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發布: 2024-08-07 12:54:53
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遇到電腦桌面單調乏味的問題? php小編子墨為你帶來動態桌面設定教程,讓你輕鬆打造個人化、充滿活力的電腦桌面。本文將詳細介紹如何使用系統自備功能或第三方軟體,設定動態桌布、影片和Gif動圖,讓你的桌面瞬間煥然一新。








這是我用的一種辦法,希望是你想要的:第一步:右鍵單擊桌面空白區域.選擇"屬性".點擊"桌面"選項卡下的'自定義桌面"按鈕.打開"桌面項目"視窗. 第二步:在"桌面項目"視窗中點擊"Web"標籤.然後點擊"新建按鈕.瀏覽選擇自己喜歡的GIF圖片.這時先把鎖定桌面項目前面的勾去掉再點確定就OK了. 第三步:現在桌面上的動態圖片都可以透過拖曳外框進行縮小放大移動.確定好擺放位置後.右鍵單擊桌面空白區域------排列圖示----- --鎖定桌面上Web專案就大功告成了.











1. 最佳化動態桌面設定


2. 關閉不必要的背景應用程式


3. 更新顯示卡驅動程式


4. 調整系統效能模式


5. 升級硬體配置


In general, the emergence of computer dynamic desktop brings a new experience to users, but occupying too much GPU will indeed affect the performance and stability of the computer. By properly optimizing settings, closing unnecessary applications, updating drivers, adjusting performance modes, and upgrading hardware configurations, we can effectively reduce the GPU usage of dynamic desktops and improve the overall performance and stability of the system.

5. How to permanently save the dynamic desktop of your computer?

Right-click on the computer desktop and select Save Image As. You can save the dynamic desktop picture to the folder or root you need, and you can save it permanently. The saved photos can be used in your courseware or other conveniences, and they are permanent as long as you do not delete them. For better preservation. We can put it in the cloud space for permanent storage.

6. Will computer dynamic desktop affect performance?

No impact.

There is a slight impact, but it is not considered damage. It consumes system memory and requires more than 64MB of video memory for the graphics card, which increases the load on the system and increases the power consumption of the computer. Live wallpapers will not have any impact on the computer except taking up some memory.

7. How to set dynamic desktop wallpaper on computer?

How to set up dynamic wallpaper and desktop on your computer:

You need to prepare: a dynamic wallpaper software, such as: UPUPOO, Wallpaper Engine, etc.

1. Taking Wallpaper Engine as an example, open Wallpaper Engine in steam.

2. Click the Creative Workshop above on the Wallpaper Engine main page.

3. Search or browse your favorite wallpaper, click on the wallpaper, and click "Subscribe" in the information bar on the right.

4. Wait for the wallpaper to download.

5. After the download is completed, Wallpaper Engine will automatically load and use the wallpaper.

8. How to set up a dynamic desktop on a laptop?

Methods/steps to set up a dynamic desktop on a laptop


First, we open the Kugou music player program and switch to the personalized dressup tab.


Next, we turn on the dynamic wallpaper function and check the option to start dynamic wallpaper at startup.


Then we directly select a live wallpaper from the live wallpaper list to download and apply.


After turning on a dynamic wallpaper, we can click on the corresponding item to close the relevant dynamic wallpaper.


When we apply the dynamic wallpaper, the option of whether to use it automatically after booting will pop up. Here, we click the Yes button to automatically open the dynamic wallpaper every time the computer starts.


In addition to the above methods, we can perform related operations on the toolbar of the dynamic wallpaper in the upper right corner of the desktop dynamic wallpaper.

9. How to create dynamic desktop wallpaper on computer?

How to set up dynamic desktop wallpaper on your computer is as follows

1. Open WallpaperEngine in steam.

2. Click on the Creative Workshop above on the WallpaperEngine main page.

3. Search or browse your favorite wallpaper, click on the wallpaper, and click "Subscribe" in the information bar on the right.

4. Wait for the wallpaper to download.

5. After the download is completed, WallpaperEngine will automatically load and use the wallpaper.

10. Why does the desktop not display when the computer dynamic desktop is set?

1. Press the shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+Esc on the keyboard to open the task manager and check whether the explorer.exe process program is working normally.

2. Situation 1:

If it does not work properly, run, enter cmd, press Enter, and enter for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1 at the command prompt.

3. Scenario 2:

If there are multiple copies of explorer.exe processes, the most thorough method is to redo the system. This means that there are malicious plug-ins in the system that occupy memory resources and cause the dynamic desktop to be unable to run.

4. If you have important resources in your computer and don’t want to redo the system, you can use third-party software (Kingsoft Antivirus, Computer Manager) to optimize antivirus or clean up system junk.

5. For computers used for personal entertainment, it is not recommended to frequently update patches and vulnerabilities, because they occupy system resources and can be turned off in the control panel. The method is as follows: Start - Control Panel - System Security - Turn off automatic updates.

6. Start - Control Panel - Programs (Uninstall) Delete unnecessary applications to reduce computer memory.

7. After the above operations are completed, restart the computer normally.

8. Little knowledge:

explorer.exe process is a visual graphical interface simulation program of the WINDOWS system. It can be understood like this. A multi-desktop program is added to WIN7. When you open my computer system, virtualization is enabled by default. The program starts to reside in the memory, and when you select it, it will replace your current desktop.

