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Logan Paul 因 CryptoZoo NFT 項目誹謗指控被'Coffeezilla”YouTube 頻道起訴

發布: 2024-08-07 00:03:30
360 人瀏覽過

YouTube 上更常被稱為「Coffeezilla」的 Stephen Findeisen 透過影片回應了網紅 Logan Paul 的訴訟,並表示

Logan Paul 因 CryptoZoo NFT 項目誹謗指控被'Coffeezilla”YouTube 頻道起訴

Coffeezilla 回應Logan Paul 訴訟:「毫無根據」的誹謗訴訟可能會平息另一項調查YouTube 上更常被稱為「Coffeezilla」的Stephen Findeisen 透過影片回應網紅Logan Paul 的訴訟,並表示「Coffeezilla」的Stephen Findeisen 透過影片回應網紅Logan Paul 的訴訟,並表示「毫無根據」的誹謗訴訟訴訟可能是試圖壓制另一項調查。

7 月 27 日,Paul 起訴 Coffeezilla,指控其誹謗 YouTuber 的非同質代幣 (NFT) 項目 CryptoZoo 的影片。該訴訟指控芬德森發表虛假聲明,指控保羅詐欺。

8 月 5 日,Findeisen 澄清,他並未因其有關 CryptoZoo 項目的原創影片而被起訴。然而,這位網路偵探表示,他因影片和倡導用戶退款的 X 貼文而被起訴。

1 月 4 日,Paul 分享了一個網站,該網站允許 CryptoZoo NFT 持有者透過 230 萬美元的回購計畫收回資金。該名名人表示,他將以原價回購 NFT。不過芬德森指出,此舉背後別有用心,因為如果用戶完成退款程序,就需要放棄對保羅的索賠。

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Findeisen also believes that the refund process only addresses the NFTs and does not make users who purchased Zoo tokens whole. In the video, Findeisen reiterated that Paul only intends to pay back a small part of the losses while fighting off the other victims in court.

The internet detective also described the lawsuit as “groundless, meritless and frivolous.” Findeisen argued that for the lawsuit to be valid, Paul must have suffered financial losses or reputational damage. The online investigator alleges that Paul had already been accused of pump-and-dump schemes before publishing his investigation on the celebrity.

Because of these, Findeisen believes the lawsuit’s purpose is to silence any future investigations and take revenge on the previous ones. The investigator said that the lawsuit came as he requested comments from Paul regarding the celebrity’s involvement in the Liquid Marketplace saga.

On June 24, the Ontario Securities Commission accused the marketplace, which was co-founded by Paul, of being a “multi-layered fraud.”

“This defamation lawsuit feels frivolous even on the surface. But if you dig deeper, there’s an even more compelling story which I personally believe, where the goal is to crush new investigations while taking revenge for the old ones,” Findeisen explained.

以上是Logan Paul 因 CryptoZoo NFT 項目誹謗指控被'Coffeezilla”YouTube 頻道起訴的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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