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發布: 2024-08-07 12:44:15
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Melker 和 Divine 最近在邁阿密比特幣會議上的一次對話中討論了這個主題。


梅爾克說:「現在,比特幣已經吸引了華爾街一些最知名的人士加入。」 「如果我們不解決核心問題——比如糟糕的貨幣和財政政策——那麼我們不是只見樹木不見森林嗎? 」

Indeed, if bitcoin is a response to excessive government spending, and Wall Street is now fully engaged with crypto, are we missing something here?

Many people got into bitcoin because of its sound money principles and to escape the pitfalls of the traditional financial system. Now, bitcoin has brought some of Wall Street's biggest names into the fold.

Melker continued, stressing that bitcoin is a peaceful form of monetary opt-out. If people are unhappy with the way the government is handling monetary policy, they can choose to allocate a portion of their savings to bitcoin.

This creates a scenario where the government must either change its monetary policy or risk losing the ability to finance itself at attractive rates.

Divine agreed with Melker's assessment, adding that he believes bitcoin is a tool for good. However, he also expressed a need for cautious optimism.

"I think we need to be careful what we wish for," said Divine, head of OTC trading at BlockFills. "If bitcoin becomes a tool for the government to finance itself at lower rates, what does that mean for the average person?"

He went on to explain that while bitcoin could be used to alleviate the U.S. debt, it's crucial to ensure that the government doesn's simply shift the burden onto taxpayers in other ways.

Divine likened the government's spending habits to an individual continuously maxing out a credit card without ever paying off the balance, leading to perpetual debt.

"I think bitcoin acts as a mirror, and it's forcing the government to look at its fiscal decisions," said Divine. "With an opt-out mechanism like bitcoin, the government must reconsider its approach to monetary policy."

Interestingly, even former President Trump recently opined on a future where Bitcoin as a strategic asset backing the dollar could play a role in alleviating the growing U.S. debt crisis.

During a recent interview with Fox Business, Trump was asked about his thoughts on bitcoin and whether he believes it could be used to help reduce the U.S. debt, which currently stands at over $31 trillion.

"I think it's interesting," Trump said of bitcoin. "I like the idea of having something that's a store of value, like gold, but I think bitcoin is a currency that's interesting."

Trump went on to say that he's "not a big bitcoin person," but he does believe that "there's something there." He also added that he's "not sure" if bitcoin could be used to help reduce the U.S. debt, but he thinks it's "an interesting concept."

While Trump's comments on bitcoin were brief, they do offer a glimpse into his thinking on the matter. It's clear that Trump is at least somewhat interested in bitcoin and its potential as a store of value or a currency.

However, it's also clear that Trump is still hesitant to fully embrace bitcoin, and he likely needs to be convinced of its benefits before he would seriously consider using it to help reduce the U.S. debt.

Divine also touched on the broader implications of the U.S. being the steward of the world reserve currency.

"I think bitcoin could lead the U.S. towards a catalyst for a change back toward fiscal responsibility," said Divine.

He criticized perpetual warfare and a significant defense budget, which contribute to the U.S. now paying $1 trillion in annual interest payments.

"I think bitcoin could lead the U.S. towards a catalyst for a change back toward fiscal responsibility," said Divine.

However, he also noted that bitcoin is a double-edged sword and could be used to finance anything—including perpetual warfare.

"I think the U.S. has an opportunity to use bitcoin for good, but it also has an obligation to use it responsibly," concluded Divine.


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