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電腦突然重新啟動是許多使用者都會遇到的常見問題,尤其是在使用 Windows 10 系統時。造成突然重啟的原因有很多,包括硬體故障、軟體衝突或系統更新。本文由 php小編小新整理,將深入探討導致 Win10 電腦突然重新啟動的各種原因,並提供解決這些問題的有效方法。繼續閱讀以了解如何解決此惱人的問題,確保您的電腦穩定運作。





win10電腦突然重啟的一個常見原因是系統問題。較新的Windows 10版本通常是相對穩定的,但某些系統檔案可能會損壞或遭受病毒感染,導致系統崩潰並自動重新啟動。


更新系統修補程式:定期檢查並安裝Windows的最新更新,以修復系統漏洞並提高穩定性。 運行系統檔案檢查工具:Win10提供了系統檔案檢查工具,可以掃描並修復受損的系統檔案。 安裝強大的防毒軟體:確保您的電腦安裝了可靠的防毒軟體,並經常進行全面掃描,清除任何潛在的病毒。




檢查電源連接:確保電源線已牢固連接到電源插座和電腦。 清潔內部組件:清潔內部硬體組件,包括風扇和散熱器。過熱可能導致電腦突然重啟。 排除硬體故障:如果你懷疑是某個硬體組件故障導致重啟,可以嘗試斷開該組件並觀察是否還會發生重啟情況。




更新驅動程式:造訪硬體製造商的官方網站,下載並安裝最新的驅動程式。這將確保您的硬體與作業系統相容,並提供更好的穩定性。 停用有問題的驅動程式:如果您確定某個驅動程式導致重新啟動問題,您可以嘗試停用該驅動程序,然後觀察是否還會遇到問題。 使用驅動程式更新工具:有許多第三方工具可以自動偵測並更新您電腦上的驅動程序,幫助您降低出錯的可能性。




確保散熱良好:清潔電腦內部的灰塵和雜物,並確保風扇正常運作。 使用散熱墊:如果您使用筆記型電腦,可以嘗試使用散熱墊來幫助冷卻計算機,並防止過熱。 避免長時間高負載運行:如果您的電腦在運行大型程式或遊戲時容易過熱,請嘗試分段運行,並讓電腦休息一會兒,以降低溫度。




更換電源適配器:如果您使用的是筆記型電腦,電源適配器可能會損壞,導致電腦突然關機。嘗試更換新的電源轉接器並觀察是否還會出現問題。 更換電源線:電源線也可能受損,導致供電不穩定,進而造成重啟問題。嘗試更換電源線並檢查是否解決了問題。 檢查電源供應:如果您使用桌上型電腦,可能是電源供應出現了問題。考慮更換一個新的電源供應,以確保穩定的電力輸入。






If there is a problem with bootmgrfw.efi, use the bcdboot command to regenerate the efi boot. Motherboards generally support EFI BIOS. Under normal circumstances, after the computer is turned on, press F12 (different motherboards have different buttons, please refer to the computer motherboard instructions), select the optical drive or USB device that starts with EFI, and the EFI installation program will be automatically booted. Warm reminder : At present, the operation of EFI shell is not necessary to install the system under EFI. In other words, we can install the operating system in the traditional way, even if it is a motherboard that supports UEFI BIOS.

3. Computer suddenly restarts - reasons and solutions

Computers are an indispensable tool in our daily life and work, but sometimes we may encounter situations where the computer suddenly restarts for no reason, which not only brings us trouble, and may also lose the data being processed. In this article, we will introduce the possible causes and solutions of sudden computer restarts, hoping to help readers better deal with this problem.

1. Overheating problem

Computers will generate a lot of heat during operation to protect the computer hardware from damage, and are usually equipped with a cooling system to reduce the temperature. However, if the cooling system is poor or the computer has been running for a long time and has accumulated dust, it may cause the computer to overheat and automatically restart. At this time, you can solve it by the following methods:

Clean the computer cooling holes and fan. Improve the computer cooling environment. Use a cooling pad or fan to increase heat dissipation.

2. Power supply problem

Unstable or faulty power supply is also a common reason for computer restart. If the power output voltage is unstable or the power cord has poor contact, it may cause the computer to restart suddenly. In this case, you can try the following solutions:

Check whether the power cord connection is secure. Replace the power cord or power adapter. Make sure the power supply is stable.

3. Software conflicts

The software installed on the computer may conflict, causing the system to crash and restart. This conflict is usually caused by incompatible software or incomplete software installation. To solve this kind of problem, you need to take the following measures:

Update the software to the latest version. Uninstall unnecessary software. Use optimization software to clean out system junk.

4. Hardware failure

Computer hardware failure may also be one of the reasons for frequent computer restarts. For example, memory module failure, hard drive damage, etc. may cause the computer to crash and restart. In this case, the following measures should be taken:

Check whether the memory module is installed correctly. Run hardware diagnostic tools to detect hardware problems. Replace failed hardware components.

In short, a computer that suddenly restarts for no reason may be caused by overheating issues, power issues, software conflicts, or hardware failures. For this situation, we can solve it by cleaning the cooling holes, checking the power connection, updating the software and detecting hardware problems. I hope the content of this article is helpful to you, thank you for reading!

4. The computer suddenly restarts and then starts normally?

Usually there are two possibilities for this situation.

First, the CPU fan fails. Such failures occur more often on the original fans of the INTEL series, either due to excessive dust or lack of lubricating oil. If it is a fan failure, it is recommended that you replace the fan in time. Do not Repair it, but it will break down again soon after the repair.

The second is that the power supply is suspended or has poor internal contact. In this case, you need to go to the computer seller for testing. The power supply generally has a warranty of three to five years, and you can just send it to the after-sales service for warranty.

5. How to recover files if the computer suddenly restarts?

How to recover unsaved ppt documents after the computer is forcibly shut down and restarted: Open the ppt document, click;

Click in the "PowerPoint Options" dialog box, check the "Automatic recovery file location", and then close the "PowerPoint Options" dialog box box;

Click, find the file automatically saved in "Auto-recover file location" and open it. Forcing the computer to restart will easily cause data loss. Restoring through automatically saved files may not necessarily restore all the original data status. At least part of the data can be restored, reducing the workload during redoing.

6. How to recover excel if the computer suddenly restarts?

The details are as follows:

1. First we need to open the computer and enter the desktop, then find the excel document icon and click to open it.

2. After entering the software interface, click the file option in the menu bar above. Then click the Options button below in the file window.

3. Next, the excel options window will open in the interface. We click on the Trust Center option on the left. Then click the Trust Center Settings option in the interface on the right.

4. After entering the Trust Center interface, we click on the Trusted Locations option on the left. Then we can see that there are three trust locations in the right interface. But there is one that is activated. We select this one and click the delete button below.

5. In addition to this, we can also directly check the option below to disable all trusted locations. After the settings are completed, we can click the OK button below.

7. First aid~! The computer suddenly restarts and the motherboard continuously alarms?

Many reasons

1. CPU failure causes the computer to automatically restart. Check whether the CPU fan is working properly and whether the contact between the heat conductor and the CPU is tight. It is best to apply thermal silica gel. Because if the computer CPU does not dissipate heat well, it will cause the temperature to be too high and cause automatic restart.

2. Memory failure causes the computer to automatically restart. Is it caused by the incompatibility of the two memories?

3. Incorrect bios settings cause the computer to automatically restart. From the bios, you can set the hard disk to automatically shut down when it overheats and the CPU to shut down automatically when it overheats. You can have a look.

4. Power failure causes the computer to automatically restart. A damaged power supply or unstable voltage at home can also cause the computer to automatically restart. If the power supply is damaged, you will need to repair the power supply or directly replace it. If the voltage is unstable, you can find a voltage stabilizer to solve the problem.

You need to troubleshoot one by one. This kind of problem is the most annoying.

Also, I want to complain that you are too stingy, are you reluctant to get an M.2? It is very likely that there is a problem with your solid state and memory stick. The disk you installed cannot exert the full performance of your computer. Also, the probability of problems with the general stick of ADATA Colorful Red is particularly high.

8. The fan spins violently after the computer suddenly restarts. ?

There should be something wrong with the BIOS. Restart and press the del key (speeds 9000 mkp) to enter the BIOS. If it is Chinese, check the fan control. If it is English, look for cpu fan and case fun. After adjusting the speed, it is usually rpm. Yes, around 1000 is a relatively balanced speed.

9. The computer suddenly restarts and displays recovery and then restarts indefinitely?

First determine whether the fault is a system problem or a hardware problem. The execution idea is as follows:

1. Enter safe mode and see if it can boot normally and enter the desktop. If it means the hardware function is ok and the core functions of the system are ok; if it does not, it means there is a system fault or hardware problem. Functional failure;

2. If you can enter safe mode, there is a high probability that it is a software conflict or driver problem. You need to ring the bell to unblock it. This can only be solved by finding the software or driver that causes the conflict;

3. You cannot enter safe mode or If the system automatically restarts in safe mode, if the core system files are damaged or the hardware fails, the system will generally be reinstalled; if the hardware fails, it is recommended to send it for repair.

10. The computer suddenly restarts and does not turn on, and the buzzer does not sound?

I also helped a friend install his computer once, and it failed to turn on. It was like this at the time. After turning on the computer, the motherboard lit up, and then automatically restarted after about 10 seconds. The first reaction was to suspect a power supply problem. Later, I changed the power supply, but it still couldn't be driven. I also plugged the memory in again, but it still didn't work. .

In the end, I had no choice but to send it to a computer store for testing. I was told that it was a motherboard problem. I didn’t think too much about it at the time, so I changed the motherboard. After I got the new motherboard, the problem was even bigger. It wouldn’t power on, so I changed the lines. I connected it again and found that it occasionally failed to power on (I had to turn off the power and turn it back on every time), and it still restarted indefinitely.

Later, I had no choice, so I removed my buzzer and installed it in my friend’s computer. Then based on the buzzer sound on the Internet, I judged that there was a problem with the memory. At this time, with the mentality of giving it a try, I went The memory was replaced at the store, and the result was fine. The power supply was no longer a problem, which was weird. According to the description of the subject, the processing method is similar to mine, but it is still difficult to judge the problem based on the description. It stands to reason that although the Zhenhua Combat Edition has shrunk, it is still too impossible to carry this set of configurations. There is a problem with buying three of the memory. The possibility is not high. I did have a problem with the motherboard BIOS once, and it automatically restarted three times before entering the computer (I reset the BIOS). I suggest that the subject install a buzzer and judge based on the sound, which makes it easier to locate the problem. .

