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Cycle Network如何建構基於鏈抽象的全鏈流動性聚合網絡?

發布: 2024-07-31 00:11:54
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Cycle Network如何构建基于链抽象的全链流动性聚合网络?


區塊鏈技術長期以來一直面臨可擴展性的問題。為了解決這個問題,業界內提出了各種 Layer1 和 Rollup 方案。隨著這些方案的實施,新公鏈和Layer2 Rollup獲得了快速發展,拓展了區塊鏈的性能可擴展性,但也面臨了新的情況:用戶和去中心化應用(DApp)的狀態數據不再局限於少數幾條區塊鏈,而是分散在數十條Layer1 和Rollup 網路上。

這種分散化帶來了新的挑戰,包括用戶體驗的碎片化、使用門檻的提升、去中心化金融(DeFi)協議流動性的不足、跨鏈DApp 狀態同步的複雜性以及治理難度的增加等。這些問題需要新的解決方案,以應對日益複雜的區塊鏈生態系統。


隨著區塊鏈技術的演進和基礎設施的完善,針對上述問題,市場上出現了3類解決方案/賽道:跨鏈、全鏈(Omni-Chain)和鏈抽象(Chain Abstraction)。


  • 實現方式:透過跨鏈協定、跨鏈橋或其他技術手段實現鏈間通訊。
  • 優點:增強區塊鏈的互聯性和靈活性,拓展應用場景和生態系統。
  • 典型專案/應用:以Polkadot和Cosmos為代表的跨鏈公鏈;以Stargate、Hop Exchange、Across、Synapse Bridge為代表的跨鏈橋專案。


  • 實作方式:建立統一的Layer層,所有操作和資料都在一個區塊鏈上進行,無需跨鏈互動。
  • 優點:系統簡單,安全性高,因為所有操作都在一個受信任的環境中進行。
  • 典型項目/應用:以LayerZero、Wormhole為代表的跨鏈訊息&資產協定;整合Rollup的Omni Network;跨鏈互通性L1公鏈ZetaChain.

鏈抽象(Chain Abstraction):是指將區塊鏈系統的複雜性進行抽象化和封裝,使得開發者和使用者不必直接處理底層的技術細節。透過鏈抽象,開發者可以使用統一的介面和工具與不同的區塊鏈交互,而不需要關心每個區塊鏈的具體實現細節,用戶可以無縫瀏覽和使用Web3 應用程序,而無需關注底層區塊鏈、跨鏈操作、gas 支付和其他複雜的細節。

  • 實現方式:透過API、SDK或中間件提供統一的接口,屏蔽底層鏈的差異。
  • 優點:提高開發效率,增強系統的靈活性和可擴展性;提升使用者體驗和普及率。
  • 典型專案/應用:去信任流動性聚合網路Cycle Network;模組化L1公鏈Particle Network.

對比上面三類解決方案,鏈抽像在開發者友善和使用者體驗上具有明顯的優勢,也是未來區塊鏈發展和促進主流採用的關鍵驅動力。而Cycle Network是鏈抽象賽道的頭部項目,以其獨特的全鏈通訊技術,在實現不同鏈間的資產流動性聚合和互通性方面,有獨特的技術優勢,為Web3 帶來更加統一、便利和安全的使用者體驗。

什麼是Cycle Network?

Cycle Network 是一個面向所有區塊鏈的去信任化聚合流動性網絡,基於聚合排序器和鏈抽象。 Cycle 利用多鏈 zk-rollup 技術將傳統的 L1 和 L2 之間的一對一原生橋擴展為支援所有鏈的全連接。這使得使用者能夠在 Cycle 上實現去信任化的全鏈互通性。

透過 Cycle Network,開發者和使用者可以體驗所有鏈、層和 dApp 的無縫通訊和價值轉移。

Cycle Network如何构建基于链抽象的全链流动性聚合网络?

Cycle Network致力於解放開發者,讓他們擺脫重複繁瑣的任務,從底層架構到資訊/資產的同步和部署,Cycle一站式解決,讓開發者專注於創新探索,無懼未知,盡情挖掘Web3的無限潛能。

Cycle Network有什麼用?


Cycle 突破了生態系統壁壘,實現了跨鏈互通的無縫體驗。無論開發者選擇 EVM 鏈、非 EVM 鏈、L2 或其他模組化鏈,Cycle 都能提供一站式的解決方案,支援現有或新的 dApp 輕鬆整合和自動建置跨鏈應用。只需簡單的插件合約,即可實現跨層功能,無需任何程式碼修改或新的鏈部署。


Cycle 提供全鏈分散式帳本,免去開發者跨鏈學習和部署的煩惱。無需再為複雜的共識機製或針對每層/區塊鏈定制的規則集而頭疼。 Cycle 賦能開發者,讓他們專注於創新應用的開發。


Cycle 工具包、SDK 和先進的智能合約設計,讓開發者能夠以低成本建構高效、低費用的多鏈應用。閃電般的速度和極致的使用者體驗,將為您的應用程式帶來更多價值。


為了實現終極的安全性和去信任性,Cycle 的跨鏈通訊本質是將自己部署為所有連接鏈的ZK-Rollup。 ZK-Rollup 橋提供去信任的雙向驗證。 Cycle 將此功能從以太坊擴展到所有外部網絡,透過聚合序列器將多鏈狀態錨定到 Cycle 狀態。這簡化了分散式系統中的狀態同步問題,為所有區塊鏈創建了一個去中心化的超級帳本和流動性中心。


Cycle Network的整體架構主要由三個部分組成:

  1. Cycle Layer:是Cycle的核心層,作為Security Layer和Extend Layer的ZK-Rollup提供統一的多鏈狀態管理。核心模組包括:
  • Verifiable Aggregate Sequencer 是Cycle交易打包的核心模組,依靠部署在以太坊上的Omni State Channel Indexer (OSCI) 來打包所有交易;
  • Omni-Ledger 是本.儲存Cycle Network 上的所有交易狀態,包括跨鏈交易和Cycle Layer的內部交易;

2. Extend Layer:連接除以太坊以外的其他區塊鏈,包括所有L2 以及其他異質L1 (Solana , TON 以及Bitcoin 等) 。核心模組包括:

  • 橋接合約用於鎖定Rollup合約中的原始鏈資產;
  • ZK Verifier 驗證Cycle產生的ZK證明,證明Rollup狀態的合法性;
  • Extend DA 提供資料可用性,確保資料的不易度;變性和安全性。

3. Security Layer:是Cycle的安全性層,確保交易狀態的安全性,選用可程式網路中安全性最高的以太坊。核心模組包括:

  • Omni State Channel Indexer (OSCI) 是去中心化的多鏈索引器,記錄Sequencer打包多鏈Rollin和Rollout事務的規則;
  • Security Layer作為特殊的Extend Layer,也具有橋接合約、ZK Verifier和DA模組。

Cycle Network如何构建基于链抽象的全链流动性聚合网络?


Cycle Network的關鍵組件包括Omni State Channel Indexer和Verifiable State Aggregation,基於它們,Cycle Network 能夠有效地解決來自不同網路的流動性依託於其關鍵組件Omni State Channel Indexer。

Omni State Channel Indexer

Omni State Channel Indexer is a decentralized multi-chain indexer, responsible for the decentralized indexing and data availability of each expansion layer in Cycle Network. It interacts with multiple blockchain networks (including Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.), tracks assets and messages on different chains, and ensures that Cycle Network can verify and record data changes on different chains.

Cycle Network如何构建基于链抽象的全链流动性聚合网络?

(Omni State Channel Indexer图例)

Cycle Network’s new experiences and implementation scenarios

New experiences for developers and users

For developers:

  1. Enhanced interoperability: Cycle Network’s global status promotes Seamless interaction between different blockchain networks and creating an easy-to-use environment for developers to brainstorm and develop more functionally innovative dApps.
  2. Reduced Complexity: By solving the problem of multi-chain fragmentation using one-click deployment across all chains, Cycle Network abstracts the development process and frees developers from infrastructure concentration to focus more on feature innovation.
  3. Improving efficiency: Cycle Network provides toolkits for dApps to easily perform cross-chain communications and transactions, and smoothes the development process with low latency and security upgrades for a faster, more reliable experience.

For users:

  1. Seamless bridge-less experience: Users can enjoy a better trading and interactive experience without the burden of chain notifications or liquidity and security fragmentation.
  2. Greater Accessibility: Cycle Network’s integration across multiple chains expands access to a variety of decentralized applications and services, providing users with more choice and flexibility.
  3. Enhanced Security and Trust: Benefiting from trustless interoperability, users can enjoy enhanced security and reliability in transactions and data interactions between various blockchain networks.

Typical application scenarios of Cycle Network

Full-chain account: unified account management

Full-chain account solution aims to achieve seamless cross-chain interaction and unified account management, and connects multiple blockchains through Cycle Network. Users can manage and operate cross-chain assets and transactions within one account.

Cycle Network如何构建基于链抽象的全链流动性聚合网络?

Liquidity Aggregator: Effectively allocate liquidity

Cycle Network acts as a liquidity interface, working with liquidity providers to integrate and effectively allocate liquidity. A dApp or chain can easily access liquidity through Cycle’s Liquidity Faucet interface SDK. Even end users can act as liquidity providers, providing liquidity and receiving LP rewards.

Cycle Network如何构建基于链抽象的全链流动性聚合网络?

Multi-chain DeFi Ecosystem: Unlock more DeFi LEGOs

Cycle’s plug-and-play compatibility will unlock more DeFi LEGOs and activate more derivatives, such as Perp Dex, LSD, options, interest exchanges Wait and inject new vitality into the DeFi ecosystem.

Full-chain trading robot: Intelligent trading, higher returns

Cycle supports full-chain trading robots, multiplying the strategies of on-chain trading robots to achieve intelligent trading and bring higher returns to users.

AI agent: full-chain data empowerment, intelligent decision-making

Cycle provides real-time synchronization of full-chain data. AI agents can perform full-chain machine learning, enhance parameter adjustment, treasury management, DAO participation and other functions to help developers build smarter , more powerful DeFi applications.

Full-chain NFT: Play to new heights, endless excitement

Cycle supports full-chain NFT. With the interaction of more chains, more exciting functions will be experimented on NFT, such as display based on specific conditions/operations Hidden functions/features/airdrops bring users a richer and more diversified NFT experience.

Full-chain dark pool: efficient trading, low cost

Cycle supports full-chain dark pools, which can help large traders conduct large-amount transactions with more diversified asset types, achieve low slippage, better prices, save transaction costs, and will not cause on-chain fluctuations, making it a perfect solution for large-scale transactions Provide investors with a more efficient and lower-cost trading experience.

Cycle Network development stage

White paper:

The first version of Cycle Network white paper (v 0.5) has been officially released, which shares the detailed architecture and potential of how Cycle Network achieves global state, covering key topics, including background, Cycle Network framework Detailed technical disclosures and potential real-world applications that developers can deploy using Cycle Network.

White paper URL: https://www.cyclenetwork.io/whitepaper.pdf

StarFish Testnet:

Cycle Network Testnet 1.0 for developer "Starfish" is officially launched, which introduces a breakthrough multi-chain aggregation function , developers can use Cycle-JS-SDK to program and build their own Omni dApp.

Squid Testnet:

As the second iteration in Cycle Network, TestNet Squid is strategically integrated with the Bitcoin ecosystem, facilitating the seamless transfer of BRC-20 assets into and out of Cycle Network. In addition to the Ethereum layer 2 network, Cycle TestNet Squid also integrates Bitlayer TestNet — Bitcoin layer 2 as an extension layer. It plans to integrate Nbuit, Bitcoin’s native data availability infrastructure, into Cycle Network in the near future.

JellyFish Testnet:

JellyFish is a Cycle Network Testnet 2.0 network for developers. It has been officially upgraded. Based on Starfish, the bridge service has been optimized. Developers can experience a smoother Cycle on this network. SDK rollin & rollout service to build your own full-chain products.


Piggybank is a DeFi tool built on Cycle Network that aims to leverage aggregate liquidity to facilitate micro-transactions and savings services across various blockchains. Users can deposit small amounts of remaining tokens from various transactions into Piggybank, which then intelligently routes and exchanges these tokens across multiple chains, increasing the utility and efficiency of capital.


Cycle Network team members are composed of professors and experts from the University of Illinois, University of California, Berkeley, Google, Baidu, Cobo, and University of Bristol. They have expertise in cryptography, distributed ledger technology, ZK, cross-chain technology, Experience in marketing, etc.

Since 2017, Cycle Network’s core team members have been committed to the research and development of blockchain basic technologies, especially in the field of high-performance distributed ledger and zk hardware acceleration, and focus on scalability and throughput . Its previous work achieved impressive results, with peak TPS reaching 56,000. The team has 30+ academic papers and 50+ blockchain technology patents.

Driven by an original commitment to pushing the boundaries of distributed ledger technology, the Cycle Network team was founded to provide scalable and efficient solutions to meet the growing needs of the blockchain industry.

By leveraging extensive web3 development experience and a deep understanding of developer pain points, Cycle Network aims to enable web3 developers to focus on application-centric innovation and realize the full potential of the web3 blockchain.


As the head project of the Chain Abstraction track, Cycle Network provides full-chain asset liquidity infrastructure and solutions for public chains and applications through three-layer architecture and verifiable state aggregation technologies, providing seamless, A secure and efficient mechanism to manage liquidity and transfer value between multiple blockchains, significantly enhancing liquidity integration and improving user on-chain interaction experience. The dApp that integrates Cycle Chain Abstraction technology bridgeless helps users share the liquidity of the entire chain and subversively solves the fragmented user experience between different chains.

以上是Cycle Network如何建構基於鏈抽象的全鏈流動性聚合網絡?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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