各位江湖俠士,想在《武林秘籍》中闖蕩一番卻不知從何下手?別急,php小編新一這就為你揭秘這款武俠文字MUD的平民玩法攻略! 《武林秘籍》是一款高自由度的武俠角色扮演遊戲,擁有豐富的門派武術和自由的戰鬥操作。對於平民玩家來說,如何在遊戲中脫穎而出頗具挑戰。本文將從武功搭配、門派選擇、戰鬥技巧等方面,為你提供平民玩家的進階之法,助你縱橫江湖,笑傲武林。
:或獲得道具「一生所愛」)零氪/微氪玩家:因為氪金少所以能夠獲取的資源十分有限,相比於氪佬,自然是要低人一等。 但也有自己的遊玩方法,在未來的未來,說不定就能逆襲轉生,超越氪佬成為一服霸主。 零氪/微氪玩家能夠快速成型的唯一辦法是玩劍(不是巨劍),無論在遊戲內開到什麼武學,哪怕是其他流派的頂級紅武,也最多拿來過渡,而不建議深研,因為其他流派在同等資源的條件下,成型速度不如劍法,同時遊戲內有轉生次數這一限制,很多關鍵武術無法在前期兌換得到,所以流派強度也不如劍法,所以建議前期主攻劍法,同時也建議準備流派派生,即選取橙武、紅武最多的非劍法流派作為未來將要轉型的對象,這樣才能夠逐步靠近大佬的地位。 0轉能夠獲得的頂級劍法有三本,分別是落花吹雪,天外飛仙,以及連城劍法。 (策劃是金庸迷,這是他為數不多的憐憫)其中連城劍法是為劍法核心,另外兩本是為輔助,三本劍法能夠互相影響打出不俗的傷害combo,所以在前期,乃至中期、後期,劍法都是平民玩家的首選。 而連城劍法對應豪俠金鳳郎君,好感刷至1w即能獲得,儘管該豪俠好感度較為難刷(個人建議是攢9~11階武器,連送十餘次基本就能刷滿),但作為能夠用到中期乃至後期的劍法核心還是有必要搞到手的為了能夠快速攢到玄晶/武器材料兌換武器,個人建議,江湖謀生彈琴至6級後,就轉至挖礦,同時儘早刷滿殺人名醫豪俠好感,獲得隕鐵鎬,解鎖高級謀生等級權限,不僅能夠獲得對應鍛造材料,也能挖到寶石快速提升自身戰力。 其餘兩本落花吹雪和天外飛仙分別對應劍魔,劍鬼兩位豪俠,鑑影可得,一本是魅力達到堪稱完美,另一本是俠義達到堪稱完美,時裝可以透過結義,俠義,師徒玩法,開稀有時裝兌換令,及時裝券合成風尚錄兌換對應時裝獲得。 如果手中有盈餘的紅武書,也可開江湖武學賭賭運氣,當然,前提是你是不折不扣的賭徒亦或對自己的運氣十分自信。
However, since the damage of Jinghong Yijian is more inclined to internal attacks, the external power of the first floor, and the combo multiplier are not as high as Dongfang Yijian, so it is not a priority
So after the initial account is built, Quan Zhen, you can have the following combinations:
General attack: Recruit Hermit Sword, Water Dragon's Song
External attack: Dongfang Yijian/Broken Array of Heavenly Dragon Eight Styles and Nine Chapters Sword Technique
Stick Technique: Stepping on the Sand
Internal Strength: Wave Taosha
(activate the first floor of martial arts School)
Collect Tao Hai Sword Technique and Guang Han Sword Technique at the same time for backup. All 500 level 9 breakthroughs can be used to create three sword techniques and red martial arts.
Attached are various sword techniques and orange martial arts sources:
First floor: Zhao Hermit Sword Nine Chapters Sword Techniques
Quanzhen Sect: Dongfang Yijian
Dian Cang Sect: Jinghong Yijian
Kunlun Sect: Tianlong Eight Styles
The Shadowless Gentleman: If you have a good opinion, you can get Tao Hai Sword Technique
Yaoyue Fairy: If you have a good opinion, you can get the Guanghan Sword Technique
The next endowment is 0, the top civilian swordsmanship and martial arts combination:
General attack: Luo Hua Blowing Snow and Flying Immortal
External Attack: Liancheng Sword Technique, Tianlong Eight Styles and Nine Chapter Sword Techniques
Standing Technique: Flying Flower Listening to Rain Style/Feather Clothes Body Technique
Internal Strength: Nine Yin/Tai Xuan Sutra Nine Yang
The character can reach up to level 180 There are eight types of martial arts, including four types of martial arts, and each type can be completed at most three books, so "/" for Shenfa and Internal Strength means choosing one of the two.
Wei Krypton players who open the Red Martial Arts Book have a higher probability of obtaining the Flying Flower Listening to the Rain style, and the Feather Clothes Body Law can be obtained from the hero Jiangnan Yue Jianying.
The Nine Yang Manual of Internal Strength can be obtained by opening a high-level treasure map to obtain mysterious treasure box fragments. After collecting 99 pieces, go to the mansion event manager to exchange for the mysterious treasure box. Since Jiuyang can form a combo with Liancheng Sword Technique to increase martial arts damage, and at the same time, full breakthrough can obtain a certain blood recovery effect, so it is not recommended to switch to Taixuan Jing.
The Internal Strength Nine Yin Manual can be obtained by the heroic hero Bi Meiren's Shadow Appraisal, or you can obtain it directly by recharging up to 3000 in total.
The Internal Strength Taixuan can be obtained through the heroic hero Qingyun Sword Fairy's Appraisal Appraisal, or you can obtain it by purchasing three Heavenly Secret Tokens (but it is not recommended, Because it’s a loss), in the sworn game, you can get it by completing a set of fashions, and adding some facial features/back ornaments/beards, etc. The requirement for shadow identification is to reach perfect prestige, and you can earn the sworn value continuously every day. In this case, the average male account is about 2.7 months, and the average female account is about 3 months. At that time, go to Taihang Mountain South - Thatched House - A'Zhu's place. The facial features will be scanned every day to supplement the shadow recognition value. Priority will be given to increase prestige and charm. , chivalrous face or back fashion purchase (need to consume a certain amount of gold)
This set of 0-turn top-level swordsmanship takes about half a year to a year to form, please make it according to your personal krypton gold ability. Because the essence of this game is to grow grass for the elderly, keep in mind the principle that krypton gold is a temporary pleasure, and the whole family is a crematorium.
Another important gameplay in the game is reincarnation. Except for items that can be inherited before and after reincarnation, all other items including some points will be cleared and some permissions will be unlocked, which is equivalent to starting the game. The second game, but it is not that the difficulty of the game has increased.
For civilian players, the two most important points to pay attention to in reincarnation are talent points and inheritable items. These two are important prerequisites to compete with the bosses in the later stage.
Compared with Krypton players, talent points are only 100 more talent points than ordinary players before they get the love of their life.
A talent starts at 100, so the difference is not too big. Talent points are mainly obtained through various gameplay methods in the game.
Talents opened in the current life can be inherited to the next life, so please be sure to get more talent points in this life and convert them into corresponding talent inheritance. Note that the talent points that have not been opened will not be inherited to the next life, so Please also try not to leave single digits or even double digits.
Because one life less will result in a lot less talent points and redeemable talent entries, and they cannot be re-increased through recharging in the future, so talent points will be an extremely important prerequisite for reincarnation.
The current ways to get talent points in the game are: achievements, wine tasting, talent treasure chests corresponding to the mansion treasure pavilion, and meridians.
Among them, meridians are the most intuitive and convenient way to obtain talent points, so before reincarnation, please try to fill up the acupoints that correspond to increasing talent points.
To play wine tasting, you can find NPCs in Laojun Mountain, Yuelu Mountain, and Taishan to discuss the probability of obtaining wine. You can obtain a maximum of one bottle per day, and you can obtain it by competing 30-40 times on average.
When your practice level reaches level 180, after turning on the talent gameplay, give priority to items such as combat genius, stupid bird flying first, swordsmanship genius, etc. that can intuitively increase the character's damage.
In daily activities and rankings, these red talents can be canceled and converted into other attribute talents without consumption. For example, in making a living, they can be converted into talent entries corresponding to increasing concentration value or blessing source value, and in daily tasks When playing, it can be converted into a talent entry corresponding to improving patience. In the same way, when playing Qinggong, it can also be converted into a corresponding entry corresponding to improving the source of fortune or body skills, and so on... Players can discover the rest of the details in the game by themselves
When the talent points exceed 400 points, you can choose mining talents as appropriate. While improving the mining rewards, it also coincides with the previous behavior of sending heroes to forge 9~11 level equipment, which improves efficiency and also increases the probability. Obtain the secret order. (The Secret Order here is permanent and unique, that is, once obtained before reincarnation, it cannot be obtained again after reincarnation)
Regarding inherited items and equipment, the words "inheritable" are written in the text box of inheritable items or equipment. If it is not written, it means that it cannot be inherited.
Some key props such as Super Xuan Crystal and Xuantian Essence, which can be exchanged for important items or improve inheritable items, cannot be inherited during reincarnation, so please be careful to spend as much of the resources as possible. , even if it takes a little longer, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, compared to Kryptonians, the resources available after reincarnation have naturally dropped by more than one level compared to before reincarnation, which is equivalent to restarting the game. Therefore, when civilian players are reincarnated, Please think twice and avoid unnecessary waste of resources.
---From player: Ye Rufeng