首頁 > 科技週邊 > 人工智慧 > 分散式人工智慧盛會DAI 2024徵稿:Agent Day,強化學習之父Richard Sutton將出席!顏水成、Sergey Levine以及DeepMind科學家將做主旨報告

分散式人工智慧盛會DAI 2024徵稿:Agent Day,強化學習之父Richard Sutton將出席!顏水成、Sergey Levine以及DeepMind科學家將做主旨報告

發布: 2024-08-22 20:02:33
1439 人瀏覽過

會議簡介隨著科技的快速發展,人工智慧成為了推動社會進步的重要力量。在這個時代,我們有幸見證並參與分散式人工智慧(Distributed Artificial Intelligence, DAI)的創新與應用。分散式人工智慧是人工智慧領域的重要分支,這幾年引起了越來越多的關注。基於大型語言模型(LLM)的智能體(Agent)異軍突起,透過結合大模型的強大語言理解和生成能力,展現了在自然語言互動、知識推理、任務規劃等方面的巨大潛力。 AI Agent正在接棒大語言模型,成為目前AI圈的熱門話題。 Auto-GPT,AutoGen,HuggingGPT,LangChain Agent等大語言模型智能體在不同領域的應用潛力,從遊戲、編程到日常任務自動化,正在逐步改變我們與技術的互動方式,在未來將發揮更加重要的作用。在2019年,多智能體系統領域的一些國際知名學者發起了國際分散式人工智慧學術會議——DAI,致力於打造一個聯繫國內外相關研究群體的高水平國際交流平台,匯集了來自不同領域的研究人員和實踐者,包括通用人工智慧、多智能體系統、分散式學習和計算博弈論等。透過提供高規格、國際知名的論壇,DAI促進了分散式人工智慧理論與實踐的研究。時至今日,DAI已在北京、南京、上海、天津、新加坡等地成功舉辦。 DAI 2024-第六屆分散式人工智慧國際會議,將於2024年12月18日至12月22日在新加坡舉行。這場盛會將匯集全球頂尖的研究人員與實務者,共同探討並分享分散式AI的最新研究成果與實務經驗。 DAI 2024除了會議的高水準投稿之外,還邀請了國內外各大專院校和研究機構的人工智慧領域頂會(如NeurIPS,ICML,ICLR,AAAI等)論文作者做現場報告,旨在為大家呈現一場頂級人工智慧領域的盛宴。 DAI 2024大會網站:http://www.adai.ai/dai/2024/call-for-workshop.html這次大會邀請到了將帶來Keynote的重量級嘉賓,學術大牛,業界翹楚。 Richard S. Sutton, 被稱為「強化學習教父」。作為強化學習領域的領導人物,Sutton教授的參與預計將吸引全球AI研究者和從業者的目光。 Sutton教授是阿爾伯塔大學電腦科學系教授,強化學習與人工智慧實驗室首席研究員,阿爾伯塔機器智慧研究所首席科學顧問,CIFAR高級研究員,他提出的「阿爾伯塔計畫」旨在透過環境交互學習打造與複雜世界互動並預測控制其感官輸入訊號的長壽命計算智能體,推動智慧系統從世界模型中學習。 Sergey LevineUC伯克利電機工程和計算機科學系的副教授,專注於能夠使 Autonomous Agents 透過學習獲得複雜行為的演算法,特別是能夠使任何自主系統學習解決任何任務的通用方法。 Sergey 是強化學習領域大神,也是UC 柏克萊的網紅教授。 。 Georgios Piliouras是GoogleDeepMind研究科學家,Google DeepMind 博弈論團隊的負責人。他的研究興趣在多智能體學習、演算法博弈論、區塊鏈和動力系統領域。顏水成是崑崙2050全球研究院院長,天工智能聯席CEO。顏水成博士是新加坡工程院院士、AAAI、ACM、IEEE 和 IAPR會士。他的研究領域包括電腦視覺、機器學習和多媒體分析。專家學者們的出席和演講將為分散式人工智慧領域的最新研究和發展趨勢提供深刻的見解。大會特色大會亮點一:強大的特邀嘉賓報告陣容

分布式人工智能盛会DAI 2024征稿:Agent Day,强化学习之父Richard Sutton将出席!颜水成、Sergey Levine以及DeepMind科学家将做主旨报告

Sergey Levine:加州大學柏克萊分校副教授

Georgios Piliouras:GoogleDeepMind研究科學家

Richard S. Sutton:阿爾伯塔大學教授

) 2050全球研究院院長,天工智能聯席CEO

大會亮點二:大會特別設立"Agent Day"

為了進一步推動智能體技術的應用和普及,DAI 2024特別設立了“智能體日(Agent Day )”,旨在展示智能體技術在各行各業的實際應用,以及與人類互動的創新案例。在這一天,與會者將有機會親歷來自大語言模型智能體、多智能體系統、人機協作與互動等多主題的報告和交流盛宴。

與會者有機會參與智能體技術展示和專題研討交流。涵蓋了最新的多智能體系統和應用案例,包括機器人協作、自動化決策支援系統等。產業專家和學者就智能體技術的發展趨勢、挑戰和未來前景進行深入討論。 🎜

"Intelligent Day" will become a highlight of the conference, providing participants with the opportunity to experience and in-depth understanding of intelligent technology. It is also a platform to promote exchanges and cooperation between academia and industry.

Highlight 3 of the conference: Dozens of top-level conference reports

The conference specially organized top-level conference reports, covering multi-agent systems, large language models, reinforcement learning, game theory, machine learning, and robot learning , deep learning and models and other fields, dozens of high-quality academic papers from top domestic and foreign conference journals such as NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, AAAI, CoRL, WWW, AAMAS, etc.

Call for Papers

DAI 2024 conference calls for papers on a wide range of topics, covering but not limited to:

Agent Cooperation:

  • Biologically-inspired approaches and methods
  • Collective intelligence
  • Distributed problem solving
  • Teamwork, team formation, teamwork analysis
  • Coalition formation (non-strategic)
  • Multi-robot systems
  • Federated learning
  • Distributed learning systems

Humans and Agents:

  • Human-robot/agent interaction
  • Multi-user/multi-virtual- agent interaction
  • Agents competing against humans
  • Agent-based analysis of human interactions
  • Agents for improving human cooperative activities

Single/Multi-agent Learning:

  • Reward structures for learning
  • Multi-agent learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Deep learning
  • Adversarial machine learning

Computational Game Theory:

  • Complexity of algorithms for games
  • Practical algorithms for games
  • Behavioral models of games
  • Security games

Economics and Computation:

  • Auctions and mechanism design
  • Market design and applications
  • Social choice theory
  • Game theory for practical applications
  • Economics of blockchain systems

We encourage submissions of theoretical, empirical and perspective papers to advance distributed In-depth understanding and application in the field of AI. All submitted papers will undergo rigorous peer review to ensure the high quality and academic value of the conference content.

Organizing Committee

This conference is co-chaired by Professor Anbo from Nanyang Technological University and Professor Sarit Kraus from Bar-Ilan University in Israel. In addition, the organizing committee also includes many well-known scholars in the field.

Co-chairs of the Program Committee: Professor Yang Yaodong from Peking University, Professor Long Tran-Thanh from the University of Warwick, UK

Co-chairs of seminars/lectures: Professor Zhang Weinan from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Professor Bryan Wilder from Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Sponsorship Co-Chair: Professor Yu Yang from Nanjing University

Publicity Co-Chair: Professor Zhao Dengji from ShanghaiTech University

Publication Co-Chair: Professor Chen Siheng from Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Local Organization Co-Chair: Professor Wang Xinrun from Singapore Management University

Contact Information

The submission date for the full text of the conference call for papers is from August 25 to September 10, 2024, and the paper notification date is October 5, 2024. If you have any questions about submission, please contact us via the following email:

  • Yaodong Yang: yaodong.yang@pku.edu.cn
  • Long Tran-Thanh: long.tran-thanh@warwick.ac.uk

We look forward to your participation to witness and shape the future of distributed artificial intelligence. Visit the DAI2024 official website now at http://www.adai.ai/dai/2024/index.html for more information and prepare your submission. To submit papers, please log in to the EasyChair website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dai20240

DAI 2024 looks forward to your participation to jointly explore and promote the future of distributed artificial intelligence.

以上是分散式人工智慧盛會DAI 2024徵稿:Agent Day,強化學習之父Richard Sutton將出席!顏水成、Sergey Levine以及DeepMind科學家將做主旨報告的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
