Discovering little tricks like that can really streamline your workflow. Here are some more tips and tricks for making the most out of your coding experience in VS Code, especially when you're working with Node.js:
You already found out about using the terminal in VS Code, but did you know you can split terminals? Use Ctrl + Shift + 5 (or Cmd + Shift + 5 on Mac) to open a split terminal. This is great for running a server in one terminal while executing scripts or running tests in another.
VS Code has a built-in debugger that works seamlessly with Node.js. Set breakpoints in your code by clicking in the gutter next to the line numbers, and then press F5 to start the debugger. You can step through your code, inspect variables, and view call stacks, making it much easier to find and fix issues.
If you're working on web projects, the Live Server extension is a game-changer. It automatically refreshes your browser whenever you save changes to your HTML, CSS, or JavaScript files. Just install the extension, right-click your index.html file, and select "Open with Live Server."
For HTML and CSS, Emmet abbreviations can save you tons of time. For example, typing ul>li*5 and pressing Tab will generate an unordered list with five list items. It's like magic!
The Prettier code formatter helps keep your code consistent and clean. Install the Prettier extension and then format your code with Alt + Shift + F (or Option + Shift + F on Mac). You can also configure it to format your code on save.
Custom snippets can speed up your coding. Go to File > Preferences > User Snippets and create a new snippet file for JavaScript. For example, you can create a snippet for a console log:
"log": { "prefix": "clg", "body": ["console.log('$1');"], "description": "Log output to console" }
Now, typing clg followed by Tab will expand to console.log();.
VS Code’s IntelliSense offers intelligent code completion, parameter info, and member lists. For JavaScript, it’s particularly useful when dealing with complex objects or unfamiliar libraries. You can trigger it manually by pressing Ctrl + Space.
There are a few must-have extensions for Node.js developers:
VS Code has Git integration built-in. You can manage your repositories, stage changes, make commits, and even resolve merge conflicts directly from the editor. Use the Source Control panel on the left sidebar for all your Git operations.
The Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P on Mac) is the gateway to all VS Code commands. You can quickly search and execute commands, open files, and run extensions without leaving your keyboard.
Place multiple cursors in your code by holding Alt (or Option on Mac) and clicking where you want to add a cursor. You can also use Ctrl + Alt + Down (or Cmd + Option + Down on Mac) to add a cursor below the current line. This is super handy for making the same edit in multiple places.
Navigate your files quickly using the explorer panel on the left. Ctrl + P (or Cmd + P on Mac) brings up the quick open file menu, allowing you to jump to any file in your project with just a few keystrokes.
You can define tasks in VS Code to run scripts or commands with ease. Create a tasks.json file in the .vscode folder of your project and configure tasks like building your project or running tests.
{ "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "label": "build", "type": "shell", "command": "npm run build", "problemMatcher": [] } ] }
Now you can run your build task from the Command Palette or the terminal.
For JavaScript, Code Lens shows inline references to functions and variables, making it easier to see where they are used. Enable it in settings under Editor: Code Lens.
To make nested code easier to read, enable bracket pair colorization. This can be done by adding "editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true to your settings.json file.
VS Code allows you to configure settings specific to your project by adding a .vscode folder with settings.json inside your project directory. This is useful for maintaining consistent settings across team members.
{ "editor.tabSize": 2, "files.exclude": { "**/.git": true, "**/.DS_Store": true } }
VS Code's Remote Development extensions let you work with code on remote machines or in containers. You can use the Remote - SSH extension to connect to a remote server or Remote - Containers to develop inside Docker containers. This is excellent for maintaining a consistent dev environment.
You can sync your settings, extensions, and keyboard shortcuts across different devices using Settings Sync. Enable it from the gear icon in the bottom left, then "Turn on Settings Sync..." and sign in with your GitHub or Microsoft account.
Mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity. Here are a few more handy ones:
Explore these extensions to further enhance your productivity:
The REST Client extension allows you to make HTTP requests directly from VS Code and view the responses. Create a .http or .rest file and write your requests:
Run the request by clicking "Send Request" above the request line.
Polacode is an extension that lets you create beautiful code snapshots. You can use it to generate images of your code for documentation or sharing. Simply select the code, right-click, and select "Polacode: Open" to capture the snapshot.
For front-end developers, CSS Peek allows you to view CSS definitions directly in your HTML file by hovering over class names or IDs.
GitLens supercharges the built-in Git capabilities by providing insights into your repository. It shows who changed a line of code and when, helps with navigating through commit history, and even offers inline blame annotations.
Depending on your tech stack, there are specific snippets and extensions you might find useful:
VS Code supports Jupyter Notebooks, making it an excellent tool for data science and machine learning projects. Install the Jupyter extension to create, edit, and run Jupyter notebooks directly in the editor.
If you're working with Docker, the Docker extension is invaluable. It allows you to build, manage, and deploy containerized applications directly from VS Code. You can view containers, images, and registries all from the sidebar.
VS Code has built-in support for Markdown. You can preview Markdown files by opening the file and pressing Ctrl + Shift + V (or Cmd + Shift + V on Mac). This is great for writing documentation or README files.
VS Code introduces Workspace Trust, which allows you to control the level of trust you assign to the files within a workspace. This is especially useful when working with code from unknown sources, ensuring your environment remains secure.
對於那些需要集中註意力的時候,Zen 模式提供了一個無幹擾的編碼環境。按 Ctrl + K Z(或在 Mac 上按 Cmd + K Z)進入 Zen 模式。這會隱藏所有工具列和麵板,只留下您的程式碼。
使用 Git Graph 擴充功能可視化儲存庫的提交歷史記錄。它提供了分支、提交和合併的圖形表示,使您更容易理解專案的流程。
VS Code 具有強大的 diff 功能。您可以透過選擇檔案並按 Ctrl + D(或在 Mac 上按 Cmd + D)來比較檔案或檢視變更。這對於在提交或解決合併衝突之前檢查更改非常有用。
CodeMetrics 擴充功能為您的程式碼提供複雜性指標,幫助您識別可能需要重構的區域。它顯示了函數和類別的認知複雜性,使維護乾淨且有效率的程式碼變得更加容易。
您可以自訂按鍵綁定以適合您的工作流程。使用 Ctrl + K Ctrl + S(或 Mac 上的 Cmd + K Cmd + S)開啟鍵綁定編輯器,然後修改現有捷徑或建立新捷徑。
VS Code 提供強大的檔案和程式碼導航功能:
這些擴充功能對於 HTML 和 JSX 開發特別有用。自動關閉標籤會在您鍵入時自動關閉標籤,而自動重新命名標籤會同步開始標籤和結束標籤之間的變更。
安裝適合您特定專案需求的擴充功能。例如,如果您正在處理 Python 項目,Python 擴充功能提供了一套全面的工具,包括 IntelliSense、linting 和偵錯。對於 Java 項目,請考慮 Java 擴充包。
這些技巧應該會讓您忙碌一段時間並增強您的 VS Code 設定。享受探索所有這些功能并快樂編碼,夥計!
以上是JS:VSCode 技巧的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!