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An Overview of Bitwise Operations

以下帖子取自我創建的存儲庫,旨在幫助學習(和教授)按位運算。您可以在這裡找到該存儲庫,我建議您查看一下 - 那裡有一些程式碼範例和解決方案。




在 C(以及大多數高階語言)中,我們的變數具有 型別。這些類型表明了一些事情。當然,int 類型的變數將儲存整數值,但理解這些位元運算的關鍵是要知道,在幕後,所有類型都以二進位形式儲存在記憶體中(任何位置、堆疊、堆,無論何處)。以下是當您在 C:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int x = 2;
    return 0;


.section .text
.global main

    ; Set up the stack for the function
    stp x29, x30 [sp, -16]! ; Save previous frame pointer & link register
    mov x29, sp ; Setup a new frame pointer

    ; Initialize x with 2
    ; IN C: int x = 2;
    mov w0, 2 ; Move 2 into the w0 register
    str w0, [sp, 16] ; Store the contents of w0 (2) at a 16-byte offset from the stack pointer
    ; Essentially, the above line stores 2 on the stack.

    mov w0, 0 ; Move 0 into w0, prepare for return

    ; Clear stack
    ldp x29, x30, [sp], 32 ; Restore frame pointer and link register
    ret ; Return



Memory Address Value Stored (Hex) Value Stored (Binary)
0x1000 0x02 00000010
0x1001 0x00 00000000
0x1002 0x00 00000000
0x1003 0x00 00000000


關於上表,我希望您注意的關鍵一點是,儘管我們的整數只有 2 位長,但它佔用了 4 個位元組(32 位元)的記憶體。現在,不要驚慌──這是正常現象,也是意料之中的。 C 和編譯器所做的許多事情之一就是為您呼叫的類型設定標準。因此,當我創建 int 變數時,編譯器知道分配 4 個位元組(同樣是 32 位元)記憶體。我們甚至可以使用 C 中的 sizeof() 運算子來測試這一點。

sizeof() 運算符

sizeof() 不是實際的 C 函數。相反,在編譯時,編譯器會將表達式替換為給定資料類型的大小。您甚至可以將其與您自己的類型一起使用,例如 typedef 和/或結構:

#include <stdio.h> 

typedef struct {
  char name[64];
  int age;
} Person;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  printf("A Person is %lu bytes long.\n", sizeof(Person));
  return 0;

您可能會問的另一件事是如何儲存負數。很好的問題。數字可以是有符號無符號,但預設情況下,它們是有符號的。如果一個整數是有符號的,它將犧牲其最高有效位元作為「符號位」。如果符號位為1,則該數為負;否則它是正的。精明的讀者可能會意識到這裡發生的變化在可能的數字範圍內。考慮 8 位數字。有 256 個可能的數字可以表示(由 2^8 給出)。使用無符號8位元整數,可以表示0-255的值;使用有符號的 8 位元 int,可以表示 -128–127。

要取得二進位數的倒數,請使用二進位補碼。我們來求二進制的 -5。

  1. 從5開始。在二進制中,5是0101。前導0是符號。
  2. 反轉每一位。 0101→1010。
  3. 將此數字加 1(忽略任何可能的溢位)。 1010 + 0001 = 1011.


  1. 透過對 -5 進行二進位補碼得到 5 或 0101,確認 -5 是二進位的 1011。
  2. 寫一個 C 程序,以位元組和位元的形式列印 int 的大小。使用上面的程式碼作為起點。 提示:從位元組轉換為位,一個位元組有多少位?
  3. 將不同類型的尺寸填入下表中,修改您的程式來檢查它們。
Type Size (bytes) Size (bits)
bool (you'll need to #include )
long int
short int
long long int

Sample Responses

Question 1

  1. Start with -5: 1011.
  2. Invert each bit: 1011 → 0100.
  3. Add 1: 0100 + 0001 = 0101

Question 2

Here's an example of what your simple program might look like (you can also check it out at Chapter 1/SizeOfOperatorTest.c).

 #include <stdio.h>

 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("The size of an int is %lu bytes, or %lu bits.\n", sizeof(int), sizeof(int) * 8);
    return 0;

Go ahead and compile it using gcc and check out its output:

cd Chapter\ 1
gcc -o sizeof SizeOfOperatorTest.c

Question 3

Type Size (bytes) Size (bits)
int 4 32
int64_t 8 64
int8_t 1 8
char 1 8
bool (you'll need to #include ) 1 8
long int 4 32
short int 2 16
long long int 8 64
double 4 32
double 8 64

Take This Home

The main point I'd like you to keep in mind is that with control of every bit, we can optimize our memory usage. Though that has little effect on modern systems, in the case of embedded computing, every byte counts. By manually reading and writing bits as opposed to typical variable values, we can harness more functionality from less storage.

Chapter 2: Operating on Bits

Now that we've covered data types and how data is stored, we're ready to introduce the idea of bitwise operations. Put simply, a bitwise operation is an operation done on each bit of a piece of data. Let's take a look at each bitwise operator. Then, we'll implement them in C.

And (&)

Written x & y in C. This operator takes the corresponding bits of each number and performs an and operation. An and operation returns 1 (true) if and only if both bits are 1. This means that two bits that are both 0 do not return 1—they return 0. The result is the number made up of the binary string of results from each and. It's easiest to see this in a truth table.

Consider the operation int result = 3 & 5. First, convert 3 and 5 to binary.
Now, we have int result = 011 & 101. Consider the following truth table:

Bit A Bit B AND
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

The result of the and operation is 001, which when converted to decimal is 1.

Or (|)

Written x | y in C. This operator takes the corresponding bits of each number and performs an or operation. An or operation returns 1 if either bit is 1. As with other bitwise operators, the result is the number made up of the binary string of results from each or.

Consider the operation int result = 3 | 5. First, convert 3 and 5 to binary.
Now, we have int result = 011 | 101. Consider the following truth table:

Bit A Bit B OR
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

The result of the or operation is 111, which when converted to decimal is 7.

Xor (^)

Written x ^ y in C. This operator takes the corresponding bits of each number and performs an xor (exclusive or) operation. An xor operation returns 1 if and only if one of the two bits is 1. As with other bitwise operators, the result is the number made up of the binary string of results from each or.

Consider the operation int result = 3 ^ 5. First, convert 3 and 5 to binary.
Now, we have int result = 011 ^ 101. Consider the following truth table:

Bit A Bit B XOR
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0


左移 (<<)

寫x << amount 與上述運算子不同,此運算子僅對一個數字進行操作。給定數字中的每一位都會向左移動給定的數量。到達數字末尾的任何位元都會被截斷(並且零出現在右側)。讓我們來看一個例子。

考慮 int result = 5 << 2. 如您所知,5 的二進位數是 101。讓我們來看看轉變的每次迭代。


1 0 1


0 1 0


1 0 0


右移 (>>)

寫x>> amount 這個運算子就像左移一樣,只是它的工作方向相反。給定數字中的每一位都會向右移動給定的數量。到達數字末尾的任何位元都會被截斷(並且零出現在左側)。讓我們來看一個例子。

考慮 int result = 3 >> 2. 如您所知,3 的二進位是 011。讓我們來看看轉變的每次迭代。


0 1 1


0 0 1


0 0 0



寫~x。 not 運算子反轉給定數字的所有位元。我們將再次使用真值表來詳細說明。

考慮 int result = ~5。如您所知,5 的二進制數是 101。

Bit A ~ Bit A
1 0
0 1
1 0



這些輪班操作有一些值得注意的限制。對於初學者來說,您不能將位移位負數 - 這根本沒有意義!此外,移位超過分配給變數的位數將被視為未定義。你可以做到這一點,但它的輸出不能保證對於給定值是恆定的。最後,雖然不是一個限制,但移位 0 次根本不會執行移位。


  1. 完成以下每一項的真值表。考慮所有值都是無符號的。完成後轉換為十進制。
  2. 8 & 2
  3. 6 | 3
  4. 7 ^ 5
  5. (5 & 2) & (4 & 3)
  6. (5 | 2) & (4 & 3)
  7. (5 & 2) ^ (4 | 3)

  8. 完成每項操作。考慮所有值都是無符號的,並且只要問題中的最長值需要是無符號的(即,如果最大值為 8,則處理 4 位元)。完成後轉換為十進制。

  9. ~6

  10. 9 << 4(這裡考慮該值的長度為32,因此有左移的空間)。

  11. ~(7 & 8)

  12. (2 | 6) >> 1

  13. 8>> (~2)

  14. ~((3 >> 2) ^ ~7) & (~(7 >> 4) | 2)



  • 8 & 2 → 1000 & 0010
Bit A Bit B AND
1 0 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0

⇒ 0000,即十進位的 0。

  • 6 | 3 → 110 | 011
Bit A Bit B OR
1 0 1
1 1 1
0 1 1

⇒ 111,十進位為 7。

  • 7^5→111^101
Bit A Bit B XOR
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0

⇒ 010,十進位 2。

  • (5 & 2) & (4 & 3) → (101 & 010) & (100 & 011)
Bit A Bit B A AND B Bit C Bit D C AND D (A AND B) AND (C AND D)
1 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0

⇒ 000,即十進位的 0。

  • (5 | 2) & (4 & 3) → (101 | 010) & (100 & 011)
Bit A Bit B A OR B Bit C Bit D C AND D (A OR B) AND (C AND D)
1 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0

⇒ 000,即十進位的 0。

  • (5 & 2) ^ (4 | 3) → (101 & 010) ^ (100 | 011)
Bit A Bit B A AND B Bit C Bit D C OR D (A AND B) XOR (C OR D)
1 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 1

⇒ 111, which is 7 in decimal.

Question 2

  • ~6 → ~110 ⇒ 011, which is 3 in decimal.

  • 9 << 4 → 001001 << 4 ⇒ 100100, which is 36 in decimal.

  • ~(7 & 8) → ~(0111 & 1000) → ~(0000) ⇒ 1111, which is 15 in decimal.

  • (2 | 6) >> 1 → (010 | 110) >> 1 → 110 >> 1 ⇒ 011, which is 3 in decimal.

  • 8 >> (~2) → 1000 >> ~(10) → 1000 >> (01) → 1000 >> 1 ⇒ 0100, which is 4 in decimal.

  • ~((3 >> 2) ^ ~7) & (~(7 >> 4) | 2)

To solve this, I suggest splitting into halves:

~((3 >> 2) ^ ~7) and (~(7 >> 4) | 2)

~((3 >> 2) ^ ~7) → ~((011 >> 2) ^ ~(111)) → ~((000) ^ ~(111)) → ~(000 ^ 000) → 111
(~(7 >> 4) | 2) → (~(111 >> 4) | 010) → (~(000) | 010) → (111 | 010) → 111

Hence, 111 & 111 ⇒ 111, which is 7 in decimal.

Chapter 3: Applying Bitwise Operations in C

This chapter is all about writing C code that utilizes bitwise operators. Before we get to doing bitwise operations, we should begin by writing a function that can write the binary equivalent of a given variable.

To do this, we use a mask. We initialize it to contain a 1 in the most significant (leftmost in little-endian systems) bit followed by zeros. With each iteration of a loop, we right shift the mask by 1, moving the 1 all the way "across" the mask. When we use the & operator on the pointer and the mask, any non-zero value means that a 1 occurred somewhere in the result. Since there's only one 1 in the mask, we know exactly where this occurred. Since the loop moves from left to right, we can just append the corresponding bit's character to the string. The string is one character longer than the size because it needs to contain the null character (\0). This is how printf knows to stop printing, and omitting it can lead to numerous errors and/or unexpected behaviors (like the printing of other data from in memory).

void printBinary(unsigned int decimal) {

    // To determine size (in bits), we multiply the maximum size of an unsigned int by 8 (to convert from bytes to bits).
    int size = sizeof(decimal) * 8;

    // This counts the leading zeros of the number, then subtracts them from the size.
    // Hence, we start at the first bit set to 1 (unless decimal == 0)
    size -= __builtin_clz(decimal);

    if(size == 0) size = 1; // Handle zero case, we need one space to display "0."

    int curr = 0;
    char binary[size + 1];
    for(unsigned int mask = 1 << (size - 1); mask != 0; mask >>= 1) {
        if((decimal & mask) != 0) {
            binary[curr] = '1';
        } else {
            binary[curr] = '0';

    binary[curr] = '\0';

    printf("%s", binary);


Bitwise Assignment Operators

All bitwise operators, except for not (~), can be used in the assignment fashion. This means you can add an equals sign right next to one of the bitwise operator. For example, in

int a = 2;
a &= 7;

a is both the first operand and the destination. In other words, the value of a & 7 is stored in a. This works for all bitwise operators aside from the not (~) operator.

Now, I'd like to provide a few case study like prompts for you to try. Sample responses are available.

Case Study 1: Unix File Permissions

One use case of bitwise operations is in the Unix permission system. You've probably run the command

chmod 777 some-file

But what do each of the numbers mean? And why 7? The reality is, binary is at play here, and 7 should tip you off. Recall that 7 in binary is 111. The number being passed here is acting as three flags or booleans glued together.

The three digits specified are for three classes of users:

  • The file owner;
  • Group members of the file owner;
  • and everyone else.

As I mentioned above, each digit is a conglomeration of three flags, each representing a permission. The flag (binary bit) in the fours place represents read permission, the twos place is for write permission, and the ones is for execute. So,

chmod 777 some-file

is doing this under the hood:

File Permissions: some-file

Group Read Write Execute Decimal
Owner 1 1 1 7
Owner's Group 1 1 1 7
Everyone Else 1 1 1 7



設計一個簡單的權限檢查器,它接受完整的檔案權限值(一個三位數)並檢查一組給定的特定權限(即擁有者寫入、每個人執行等)。例如,請查看第 3 章資料夾。


取得完整數字後,您需要將其轉換為 int(從 char*)。然後,使用模運算來分解每個權限集。請記住,第一個數字代表所有者的權限,第二個數字代表所有者的使用者群組,第三個數字代表所有人。


案例 2:對網路進行子網路劃分

如果您曾經設定過路由器,您可能已經注意到配置「子網路遮罩」的選項。通常,該值設定為,但為什麼呢?首先,我們需要記住 IPv4 位址的每個位元組都以「.」分隔。當處理您最熟悉的網路類型(C 類網路)時,有 3 個位元組專用於網絡,最後一個位元組用於主機。



子網路仍然可以設定為 1。




用 C 語言編寫一個程序,接收 IPv4 位址和子網路掩碼,尋找並輸出 IPv4 位址所在的網路位址。有關範例,請查看第 3 章資料夾。







