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如何在 MySQL 中定義計數器

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識別資料庫中的物件最簡單的方法是為其分配一個唯一的整數,就像訂單號碼一樣。毫不奇怪,大多數資料庫都支援自動增量值的定義。本質上,增量值只是一個計數器,用於唯一標識表中的條目。好吧,在 MySQL 中定義計數器有多種方法!

在本文中,您將了解什麼是計數器、它在資料庫中的哪些用途以及如何在 MySQL 中實現它。





MySQL 提供了 AUTO_INCRMENT 屬性,可以在每筆新記錄時自動將列值加一。然而,該屬性一次只能將值增加一個單位。對於更多自訂行為,您可能需要手動定義 MySQL 計數器。

在 MySQL 中使用計數器的原因

以下是在 MySQL 中使用計數器的 5 大原因:

  • 建立唯一識別碼:順序值非常適合主鍵,以確保資料完整性和一致性。

  • 增強的資料管理:自動遞增的計數器有助於排序和識別記錄。

  • 簡化資料輸入:自動產生唯一ID,減少手動輸入錯誤並簡化資料插入過程。

  • 高效率的記錄追蹤: 計數器讓追蹤和管理記錄變得更加容易。在順序或唯一一個編號至關重要的應用程式中尤其如此,例如訂單處理或庫存管理。

  • 可自訂格式:透過使用自訂格式的計數器,您可以建立有意義的標識符,為您的資料提供上下文和組織。

在 MySQL 中定義計數器

探索在 MySQL 中定義計數器的兩種最常見方法。

注意:下面的MySQL範例查詢將在市場上用戶滿意度最高的資料庫客戶端DbVisualizer中執行。請記住,您可以在任何其他 SQL 用戶端中執行它們。




CREATE TABLE employees (
    name VARCHAR(50),
    surname VARCHAR(50),
    email VARCHAR(100),
    role VARCHAR(50)

上面的查詢建立一個具有 AUTO_INCRMENT 主鍵 id 的員工表。

現在,假設員工表格已包含以下 5 筆記錄:

How to Define a Counter in MySQL

要新增另外三個記錄,請使用以下 INSERT 查詢:

INSERT INTO employees (name, surname, email, role) VALUES
('Frank', 'Miller', 'frank.miller@example.com', 'Developer'),
('Grace', 'Davis', 'grace.davis@example.com', 'Manager'),
('Hank', 'Wilson', 'hank.wilson@example.com', 'Designer');


How to Define a Counter in MySQL

請注意,預設情況下,新記錄的 id 欄位已填入增量值。特別是,您可以在 INSERT 語句中省略 AUTO_INCRMENT 欄位(或將其設為 NULL),因為 MySQL 會為您填入它。

請注意,AUTO_INCRMENT 屬性僅適用於整數主鍵。此外,AUTO_INCREMENT 值總是每次遞增一個單位。請查看本指南,以了解有關 MySQL 中數位資料類型的詳細資訊。

要自訂 AUTO_INCRMENT 的行為,您可以使用下列變數:

  • auto_increment_increment:定義 AUTO_INCRMENT 值的增量步長。預設值為 1。

  • auto_increment_offset:設定 AUTO_INCRMENT 值的起點。例如,將其設為 5 將使第一個 AUTO_INCREMENT 值從 5 開始。

同時,這些變數適用於資料庫中的所有 AUTO_INCREMENT 資料列,並且具有全域或會話範圍。換句話說,它們不能應用於單一表。

以下方法將為您在 MySQL 中定義計數器時提供更大的靈活性。


在 MySQL 中建立自訂計數器的簡單方法是使用使用者定義的變數。

Now, suppose you want each employee to have an internal auto-incremental ID in the following format:


Add an internal_id column to employees:

ALTER TABLE employees
ADD COLUMN internal_id VARCHAR(50);

Then, you can achieve the desired result with the following query:

-- initialize the counter
SET @counter = 0;

-- update the internal_id column with the formatted incremental values
UPDATE employees
SET internal_id = CONCAT('Roogler#', @counter := @counter + 1);

This uses a variable to implement the counter and the CONCAT function to produce the internal ID in the desired format.

Note that the starting value and the way you increment the counter are totally customizable. This time, there are no restrictions.

Execute the query in your MySQL database client:

How to Define a Counter in MySQL

Note that DbVisualizer comes with full support from MySQL variables.

If you inspect the data in the employees table, you will now see:

How to Define a Counter in MySQL

Wonderful! Mission complete.

The main drawback of this solution is that user-defined variables in MySQL are session-specific. This means that their values are only retained for the duration of the current session. So, they are not persistent across different sessions or connections.

For a more persistent solution, you could use a stored procedure along with an SQL trigger to automatically update the internal_id every time a new employee is inserted. For detailed instructions, see this article on how to use stored procedures in SQL.


In this guide, you saw what a counter is, why it is useful, and how to implement it in MySQL. You now know that MySQL provides the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword to define incremental integer primary keys and also supports custom counter definition.

As learned here, dealing with auto-incremental values becomes easier with a powerful client tool like DbVisualizer. This comprehensive database client supports several DBMS technologies, has advanced query optimization capabilities, and can generate ERD-type schemas with a single click. Try DbVisualizer for free!


How to count records in MySQL?

To count records in MySQL, use the COUNT aggregate function as in the sample query below:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name;

This returns the total number of rows in the specified table. When applied to a column, COUNT(column_name) counts all non-NULL values in the specified column.

What is the difference between COUNT and a counter in MySQL?

In MySQL, COUNT is an aggregate function to calculate the number of rows in a result set. Instead, a counter is a mechanism used to generate sequential numbers. COUNT is used for aggregation and reporting, whereas a counter is employed to assign a unique identifier or track the order of records as they are inserted into a table.

Should I use AUTO_INCREMENT or define a custom counter in MySQL?

Use AUTO_INCREMENT when you need an automatic way to generate sequential IDs for a primary key. On the other hand, if you require custom behavior—like specific formatting, starting values, or incrementing patterns—a custom counter implemented using a variable might be more appropriate.

How to define a variable in MySQL?

To define a variable in MySQL in a session, you must use the SET statement as follows:

SET @variable_name = value;

In this case, @variable_name is the variable and value is its initial value. This variable can be used within the session for calculations, conditions, or as part of queries. For local variables within stored procedures or functions, you need instead the DECLARE statement followed by SET:

DECLARE variable_name datatype;
SET variable_name = value;

Does DbVisualizer support database variables?

Yes, DbVisualizer natively supports more than 50 database technologies, with full support for over 30 of them. The full support includes database variables and many other features. Check out the list of supported databases.

The post "How to Define a Counter in MySQL" appeared first on Writech.

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