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孫宇晨提議設立 10 億美元反 FUD 基金以穩定加密貨幣市場

發布: 2024-08-07 03:14:12
905 人瀏覽過

經驗豐富的數位資產投資者對加密貨幣崩盤並不陌生,但週末的回撤尤其殘酷,前 100 名代幣中的大部分都被撤資

孫宇晨提議設立 10 億美元反 FUD 基金以穩定加密貨幣市場

經驗豐富的數位資產投資者已經習慣了加密貨幣崩盤,但週末的拋售尤其殘酷,前 100 種代幣中的大多數都遭受了兩位數的百分比損失。

雖然分析師將崩盤歸因於日圓套利交易平倉導致的被迫拋售以及中東緊張局勢加劇的不確定性等因素,但 Tron 創始人孫宇晨卻有不同的看法。

孫淡化了宏觀經濟和地緣政治因素,聲稱拋售只是由 FUD 驅動的。為了因應未來 FUD 影響市場的情況,Sun 宣布成立 10 億美元的基金來穩定市場並減少類似的拋售。


在一篇關於週末加密貨幣崩盤的推文中,孫宇晨將拋售歸因於 FUD,而不是分析師通常引用的宏觀經濟和地緣政治因素。

"Don't worry! The industry has grown significantly over the past year, and this market fluctuation isn't due to negative news. We should reject FUD and keep building. That's why we' be creating a $1 billion fund to combat FUD, invest more, and provide liquidity. ?"

To minimize future market disruptions and prevent a repeat of this event, the Tron founder proposed a substantial $1 billion fund designed to “combat FUD, invest more, and provide liquidity.”

Sun emphasized the importance of rejecting FUD and focusing on building and development, especially during periods of significant market volatility.

While Sun’s anti-FUD fund garnered significant attention, details about its implementation were lacking in the tweet. The post did not clarify how the money would be utilized to combat FUD, what types of investments it would make, or under what circumstances it would provide liquidity to the market.

In the wake of the market turmoil triggered by FTX’s collapse in November 2022, Binance co-founder Changpeng Zhao (CZ) introduced a similar initiative to Sun’s anti-FUD fund, the Industry Recovery Fund (IRF).

Empty Promises

Following the public dispute between CZ and FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried on social media in the run-up to FTX’s bankruptcy, CZ announced the IRF.

The IRF was designed to provide liquidity to solid crypto projects caught up in the FTX fallout, aiming to mitigate the broader negative impact on the crypto ecosystem.

Binance initially committed $1 billion to the fund, with a pledge to increase it to $2 billion if necessary. The initiative also attracted participation from other prominent crypto firms, including Jump, Polygon Ventures, and Animoca Brands.

However, with the IRF using only $30 million since its launch, critics have slammed the project for failing to deliver on its bold promises. Clara Medalie, director of research at Kaiko, remarked, “It’s a matter of accountability, and there hasn’t been much of that with this recovery fund.”

On the Flipside

Why This Matters

Justin Sun’s anti-FUD fund highlights the ongoing debate between market intervention and organic growth in crypto. Regardless of the discussions about the effectiveness of such initiatives, the fund underscores the willingness of industry leaders to stabilize the market and maintain investor confidence.

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What Caused the Crypto Crash This Weekend? Here Are the Key Factors

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以上是孫宇晨提議設立 10 億美元反 FUD 基金以穩定加密貨幣市場的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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