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  1.Dns出現故障的時候,先打開開始選單,在運行裡面輸入CMD以回車結束,然後將這個輸入到運行裡面:ping。 Ping如果是通常的那麼就不是TCP/IP協定的問題,反之就算tCP/IP協定的問題,進行重裝就好了。

  2.現在試試進行網路診斷,如果只是是你的DNS連接不了而別人的可以連接,那就是 你忘了改DNS域名。改一下域名就可以了。





  3.然後預設的網關位址是:這個是國內通用的,還有最重要的一個就是DNS伺服器的位址:這個是常用的,最後是DNS伺服器的副位址:202.102 .199.68這個也是不會改變的。






直接利用這兩個DNS伺服器,可以解決你的DNS伺服器問題,但是如果內網有主網域控制器,那麼這樣做只是解決上網問題,存取內網的資源會有問題。如果真有其他問題,可以私訊我另外,你電腦中的DNS 用戶端服務必須處於啟動狀態








硬體問題: 例如記憶體條損壞、插槽接觸不良等。 軟體問題: 例如記憶體洩漏、程式運作過多等。 過度使用: 長時間運行大型程式、頻繁開啟關閉軟體等。 不當操作: 拔插記憶體條不當、系統設定不當等。













Clean up memory regularly: Clean up memory every once in a while to release unnecessary memory space. Avoid overuse: Do not run large programs for long periods of time, and avoid frequently opening and closing software. Pay attention to the operating specifications: When inserting and removing the memory module, handle it with care to avoid unnecessary damage.


Computer memory failure is a common but difficult problem that needs to be solved promptly and effectively. Through the methods and preventive measures introduced in this article, I hope it can help everyone better deal with computer memory failures and maintain the normal operation of the computer.

5. How to solve windows7dns failure?

Windows 7 DNS failure may occur when the local DNS service is unable to resolve or access the remote DNS server. You can try the following methods to solve the problem:

1. Flush the DNS cache: Open the command prompt and enter the "ipconfig /flushdns" command to clear the local DNS cache.

2. Modify the DNS server address: Open the local area connection properties, select the IPv4 properties, and manually enter the DNS server address in the preferred DNS server and alternative DNS server columns.

3. Check the network settings: Make sure the network connection is in good condition, and check whether the local network settings and DNS server settings are correct.

4. Connect to other networks: If the problem only occurs under a specific network, please try to connect to other networks or use other devices to verify.

5. Modify the hosts file: Check whether there are any abnormalities in the hosts file. If there are any abnormalities, please repair them.

6. Check whether the DNS service starts normally: Find the DNS client service in the service list, change the startup type to automatic in its properties, and make sure the DNS client service is running.

It should be noted that the above solutions are applicable to general DNS failure conditions. If the problem still exists, more professional diagnostic analysis may be required, or professional technicians may be contacted for processing.

6. How to solve the problem of dns problem when the computer cannot ping?

If your computer cannot ping the DNS server, there may be a problem with your network settings. Here are some possible solutions:

1. Restart your network device: First, you can try to restart your router, modem, or other network device, then wait a few minutes and try to ping the DNS server again.

2. Check firewall settings: Make sure your firewall settings allow pinging DNS servers. Sometimes, firewalls block ping requests, making it impossible to connect to the server.

3. Check the network configuration: Please check the network configuration on your computer to make sure they are configured correctly to be compatible with your network and without unnecessary restrictions or blocking. (Such as IP address, subnet mask, gateway, etc.)

4. Try to use other DNS servers: If none of the above methods can solve the problem, please try to use other DNS servers to solve it. Google Public DNS and OpenDNS are both great alternatives.

Hope these solutions can help you. If the problem persists, try contacting your network administrator or technical support.

7. How to solve the problem of computer dns not responding?

1. Check the device

Apart from the software complexity, you must also check the device you are currently using. No matter what steps you take, if there is some underlying issue with the main device, you will not be able to access the internet. In this case, you can try connecting your device to a different form of network. If it fails, there is some glitch in the device's network connection.

2. Switch Browsers

Sometimes, these types of DNS errors may be limited to one specific browser. To confirm that your current browser is not the source of this problem, you must try a different browser. If this resolves the error, it means there was a problem with the previous browser. In order to use your default browser, please update it to the latest version. Or prefer to uninstall and reinstall it.

3. Disable system protection

System protection like antivirus and firewall are very important components to protect your system. However, some antivirus software and firewalls are known to interfere with your Internet connection. Hence causing this error DNS server is not responding. Temporarily disable them for this purpose.

If the disabling method works, switch to another antivirus program. Please note that permanently disabling the firewall makes your PC extremely vulnerable to threats. So once you've done what you need, make sure to enable them again.

4. Update Network Drivers

Drivers are an important part of network adapter functionality. There is also a chance that a network driver will stop responding if the driver is out of date. Especially network adapter drivers. Therefore, once it stops responding, you will no longer be able to access the internet. One solution recommended here is to update the network driver.

5. Change DNS Server

As mentioned before, DNS server addresses are automatically provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). If the current DNS server encounters any problem, it will generate errors in DNS. In this case, you must use a different DNS server than the one you are currently using. Public DNS is one of them. One way to solve this problem is to change the DNS server address.

6. Start in Safe Mode

Another way to fix this error is to start your computer in Safe Mode. Certain security third-party software may interfere with the operation of DNS.

Safe Mode is a mode that ensures your computer boots with only a basic set of drivers and software. This way you can determine if any third-party software or drivers are causing this error so you can install them.

7. Reset your router

In some cases, a simple reboot of your router may resolve this DNS error. By resetting your router, you are actually clearing your router cache. So the router boots up fresh without errors. Most routers have an on/off button that allows you to restart the router.

Hold the power button for a few seconds and then leave. This will reset the router. If you don't find the button, simply unplug the power cord and reconnect it.

8. How to solve the problem of win7dns failure?

Method 1:

1. If it is a problem with the website you are visiting, then let’s refresh the web page more often, or visit it at a different time period.

2. This situation is usually caused by DNS errors.

Method 2:

1. If you find that you can log in to QQ, but the website cannot be opened,

then most of them are caused by DNS errors. We can solve it by resetting the DNS server.

Generally, the DNS address is automatically obtained when surfing the Internet, but you can try to set the DNS address manually. The specific method is as follows:

1. Taking Win7 as an example, first we click "Start Menu" in the lower left corner of the desktop → Find And click "Control Panel" → View by "Categories",

Click "Network and Internet" → Click "Network and Sharing Center" → Then click "Change Adapter Settings" in the left column.

2. Right-click "Local Area Connection" and select "Properties" → click "Internet Protocol 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and then click "Properties".

3. We will change the automatically obtained DNS server address to use the following DNS server address and set the correct DNS server address.

9. How to solve the problem that the computer cannot obtain DNS?

It is recommended to change the DNS address. The steps are as follows:

1. Right-click the network logo and select Open Network and Internet Settings.

2. Click on Network and Sharing Center.

3. Click to change adapter settings.

4. Right-click the network and click Properties.

5. Click on Internet Protocol Version 4.

6. Change to use the following DNS server address.

7. Change the preferred and backup DNS server addresses to and respectively and click OK. Extension information DNS (Domain Name System), a distributed database on the World Wide Web that maps domain names and IP addresses to each other, allows users to access the Internet more conveniently without having to remember IP numbers that can be directly read by machines. string. The process of finally obtaining the IP address corresponding to the domain name through the domain name is called domain name resolution (or host name resolution). The DNS protocol runs on top of the UDP protocol and uses port number 53. In the RFC document, RFC 2181 has specifications for DNS, RFC 2136 describes dynamic updates of DNS, and RFC 2308 describes reverse caching of DNS queries.

10. How to solve the problem that the DNS of Longjiang Network may fail?

First try to use the repair tool that comes with the system, right-click the network connection icon in the task area, and right-click to detect recovery (for win7, click "Troubleshoot"). If it still doesn’t work, unplug the network cable and try to reconnect

