍵」的開啟和關閉。

Shift 鍵五次 切換「黏滯鍵」的開和關。

Num Lock 鍵五秒鐘 切換「切換鍵」的開和關。

WIN+ U 開啟「工具管理器」。

「Windows 資源管理器」鍵盤快速鍵

按鍵 目的

END 顯示目前視窗的底端。

主頁 顯示目前視窗的頂端。

NUM LOCK + 數字鍵盤的星號 (*) 顯示所選資料夾的所有子資料夾。

NUM LOCK + 數字鍵盤的加號 (+) 顯示所選資料夾的內容。

NUM LOCK + 數字鍵盤的減號 (-) 折疊所選的資料夾。

左方向鍵 當目前所選值處於展開狀態時會折疊該項,或選取其父資料夾。



Windows 7 中新增快捷鍵

[2][3]在Vista下有Windows Vista 系統快速鍵、執行指令捷徑應用大全那麼在Windows 7 RC下。

Win+Up 最大化

Win+Down 還原/ 最小化

Win+Left 透過AeroSnap靠左顯示

Win+Right 透過AeroSnap從左邊顯示

Win+Shift+Win+Right 透過AeroSnapeft Win+Shift+Right 跳轉右邊的顯示器

Win+Home 最小化/ 還原所有其他視窗

Win+T 選取任務列首個項目


Win+ Shift+T 則是後退

Win+Space 使用Aero Peek顯示桌面

Win+G 呼出桌面小工具

Win+P 外界顯示器(擴充桌面等)

Win+X 行動中心

(# = 數字鍵) 執行工作列上第N個程序

例如: Win+1 使用第一個程序, Win+2 使用第二個…

Win + +

Win + -

(plus or minus key) 放大/縮小


Alt+P 顯示/隱藏預覽面板


Shift + 左鍵點選某程式圖示執行

+ Shift + 左鍵點選某程式圖示以管理員身分執行

Shift + 右鍵點選某程式圖示顯示視窗選單(還原/ 最小化/ 移動/ 等)

Note: 通常可以右鍵視窗的工作列預覽呼出此選單

Shift + right-click a program icon (in group display window mode) to bring up the menu of restore all windows/minimize all windows/close all windows etc.

Ctrl + left-click a program icon (in group display window mode) in the window Or cycle through labels

Shortcut keys

1. Shortcut keys for setting character format and paragraph format

Shortcut key functions

Ctrl+Shift+F to change the font

Ctrl+Shift+P to change the font size

Ctrl+Shift+> Increase font size


Ctrl+] Increase font size point by point

Ctrl+[Decrease font size point by point

Ctrl+D Change character format ("Format" "Font" command in the menu)

Shift+F3 Switch letter case

Ctrl+Shift+A Make selected letters uppercase

Ctrl+B Apply bold format

Ctrl+U Apply underline format

Ctrl+Shift+W Only underline words and words, not spaces

Ctrl+Shift+H Apply hidden text format

Ctrl+I Apply italic format

Ctrl+Shift+K Change letters to small caps Letters

Ctrl+= (equal sign) Apply subscript format (automatic spacing)

Ctrl+Shift++ (plus sign) Apply superscript format (automatic spacing)

Ctrl+Shift+Z Cancel manually set character format

Ctrl +Shift+Q Set the selection to Symbol font

Ctrl+Shift+* (asterisk) Display non-printing characters

Shift+F1 (click) Need to view text format to understand the format of the text

Ctrl+Shift+ C Copy format

Ctrl+Shift+V Paste format

Ctrl+1 Single spacing

Ctrl+2 Double spacing

Ctrl+5 1.5x spacing

Ctrl+0 Add a line spacing before the paragraph

Ctrl +E Center the paragraph

Ctrl+J Align both ends

Ctrl+L Left align

Ctrl+R Right align

Ctrl+Shift+D Disperse alignment

Ctrl+M Left paragraph indent

Ctrl+Shift +M Cancel left paragraph indent

Ctrl+T Create hanging indent

Ctrl+Shift+T Decrease hanging indent

Ctrl+Q Cancel paragraph formatting

Ctrl+Shift+S Apply style

Alt +Ctrl+K Activate "AutoFormat"

Ctrl+Shift+N Apply the "Text" style

Alt+Ctrl+1 Apply the "Heading 1" style

Alt+Ctrl+2 Apply the "Heading 2" style

Alt+Ctrl+3 Apply the "Title 3" style

Ctrl+Shift+L Apply the "List" style

2. Shortcut keys for editing and moving text and graphics

◆Delete text and graphics

Shortcut key functions

Backspace Delete a character on the left

Ctrl+Backspace Delete a word on the left

Delete Delete a character on the right

Ctrl+Delete Delete a word on the right

Ctrl+X Cut the selected text Cut to the "Clipboard"

Ctrl+Z Undo the previous operation

Ctrl+F3 Cut to the "Graphic and Text Field"

◆Copy and move text and graphics

Shortcut key function

Ctrl+C Copy text or Graphics

F2 (then move and insert the selected text or graphic point and press Enter)

Alt+F3 Create an "AutoText" entry

Ctrl+V Paste the contents of the "Clipboard"

Ctrl+ Shift+F3 Paste the content of the "Graphic and Text Field"

Alt+Shift+R Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document

◆Insert special characters

Shortcut key to insert

Ctrl+F9 field

Shift+Enter line break

Ctrl+Enter page break

Ctrl+Shift+Enter column separator

Ctrl+ - optional hyphen

Ctrl+Shift+ - non-breaking hyphen

Ctrl+Shift+space non-breaking space

Alt+Ctrl+C Copyright symbol

Alt+Ctrl+R Registered trademark symbol

Alt+Ctrl+T Trademark symbol

Alt+Ctrl+. (period) Ellipsis

◆Selected text and graphics

Selected Text: Hold down the Shift key and press the key that moves the insertion point.

Shortcut keys extend selection to

Shift+→ one character to the right

Shift+← one character to the left

Ctrl+Shift+→ word end

Ctrl+Shift+← word start

Shift+End line Tail fShift+HOME line

Shift+↓ The next line

Shift+↑ Up Previous screen

Ctrl+Shift+Home Beginning of document

Ctrl+Shift+End End of document

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Page Down End of window

Ctrl+A Include the entire document

Ctrl+Shift +F8+↑ or ↓ Vertical text block (press the Esc key to cancel the selection mode)

F8+arrow key A specific position in the document (press the Esc key to cancel the selection mode)

◆Select text and graphics in the table

Shortcut key function

Tab key selects the content of the next cell

Shift+Tab selects the content of the previous cell

Hold down the Shift key and press an arrow key repeatedly to expand the selection to adjacent cells Grid

Ctrl+Shift+F8 and then press the arrow keys to expand the selection (or block)

Shift+F8 Shrink the selection

Alt+5 on the numeric keyboard Select the entire table

(Num Lock key needs to be in Closed state)

◆Move the insertion point

Shortcut key function

← Move one character left

→ Move one character right

Ctrl+← Move one word left

Ctrl+→ Move one word right

Ctrl+↑ Move up A paragraph

Ctrl+↓ Move a paragraph down

Shift+Tab Move one cell left (in a table)

Tab Move one cell right (in a table)

↑ Move one row up

↓ Move one row down

End moves to the end of the line

Home Move to the beginning of the line

Alt+Ctrl+Page Up Move to the top of the window

Alt+Ctrl+Page Down Move to the end of the window

Page Up Move up one screen (scroll)

Page Down Move down one screen ( Scroll)

Ctrl+Page Down Move to the top of the next page

Ctrl+Page Up Move to the top of the previous page

Ctrl+End Move to the end of the document

Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of the document

Shift+F5 Move to the previous for the newly opened document, move to the position of the insertion point when the document was last closed

◆ Move the

shortcut key cursor in the table to the next cell in the

Tab row

Shift+Tab one row Previous cell in

Alt+Home First cell in a row

Alt+End Last cell in a row

Alt+Page Up First cell in a column

Alt+Page Down The last cell in a column

↑ Previous row

↓ Next row

◆Insert paragraphs and tabs in the table

Shortcut keys to insert in cells

Enter New paragraph

Ctrl+Tab Table symbols

3. Shortcut keys for working with documents

◆Create, view and save documents

Shortcut key functions

Ctrl+N Create a new document of the same type as the current or recently used document

Ctrl+ O Open document

Ctrl+W Close document

Alt+Ctrl+S Split document window

Alt+Shift+C Undo split document window

Ctrl+S Save document

◆Find, replace and browse text

Ctrl+F Find text, formatting, and special items

Alt+Ctrl+Y Repeat search after closing the Find and Replace window

Ctrl+H Replace text, special formatting, and special items

Ctrl+G Go to page , bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic or other location

Alt+Ctrl+Z Return to page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic or other location

Alt+Ctrl+Home Browse the document

◆Undo and Resume operation

Esc Cancel operation

Ctrl+Z Undo operation

Ctrl+Y Resume or repeat operation

◆Switch to other view

Alt+Ctrl+P Switch to page view

Alt+Ctrl+O Switch to Outline view

Alt+Ctrl+N Switch to normal view

Ctrl+\ Move between master document and subdocument

◆Shortcut keys for reviewing documents

Shortcut key function

Alt+Ctrl+M Insert comments

Ctrl+Shift+E Turn on or off the mark revision function

Home Navigate to the beginning of the comment

End Navigate to the end of the comment

Ctrl+Home Navigate to the beginning of a group of comments

Ctrl+End Navigate to a group At the end of the comment

4. Shortcut keys for processing citations, footnotes and endnotes

Shortcut key functions

Alt+Shift+O Mark table of contents items

Alt+Shift+I Mark citation table of contents items

Alt+ Shift + Field

Alt+Ctrl+L Insert Listnum field

Alt+Shift+P Insert Page field

Alt+Shift+T Insert Time field

Ctrl+F9 Insert empty field

Ctrl+Shift+F7 Update the Word source document Link information for

F9 Update selected field

Ctrl+Shift+F9 Unlink a field

Shift+F9 Toggle between field codes and their results

Alt+F9 Between all field codes and their results Make a switch

Alt+Shift+F9 Run Gotobutton or Macrobutton from a field showing field results

F11 Go to the next field

Shift+F11 Go to the previous field

Ctrl+F11 Lock a field

Ctrl+Shift +F11 Unlock the field

6. Shortcut keys for working with document outlines

Alt+Shift+← Raise paragraph level

Alt+Shift+→ Lower paragraph level

Ctrl+Shift+N Downgrade to text

Alt +Shift+↑ Move the selected paragraph up

Alt+Shift+↓ Move the selected paragraph down

Alt+Shift+ + Expand the text under the heading

Alt+Shift+ - Collapse the text under the heading

Alt+Shift+A Expand or Collapse all text or headings

Slash (/) on numeric keypad Hide or show character formatting

Alt+Shift+L Show only the first line of text or show all text

Alt+Shift+1 Show all text with "Title 1" "Heading with style

Alt+Shift+n Displays all headings from "Heading 1" to "Heading n"

(referring to heading level)

7. Shortcut keys for mail merge

To use these keys To combine, you need to first create the main document of the mail merge.

Shortcut key functions

Alt+Shift+K Preview mail merge

Alt+Shift+N Merge documents

Alt+Shift+M Print merged documents

Alt+Shift+E Edit mail merge data document

Alt+Shift+F Insert merge field

8. Shortcut keys for processing Web pages

Shortcut key functions

Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink

Alt+← Return to one page

Alt+→ Go forward one page

F9 Refresh

9. Keystrokes for printing and previewing the document

Ctrl+P Print the document

Alt+Ctrl+I Switch to or out of print preview Arrow keys Move around the enlarged preview page

Page Up or Page Down Turn through the preview pages page by page when reducing the display ratio

Ctrl+Home Move to the first preview page when reducing the display ratio

Ctrl+End Move to the last preview page when reducing the display ratio

10. Used in Office Assistant's shortcut keys

If you want to complete most of the following operations, the Office Assistant must be open and visible.

Shortcut key function

F1 Get help from the Office Assistant (the assistant is displayed)

Alt+F6 Activate the Office Assistant balloon

Alt+number keys to select a help topic from the list displayed by the assistant (Alt+1 represents the first topic and so on) )

Alt+↓ View more help topics

Alt+↑ View previous help topics

Esc to close assistant messages or prompts

11. Shortcut keys for help

◆Work in the help window

Shortcut keys What it does

Alt+O Displays the "Options" menu to access commands on the Help toolbar

Alt+Spacebar displays the program "Control" menu

Alt+F4 Closes the active Help window

◆ Move in the navigation pane

Shortcut key function

Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next tab

Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous tab

Alt+C Switch to the "Directory" tab

Alt+I Switch to the "Index" option Card

Enter Open or close the selected book, or open the selected help topic

↓ Select the next book or help topic

↑ Select the previous book or help topic

◆ Move in the topic pane

Shortcut key function

Alt+← Go back to the viewed help topic

Alt+→ Go to the viewed help topic

Tab Go to the first or next hyperlink

Shift+Tab Go to the last or previous hyperlink

Enter Activate Selected hyperlink

Esc Close the pop-up window

↑ Scroll to the beginning of the help topic

↓ Scroll to the end of the help topic

Page Up Scroll to the beginning of the help topic in larger increments

Page Down Scroll towards the end of the help topic in larger increments

Home Move to the beginning of the help topic

End Move to the end of the help topic

Ctrl+P Print the current help topic

Ctrl+A Select the entire Help topic

Ctrl+C Copy selected content to "Clipboard"

12. Shortcut keys for menu

Shortcut key function

Shift+F10 Display

F10 Activate menu bar

Alt+Spacebar Display Program icon menu

↓/↑ on the program title bar (like menu selection next

in a menu or submenu or a submenu is shown) or previous command

←/→ to select the left or right menu, or When the submenu is displayed, switch between the main menu and the


Home or End Select the first or last command in the menu or submenu

Alt Close the displayed menu and submenu at the same time

Esc Close the display menu. If the submenu is displayed, only close the submenu

Alt+Ctrl+ = Add toolbar button to the menu. When you type this shortcut and then click a toolbar button

, Microsoft Word adds the button to the appropriate menu. For example, clicking the Bullets button on the Format toolbar adds the Bullets command to the Format menu.

Alt+Ctrl+ - Remove command from menu. When you type this shortcut key (on the numeric keypad and then select a menu command, the command will be deleted by the minus key). If you change your mind, you can press Esc to cancel this shortcut command. To restore the modified menu, you can reset the menu in "Tools/Customize".

Alt+Ctrl++ customizes shortcut keys for menu commands. When you key this shortcut (the plus key on the numeric keypad and select a menu command) the "Customize Keyboard" dialog box appears, where you can add, change or delete shortcuts.

13. Shortcut keys for windows and dialog boxes

◆Moving in document and program windows

Shortcut key functions

Alt+Tab to switch to the next program or Microsoft Word document window

Alt+Shift+Tab to switch Go to the previous program or Microsoft Word document window

Ctrl+Esc Display the Microsoft Windows Start menu

Ctrl+W Close the active document window

Ctrl+F5 Restore the maximized active document window

Ctrl+F6 Switch to Next Word document window

Ctrl+Shift+F6 Switch to the previous Word document window

Ctrl+F7, press the arrow keys when the document window is not maximized, and press Enter to execute the "Move" command (click the title The document icon in the title bar displays this command)

Ctrl+F8, press the arrow keys when the document window is not maximized, and press Enter to execute the Size command (click the document icon in the title bar to display this Command)

Ctrl+F10 Maximize the document window

◆Move in the dialog box

Shortcut key function

Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next tab in the dialog box

Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch to the dialog box The previous tab in

Tab moves to the next option or option group

Shift+Tab moves to the previous option or option group, the arrow moves between options in the selected list, or between options in a group of options Move the

Spacebar to perform the specified action of the selected button; select or clear the checkbox, letter in the selected list, move to the next option starting with the typed letter

Alt+letter selection option, or select or clear the letter containing the letter (underlined) checkbox next to the option name

Alt+↓ (when the list is selected) Open the selected list

Esc (when the list is selected) Close the selected list

Enter Perform the specified operation of the default button in the dialog box

Esc cancels the command and closes the dialog box

14. Shortcut keys for "Open" and "Save As" dialog boxes

Ctrl+F12 displays the "Open" dialog box

F12 displays "Save As" Dialog

Alt+1 Go to the previous folder ("Up one level" button)

Alt+3 Close the dialog box and open ("Search Web" button)

Alt+4 Delete the selected folder or file (" Delete" button)

Alt+5 Create a new subfolder in the open folder ("New Folder" button)

Alt+6 In "List", "Details", "Properties" and "Preview" Switch between views (click the arrow next to the View button)

Alt+7 Show the Tools menu (Tools button)

F5 Refresh the Open or Save As dialog (File menu )

15. Shortcut keys for sending emails

After activating the email header, the following shortcut keys can be used (press Shift+Tab to activate the email header).

Alt+S Send the current document or email

Ctrl+Shift+B Open the address book

Alt+K Check the "To", "CC" and "Bcc" lines for names that are inconsistent with the address book

Alt+. (Period) Open the address book in the "To" field

Alt+C Open the address book in the "Cc" field

Alt+B Open the address book in the "Bcc" field

Alt+J Go to the "Subject" field

Alt+P Open the Microsoft Outlook "Mail Options" dialog box (in Mail, click the "Options" command in the "View" menu to display this dialog box).

Ctrl+Shift+G Create email logo

Shift+Tab Select previous field or button of email header

