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發布: 2024-08-07 07:37:37
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查看硬體設備功耗:首先需要了解電腦主機中各個硬體設備的功率消耗情況。例如,CPU、顯示卡、硬碟等不同裝置在工作時消耗的功率是不同的。可以透過查看各個設備的功耗參數或使用專業的功率計算工具來獲取這些資訊。 考慮潛在耗電量峰值:在計算電腦主機功率時,還需要考慮到潛在的耗電量峰值。在一些特定情況下,電腦主機的功耗可能會突然增加,例如在執行大型程式或進行高效能遊戲時。因此,需要給電源設備留有一定的冗餘功率,以應對這種潛在的功耗峰值。 使用線上功率運算工具:為了方便使用者計算電腦主機的功率,現在市面上也有一些線上功率運算工具可供使用。使用者只需要輸入電腦主機所配備的硬體訊息,這些工具就可以幫助計算出電腦主機的功率需求,幫助使用者選擇合適的電源設備。



功率大小:根據上述計算的功率需求,選擇功率適當、能夠提供足夠電能的電源設備。功率過高可能會浪費能源,功率過低則無法滿足電腦主機的需求,因此需要選擇適合的功率範圍。 品牌品質:電源設備是保障電腦穩定運作的關鍵之一,因此在選購時建議選擇知名品牌產品,確保產品品質與穩定性。同時,也需要考慮產品的散熱性能和電源效率等因素。 介面標準:不同的電源設備可能具有不同的介面標準,因此需要確保所選購的電源設備與電腦主機的介面相符,以避免不相容的情況。






顯卡中,1066-1080ti正常遊戲功率在140w-250w之間,所以你要更換電源的話,一般將cpu tdp+顯卡遊戲功率,再加100w,得出的功率就是你所需電源的額定功率





功率(W)= 電壓(V) × 電流(A)




CPU(中央處理器) 顯示卡主機板記憶體硬碟風扇和其他外設






五、如何計算電腦電源功率? | 電腦電源功率計算方法詳解





顯示卡功率: 顯示卡通常是電腦功耗的主要來源之一,尤其是對於玩家來說,選擇合適的功率至關重要。 CPU功率: 中央處理器的功率也是需要考慮的因素之一,不同的CPU功率差異較大。 硬碟和SSD功率: 硬碟和固態硬碟的功率相對較小,但在整體功率計算時也需要考慮進去。 記憶體和主機板功率: 記憶體和主機板的功率消耗通常較小,但也需要計算在內。 附加設備功率: 需考慮其他附加設備如散熱器、風扇、LED燈等的電力消耗。








計算電腦電源功率的公式為:功率 = 電流 × 電壓。一般情況下,一個標準的桌上型電腦電源的功率在300W~500W之間。如果你有特殊的需求,例如需要安裝更多的硬件,那麼你需要根據實際情況,計算所需的功率。




七、如何計算組裝電腦的功率需求? —— 電腦功率計算器指南





How to use the assembled computer power calculator?

It is very simple to use the assembled computer power calculator. You only need to provide relevant information, such as: CPU model, graphics card model, memory capacity, number of storage devices, etc. Based on this information, the power calculator will calculate the required power supply based on the power requirements of these components, plus other peripheral requirements.

How accurate is the assembled computer power calculator?

The accuracy of the Assembly Computer Power Calculator depends on the accuracy of the information provided. If the information you provide is accurate, the calculator will give accurate power requirements. However, the assembled computer power calculator is for reference only. When purchasing a power supply, it is recommended to add a certain margin to the calculated power to ensure system stability.


Avoid low-quality power supplies: Choose a reputable brand to ensure the quality and reliability of your power supply. Leave a certain margin: It is recommended to leave a certain margin based on the power calculation to cope with possible future hardware upgrades or other higher power consumption requirements. Be aware of special requirements: Some high-performance graphics cards or specific peripherals may have additional power requirements. Be sure to take these factors into account when calculating your power requirements.

By using the Assembled Computer Power Calculator, you can easily calculate the required power supply wattage and ensure that your computer will run properly. Hope this article can help you! thanks for reading!

8. How to accurately calculate the computer power supply? Power supply power calculation formula

Why do we need to accurately calculate computer power supply?

When assembling or purchasing a computer, it is very important to accurately calculate the power supply wattage. The stable operation of a computer is closely related to the matching of power supply. If the power supply is too low, the computer may not work properly or even malfunction. Excessive power will waste energy and increase usage costs.

Power supply power calculation formula

Calculating the power supply power required by the computer is not complicated. You only need to calculate it according to the following formula:

Total power = active power + reactive power + power factor correction coefficient

Among them, the active power is Refers to the energy that a device produces useful work, usually measured in watts (W). Reactive power refers to the energy generated by equipment that is not beneficial to the grid and power supply equipment, and is usually measured in Var (Var). The power factor correction coefficient is a correction coefficient introduced to ensure that the power factor of the entire system is within a reasonable range.

How to obtain active power and reactive power?

To calculate the active power and reactive power of a computer system, you need to understand the power consumption of various hardware devices used by the computer.

Generally speaking, the power consumption information of CPU, graphics card, hard disk, memory and other devices can be found in the device specifications. In addition, you can also obtain approximate values ​​through some online power calculation tools.

Case Analysis

For example, if the CPU power consumption of a computer is 150W, the graphics card power consumption is 200W, the hard disk power consumption is 20W, and the memory power consumption is 10W, then the total active power of this computer is: 150W + 200W + 20W + 10W = 380W.

When calculating reactive power and power factor correction coefficient, it can be evaluated and adjusted according to the actual situation.

How to choose a suitable power supply?

Once the total power of the computer system is calculated, you can choose the appropriate power supply based on this value. Generally speaking, in order to ensure stable power supply, it is best to choose a power supply with a power value slightly higher than the calculated result.

Through the power supply calculation formula introduced in this article, I believe you can more accurately calculate the power required by the computer system to ensure the stable operation of the computer.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope you can get the help you need.

9. How to use a computer power calculator to accurately calculate the power consumption of a computer

The role of a computer power calculator

In today's information society, computers have become an indispensable device in life and work. However, as computer hardware configurations continue to upgrade, attention to computer power consumption is gradually increasing. The computer power calculator can help users accurately calculate the power consumption of the computer during operation, which is of great significance for energy saving and environmental protection.

How to use the computer power calculator

First of all, using the computer power calculator requires understanding the various hardware configurations of the computer, such as the power consumption of the CPU, graphics card, hard drive, etc. Secondly, according to these data, input it into the computer power calculator to calculate the power consumption of the computer under full load and light load. Finally, select the appropriate power module based on the calculation results to achieve the purpose of energy saving and emission reduction.

The importance of computer power calculator

By using computer power calculator, users can understand the power consumption of computers under different loads, effectively plan power requirements, and save electricity costs. Especially when building high-performance computers or servers, rational use of computer power calculators can avoid power overload, protect hardware equipment, and extend equipment life.


Computer power calculators play an important role in the development of modern science and technology, helping users to rationally utilize electrical energy resources and achieve energy conservation and environmental protection. Therefore, learning and correctly using a computer power calculator is very beneficial for every user.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope that through this article, you can better understand how to use the computer power calculator to accurately calculate the power consumption of the computer, thereby contributing to the cause of energy conservation and environmental protection.

10. Computer, rated power calculation?

The so-called rated power of a computer power supply refers to the standard power output by the power supply

And we also know that the power supply output circuit has many branches. The rated power we are talking about here mainly relies on the +12v branch. For example, the current provided by +12V is 37.5A, then 12V*37.5A=450W. The rated power of this power supply is 450W

At the same time, the current of +3.3V is 24A, and the current of +5V is 22A, then 3.3V*24+5V*22A=110W, plus the rated power of 450W, the result is 560W, which is what we commonly call peak power or maximum power

In other words, the rated power of such a power supply is 450W, and the peak power is 560W

It should be pointed out that when we look at the power of a power supply, the rated power is generally the main one, and the peak power is relatively secondary. Because if a power supply operates at peak value for a long time, the loss will be serious and its service life will not be long. Therefore, when we install a machine, we mainly look at whether the rated power of a power supply meets the requirements, rather than the peak power. In other words, it mainly depends on the current parameter of the +12V branch (voltage multiplied by current to get the power)

