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FNAF 《深坑之夜 5》指南:拯救被困女孩、派對室鑰匙卡位置以及尋找爸爸

發布: 2024-08-12 10:52:50
1911 人瀏覽過

Night 5 is the final night in FNAF: Into the Pit and can be quite confusing if you don’t know where to go. This guide is a complete walkthrough of night 5 including how to unlock the Ball Pit room, the Party Room Keycard location, how to save Oswald’s Dad, and more.

Table of contents

  • Day 5 of FNAF Into the Pit
  • How to unlock the door to the Ball Pit
  • How to escape Spring Bonnie
  • How to find Dad
  • How to find the Party Room keycard
  • How to free the trapped girl
  • How to save dad
  • All important items in Night Five

Day 5 of FNAF Into the Pit

The start of day 5 in FNAF Into the Pit begins in the school classroom. A short horror cutscene will commence, showing the teacher turning into an animatronic causing you to wake up from a nightmare. Now, day 5 has officially started. Your first objective is to go to the ball pit, so exit your house and select the Pizzeria from your map.

How to unlock the door to the Ball Pit

Upon reaching the door to the Ball Pit on night 5, you’ll notice that it’s locked and you need to find a way to unlock it. To unlock the door, head to the Security Office to find Jeff working on his computer.

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

Speak to Jeff to convince him that you need access to the Ball Pit so you can receive your wallet for pizza. At the end of the conversation, Jeff will hand over the Ball Pit Room Key. Make your way back to the Ball Pit room door and unlock it to gain access. Now it’s time to enter the Ball Pit and return to the nightmare.

How to escape Spring Bonnie

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

Immediately after traveling through the Ball Pit, Spring Bonnie will jump out and start chasing you. It’s time to find a vent to hide in as fast as possible.

Run as fast as you can out of the Ball Pit room, continuing down the hall until you find the door to the Kitchen (says Employee’s Only above the door). Take the Kitchen door and run through it, progressing through the only door inside the Kitchen. Now take the first door on the northern wall to reach the Storage Room. Get inside the vent and wait for Spring Bonnie to leave.

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

Make sure to grab Dad’s nametag on the southeast side of the Storage Room. This item isn’t mandatory but Dad’s objects add to the story of Into the Pit and can determine which ending you receive for the game.

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

How to find Dad

Now that you have escaped Spring Bonnie, it’s time to officially start the objective of night 5. Your objective is to find Dad. His location is in a secret area not shown on your map, through a vent in the Party Room. Before we get into how to get to Dad’s location, you must obtain the Party Room keycard and unlock the Party Room first.

How to find the Party Room keycard

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

Exit the vent you used to hide from Spring Bonnie and return to the Party Hallway. After entering the Party Hallway, take a left and continue until you find another vent near the Party Room. Enter the vent and crawl through it to reach the Basement.

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

Make sure to turn on your flashlight once you reach the Basement, since it’s completely dark. Here you will find a Token Slot on the ground up against the arcade game machine.

Take the door on the left-hand side of the room to enter backstage and you’ll find a pile of broken animatronic parts. Interact with the pile to grab the Party Room Keycard.

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

How to free the trapped girl

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

With the Party Room Keycard in hand, you can now reach the area where your dad is located. Take the same vent you used to reach the Basement to return to the Party Hallway. Interact with the Party Room door to speak with a girl inside, who asks you to free her. Luckily, you have the Party Room Keycard, so go ahead and use it on the door to gain access to the Party Room and free the girl trapped inside.

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

Speak with the girl and ask her if she has seen your dad, which she will say no. But, she will mention that there is noise coming from the vent behind her, so enter it and crawl through to the other side. Make sure to grab the Strange Photo on the ground before crawling through the vent.

How to save dad

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

After crawling through the vent, you’ll reach a new area that is not present on your map. Oswald’s dad can be found tied to a chair in this room, so go up to him and interact with the ropes to free him.

Immediately after freeing Oswald’s dad, Spring Bonnie will appear and Oswald will run to hide in the vent. Spring Bonnie will kidnap Oswald’s dad, so it’s your job to track them down to save him. Unfortunately, the door they went through is locked, so you need to find another way.

Crawl back through the vent to reach the Party Room and exit to the Party Room Hallway. Progress through this area and return to the Ball Pit room to find Oswald’s dad and Spring Bonnie by the pit. Spring Bonnie is seen beating up his dad, which is a sad sight to see.

FNAF Into the Pit Night 5 guide: Saving the Trapped Girl, Party Room keycard location, and finding Dad

Spring Bonnie will lunge at you, activating a quick time event, so press the corresponding button as fast as possible. Run over to Oswald’s dad and jump through the pit to bring him back to reality. After returning to the normal realm, Spring Bonnie will jump out and activate another quick time event. Press the corresponding button to officially save Dad.

Be prepared for a heartfelt cutscene between Oswald and his dad, which will lead to the final moments of the game. Congratulations, you have officially beat Five Night at Freddy’s: Into the Pit.

All important items in Night Five

There are a few items you should make sure to grab on the final night in Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit. We have them listed for you below.

  • Ball Pit Room Key: Security Office (Present Day)
  • Strange Photo: Party Room dropped by the girl (1985)
  • Dad’s Name Tag: Storage Room (1985)
  • Party Room Keycard: Backstage in the basement (1985)
  • Token: Basement (1985)

Now that you completed FNAF Into the Pit, it’s time to replay the game and try to get different endings. On your new playthrough, make sure to check out our guide on Night 2 and Night 3 so you don’t miss anything important.

以上是FNAF 《深坑之夜 5》指南:拯救被困女孩、派對室鑰匙卡位置以及尋找爸爸的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
