餓了麼商家後台管理介面中,經常會出現商品資訊、訂單資訊等重要業務數據,這些數據的數據安全性和可靠性對商家至關重要。 php小編蘋果為大家帶來利用PHP的PDO擴充連接mysql資料庫,實現餓了麼商家後台資料持久化的教程,幫助大家深入了解如何安全高效地管理餓了麼商家資料。
在現今的數位時代,餐飲業已經迎來了巨大的改變。許多餐廳和外賣店紛紛加入了餓了麼這個知名的外帶平台,以便將他們的美食送到更多的消費者手中。然而,作為一家餐飲業務,僅僅加入餓了麼並不足夠。您需要了解並掌握餓了麼商家後台,這是餓了麼提供給商家的一套強大工具,使您能夠優化和管理您的餐飲業務。 一. 註冊和登入在開始使用餓了麼商家後台之前,您需要註冊並建立帳戶。只有擁有帳戶的使用者才能夠登入餓了麼商家後台,以便管理他們的業務。透過提供必要的信息,並按照引導完成註冊步驟,您將獲得自己的餓了麼商家後台帳戶。 二. 商品管理餓了麼商家後台的一個重要功能是商品管理。在這個模組中,您可以新增、編輯和刪除您的選單。您可以為每個商品設定名稱、描述、價格和圖片。這些資訊對於消費者來說非常重要,因為他們透過這些資訊來選擇和購買您的美食。透過精心管理您的商品,您可以提高消費者的選擇滿意度,從而增加訂單量和經營利潤。 2.1 新增商品要新增新的商品,您只需點擊「商品管理」選單下的「新增商品」按鈕。在彈出的視窗中,您可以填寫商品的詳細資料。首先,您需要選擇所屬的菜色分類,然後輸入商品名稱、描述和價格。您也可以上傳商品的圖片,讓消費者可以更了解您的美食。最後,點擊「儲存」按鈕即可完成商品的新增。 2.2 編輯商品如果您需要對已有商品進行修改,只需在商品管理頁面找到相應的商品,並點擊「編輯」按鈕。在編輯視窗中,您可以更改商品的任何訊息,包括名稱、描述、價格和圖片。當您完成修改後,請不要忘記點擊「儲存」按鈕以儲存您的變更。 2.3 刪除商品如果您想要刪除不再提供的商品,只需在商品管理頁面找到相應的商品,並點擊「刪除」按鈕。系統將會提示您確認刪除操作。請注意,刪除操作是不可撤銷的,所以請謹慎操作。 三. 訂單管理訂單管理是餓了麼商家後台的核心功能之一。透過訂單管理,您可以輕鬆查看、處理和追蹤您的訂單。您將獲得有關每個訂單的詳細信息,包括顧客姓名、聯絡資訊、配送地址、訂單金額和訂單狀態。這使您能夠及時回應顧客的需求,並為顧客提供良好的消費體驗。 3.1 查看訂單要查看訂單列表,您只需點擊「訂單管理」菜單。在訂單清單中,您可以看到所有已經下單的訂單。您還可以根據訂單狀態進行篩選,以便更好地組織和管理訂單。 3.2 處理訂單當您收到新的訂單時,餓了麼商家後台會為您發送通知。您可以在訂單清單中找到新訂單,並點擊「處理」按鈕。在訂單詳情頁面,您可以查看訂單的詳細信息,並確認訂單。一旦您確認訂單,顧客將收到通知並開始準備送貨。您也可以更新訂單狀態,以便顧客了解到訂單的進度。 3.3 訂單追蹤餓了麼商家後台為您提供了訂單追蹤功能。在訂單詳情頁面,您可以查看訂單的即時狀態,包括配送員的位置和預計送達時間。這樣,您可以隨時掌握訂單的進度,並及時告知顧客。 四. 資料分析餓了麼商家後台也提供了強大的資料分析功能。透過數據分析,您可以深入了解您的餐飲業務的表現和趨勢。您可以查看訂單數量、銷售額、熱門菜色排行等數據,以便更好地做出經營決策。 4.1 統計報表在資料分析模組中,您可以產生各種統計報表。您可以選擇日期範圍和統計維度,系統將會根據您的選擇產生對應的報表。這些報表可以幫助您了解您的餐飲業務的發展趨勢、熱門菜色、高峰時段等重要資訊。 #🎜🎜#
軟體介紹餓了麼商家手機用戶端是餓了麼外賣網為入駐商家提供的一款手機用戶端軟體,這款應用可以幫助商家使用手機快速接單,部分應用程式要求用戶時時開啟應用程式介面才能接收訂單訊息推送,但餓了麼客戶端無需用戶停留在應用程式介面,就可以推送訂單訊息,用戶透過他們的web端訂餐後,訂單狀態也會被同步到智慧型手機上,在即時性上面做得更好。 功能介紹極速接單一手掌控界面清晰直觀;海量訂單一鍵確認,輕鬆處理餐廳一切你說了算餐廳信息即時設定,隨時更新隨時開關店,無需任何成本編輯菜單方便簡單菜品詳情可添加菜品名稱和描述;支持拍照傳圖,上傳菜品圖片只需要幾秒鐘直接打印不用抄單連接藍牙印表機,接單後直接打印· 省空間· 成本低· 待機長· 易安裝幫你招聘送貨員餓了麼幫你招募外送員,是完全免費的哦軟體特色:
1. 打開您的餓了麼商家電腦版客戶端。
2. 在客戶端主介面的左上角,您可以看到「設定」按鈕,點擊它。
3. 在「設定」介面中,您可以看到「檢查更新」按鈕,點擊它。
4. 稍等片刻,客戶端會自動檢查更新。
5. 如果有新版本可用,客戶端會提示您更新。點選「立即更新」按鈕,即可開始更新餓了麼商家電腦版。
6. 更新完成後,您需要重新登入您的餓了麼商家電腦版帳號,以便使用最新版本的用戶端。
1. 打開餓了麼App,並登入您的帳號。
2. 在首頁或搜尋框中輸入您想要點餐的商家名稱或關鍵字,點選進入商家頁面。
3. 在商家頁面上方通常會有一個商家名稱或商家頭像,點選進入商家主頁。
4. 在商家主頁中,可以看到商家的詳細資料、選單和評價等。在頁面下方或選單頁面中,會有一個留言或諮詢的入口。
5. 點擊留言或諮詢的入口後,會彈出一個輸入框,您可以在其中輸入您想要@商家的內容。
6. 輸入完內容後,點選傳送或確認按鈕,您的留言或諮詢內容將會傳送給商家。
Please note that some merchants’ homepages may not have an entrance to leave messages or inquiries. In this case, you can try to contact the merchant through other methods, such as the contact number provided by the merchant or the customer service channel on the Ele.me platform.
In addition, the Ele.me platform also provides customer service hotline and online customer service support. If you encounter problems or have other needs, you can also try to communicate and contact Ele.me’s customer service staff through these channels.
Call the "12315" consumer complaint reporting hotline is the most useful, but the most feared complaint platform is the "National 12315 Internet Platform".
Life is not easy, you have to be lenient and be merciful, you should be tolerant and tolerant of people and things, have some flexibility, don't be too harsh and always hold on to others. Forgiving others is also to accumulate virtue and blessing for yourself. Please don't hold on to others' faults. You can make comments, but please do not complain easily
Ele.me Takeout, as the leading online takeout platform in China, provides convenient and fast food ordering services and is deeply loved by users. For many users, ordering food using a computer is more convenient, so Ele.me has launched a computer version of the app, allowing users to easily browse menus and place orders on their computers. This article will introduce to you the download and related information of the computer version of Ele.me takeout.
Ele.me Takeout PC version is a desktop application provided by Ele.me for users, allowing users to conveniently enjoy food ordering services through the browser on their computer. Compared with the mobile application, the computer version is more convenient to operate and the menu navigation is clearer, making it suitable for use at home or in the office environment.
To download the PC version of Ele.me takeout, users can directly visit the official website of Ele.me and find the PC version download link on the homepage or download page. After clicking the link, the installation program will be automatically downloaded to your computer. Follow the prompts to complete the installation and start using it.
Ele.me Takeaway PC version provides a series of practical functions to allow users to enjoy a more convenient ordering experience. Here are some main functions:
Menu browsing: clearly display the menus of various restaurants on your computer, with pictures and prices, making it easy for users to choose. Online payment: supports multiple payment methods to ensure safe and fast transactions. Order tracking: Users can check order status and delivery progress in real time. Evaluation and comments: Users can evaluate restaurants and dishes and share their dining experiences.Using Ele.me Takeaway PC Version is very simple. Users only need to open the app, register and log in, and then start browsing the menu and placing orders. The following are some common operation guides:
Log in to your account: Enter your account password on the homepage, or use your mobile phone number to quickly log in. Select a restaurant: Click on the menu bar to select your favorite restaurant and browse the menu. Place an order and pay: After selecting the dishes, add them to the shopping cart and select the payment method to complete the order. View order: After the order is completed, you can view the order details and delivery information.Users may encounter some problems when using the PC version of Ele.me Takeaway. Here are some common problems and solutions:
The application cannot be opened normally: please check whether the network connection is Normal, or try to download and install the application again. Payment failed: It may be that the payment information was filled in incorrectly or the balance is insufficient. Please check the payment information and try again. Delivery delay: In case of delivery delay, please contact the customer service hotline to check the order status.The PC version of Ele.me’s takeout provides users with a more convenient ordering experience, allowing users to easily browse the menu and place orders on their computers. I hope the introduction in this article can help you and make you better use the PC version of Ele.me Takeout. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message to share!
1. Open "Kingsoft Drug Tyrant". Find "Software Manager" on the lower side of the homepage and click on it.
2. After entering the page, enter "Ele.me Business Edition" in the search bar above, click "Search" to enter the homepage
3. Then click "Install" to download Ele.me Merchant version.
Extended information:
Ele.me (Ele.me merchant version PC version) is China’s most professional online food ordering platform, covering hundreds of cities in China, tens of millions of users, and gathering hundreds of thousands Catering merchants, providing all kinds of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western and other high-quality food