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發布: 2024-08-22 21:44:16
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電腦屬性打不開的問題困擾著許多使用者。這可能是由於各種原因造成的,包括註冊表錯誤、系統檔案損壞或惡意軟體感染。 php小編新一將為您介紹導致此問題的一些常見原因以及快速解決此問題的有效方法。請繼續閱讀以下內容,以了解如何診斷和解決此常見問題。














針對不同的可能原因,可以嘗試以下解決方法: 修復系統檔案: 執行命令提示字元(管理員權限)輸入sfc /scannow命令進行系統檔案檢查和修復。 使用故障排除工具: 在控制台中找到「故障排除」選項,嘗試執行「系統維護」工具。 檢查權限設定: 確保你的帳號有足夠的權限來查看電腦屬性,或使用管理員帳號登入。 進行系統安全檢查: 執行防毒軟體和惡意軟體清除工具,確保系統沒有受到惡意軟體的侵害。 以上方法中至少有一種可以解決你的問題,希望你的電腦屬性能很快正常開啟。




2)如果是路由器的問題,如果原來可以用,暫時不能用了,我自己的實踐是一個是斷掉路由器的電源在插上,等會看看。在有就是恢復出廠設置,從新設置就可以用了(這是在物理連接正確的前提下)。如果總是無法解決,建議給路由器的客服打電話,他們有電話在線指導,我遇到自己不能解決的問題,諮詢他們給的建議是很有用的,他們會針對你的設置或操作給出正確建議的。 3)如果關閉了無線開關開啟就是了,如果是用軟體連接的無線,軟體不好用又常出問題是很正常的,沒有更好的方法,用路由器吧。另外就是網路卡驅動沒有或不合適造成的,網路介面或網路線是不是有問題等。 4)如果是系統問題引起的,建議還原系統或重裝。使用系統自帶的系統還原的方法: 系統自帶的系統還原:“開始”/“程式”/“附件”/“系統工具”/“系統還原”,點選“將我的電腦恢復到一個較早的時間”,按下一步,你會看到日期頁面有深色的日期,那就是還原點,你選擇後,點擊下一步還原(Win78還原系統,右鍵單擊計算機選屬性,在右側選系統保護,系統還原,依步驟做就是了,如果有還原軟體,也可以用軟體還原系統)。

三、windows 11電腦按屬性打不開?


方法一:同時在鍵盤上按下Windows+PauseBreak 組合鍵即可開啟。

方法二: 在開始功能表上按滑鼠右鍵,選擇; 在彈出的系統介面右側移動到下面些,在相關設定下點擊按鈕即可開啟屬性。

4. I can’t open “Properties” when I right-click on my computer. What should I do?

Start running and enter regedit and press Enter to open the registry, locate the [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer] primary key, and select "NoViewContextMenu" on the right. DWORD value 0 (for enabled) 1 (for disabled). If there is no such key value on the right, please create a new one. The DWORD value is named "NoViewContextMenu" and the numerical data is "0". Press OK to restart the computer. If it still doesn’t work, restore the system or reinstall it. How to use the system restore that comes with the system: System restore that comes with the system: "Start"/"Programs"/"Accessories"/"System Tools"/"System Restore", click "Restore my computer to an earlier "Time", click Next, you will see a dark date on the date page, which is the restore point. After you select it, click Next to restore (Win7 restore system, right-click the computer and select Properties, select System Protection on the right , system restore, just follow the steps. You can also select Create at the bottom of this page beforehand to create a restore point yourself).

5. Why can’t I open Google on my computer?

It is estimated that your computer’s local DNS has been tampered with or contaminated! It is recommended to clear the local computer's DNS cache and try again. If it still doesn't work, it may have been tampered with and controlled by malware! At this time, it is recommended to install Huorong security software to deal with and troubleshoot! Remember to uninstall other security software and anti-virus software that are not Tinder!

6. What should I do if the computer file properties cannot be opened?

Solution: Open My Computer - Tools - Folder Options - File Types - Find "Drives" or "Folders" - Click "Advanced" - Click in the "Edit File Types" dialog box "New" - fill in "open" in the operation - set as default - click "OK".

7. I can’t turn on the computer using UPS?

The battery of the newly purchased UPS is full. Unlike the mobile phone, "it starts normally (only the host is turned on), but as soon as the monitor is turned on, it shows a yellow light and automatically cuts off the power in less than a second. I don't know why." Has the UPS been plugged into the mains? When charging a UPS, you generally need to turn on the switch. Some do not need it, but you still need to turn on the switch. Household panels have two or three lights. One is on when the mains is on, and one is on when the power is off. The battery is on, and the battery is low and the other one is on

8. My laptop can’t turn on my computer?

This may be because you have turned off the automatic startup of this program. Go to your security manager and set it to allow automatic startup.

9. Computer documents cannot be opened

In the era of rapid development of modern technology, computers have become an indispensable part of modern people's life and work. We deal with computers almost every day. We cannot do without the help of computers in browsing the web, editing files, sending emails, etc. However, just when we need to use the documents on the computer, we suddenly find that the documents on the computer cannot be opened. How frustrating this is!

The computer document may not be opened due to many reasons. Below I will analyze it from the following aspects:

1. File format error

A common reason is that the file format is incorrect, that is, when we open The file format is inconsistent with the file format supported by the computer system. For example, if we open a .docx file, but our computer does not support the file format, the document will not be opened. The solution to this problem is to check the file format and make sure to open it with a compatible application.

2. Lack of necessary software

Some documents require specific software to open. If our computer does not have the corresponding software installed, the document cannot be opened. For example, if we want to open a compressed file, but there is no decompression software installed on the computer, the file will not be opened. The solution to this problem is to install the necessary software or open the document using a compatible application.

3. File corruption

During file transfer or storage, files may be damaged. This may be due to network failure, storage device failure, or other reasons. When your computer detects file corruption, it won't be able to open the document. The solution to this problem is to try using a file repair tool to repair the corrupted file or try to restore the file from a backup.

4. Virus infection

Viruses in your computer can damage files and prevent them from opening properly. When we open a virus-infected document, the computer may prompt that the file cannot be opened or is dangerous. The solution to this problem is to scan your computer with anti-virus software, remove viruses, and try to open the document.

5. Access permission issues

Sometimes, the computer document cannot be opened because we do not have sufficient access permissions. It may be that the location of the file is restricted, or we do not have sufficient permissions to operate the file. The solution to this problem is to ensure that we have sufficient permissions to access the file and try to open the document with administrator rights.

6. Hardware failure

In some extreme cases, the inability to open files on your computer may be caused by hardware failure. For example, storage device failure, hard drive damage, etc. In this case, we need to send the computer for repair or replace the hardware. The solution to this problem is to check the hardware device after the problem occurs and seek professional help.

To sum up, the inability to open files on your computer may be caused by file format errors, lack of necessary software, file corruption, virus infection, access rights issues or hardware failures. When we encounter this problem, we should first check the file format, install necessary software, and then try to repair the damaged file, remove viruses, and ensure that we have sufficient access rights. If the problem persists, it may be a hardware failure and you need to seek professional help. Hope these solutions help you!

10. Why can’t my computer open Microsoft Office?

If it cannot be opened, there is usually a problem with the program. It is recommended to re-download and install it.

1. Unzip the folders o16_x86 and o16_x64 in the compressed package; PS: Both folders are necessary files. If one folder is missing, the installation will fail.

2. Open the o16_x86 folder and click setup.cmd;

3. After the cmd pop-up window pops up automatically, enter the download and installation; PS: Please wait patiently and do not turn off the computer until the installation is completed.

4. After the installation is complete, open the "Start" menu and find Microsoft Office 2016 Preview;

5. Select the required software to open and use it, no other operations are required. Office 2016:http://www.3322.cc/soft/201508211622.html

