首頁 > 電腦教學 > 故障排查 > 電腦突然變得很卡很慢是什麼原因?


發布: 2024-08-24 06:41:17
970 人瀏覽過




1 定期的,對電腦內的灰塵進行清理,桌上型關機後打開機箱,用吹風機,冷風吹

2 平時要常用360 衛士、金山衛士等工具清理系統垃圾和上網產生的臨時文件(ie快取),查殺惡意軟體(不太建議360,懂的都懂)

3 電腦配置差,盡量把虛擬記憶體設定大點,(xp)右鍵點選我的電腦屬性進階效能… 那裡設定進階更改

在自訂那裡設定為2000 - 4000

(win7) 電腦-屬性-進階系統設定-效能設定-「進階」標籤-虛擬記憶體-變更-選擇要設定的磁碟機c碟,選擇系統管理大小或根據需要選擇自訂大小-設定-確定。

4 防毒軟體裝種佔資源小的,如 nod32,或只裝一個輔助防毒軟體。

5 盡量設定ip 為靜態ip ,可以減少電腦開機啟動時間和進入桌面後的反映時間。 (cqjiangyong總結:很多人電腦開機後前幾分鐘動不了都是這個原因)

6 電腦桌面不要放太多文件和圖標,會使電腦反應變慢的,軟體盡量不要安裝在c盤。

7 關閉一些啟動程序。開始-執行-輸入msconfig—確定-在「系統設定公用程式」視窗中點選「啟動」-啟動 ,除輸入法(Ctfmon)、防毒軟體外,一般的程式都可以關掉。也可以用360等軟體,智慧優化開機加速。

8 建議只裝一個主防毒軟體,裝多個會佔電腦資源,會使電腦更慢。

9 定期的對整理磁碟碎片進行整理,打開我的電腦要整理磁碟碎片的磁碟機—屬性—工具--選擇整理的磁碟開啟「磁碟碎片整理程式」視窗—分析—碎片整理—系統即開始整理。

10 安裝個最佳化大師或超級兔子等 電腦最佳化軟體,優化下,電腦也會快很多! !

11 現在的系統,佔內存也比較大,有必要的話,加多條內存,也會快很多。

12 電腦硬碟用久了,也會使電腦變慢,重新分區安裝可以修復邏輯壞,電腦也會快點,硬碟物理讀寫速度慢,也只能是換個好點的! ! !












希望我的解答能幫你解決問題! ! !


是因為其硬體配置較低,可能運行起來比較吃力,同時也有可能是在使用過程中產生了一些緩存垃圾,導致系統卡頓。 用戶可以從以下方面入手解決這個一是優化系統設置,關閉不必要的後台應用程式和自啟動應用程式;二是進行清理,可以清理快取和垃圾文件,刪除不必要的文件和應用程序,或重新安裝系統等方式來優化平板電腦的效能。此外,也可以考慮升級平板電腦的硬體配置,以提升其運作速度和效能表現。

5. Why is the computer stuck when running Word?

There may be several reasons why the computer is stuck when running Word:

1. Insufficient computer configuration: If your computer configuration is low, such as memory, processor, etc., it may cause Word to run slowly.

2. Word file is too large: If your Word file is very large, for example, it contains a large number of pictures, tables, formulas, etc., it may cause Word to run slowly.

3. Too many Word plug-ins: If you install a large number of Word plug-ins, it may cause Word to run slowly.

4. Computer virus infection: If your computer is infected with a virus or malware, it may cause Word to run slowly.

5. Word software problems: If there is a problem with your Word software itself, such as being damaged or needing to be updated, it may cause Word to run slowly.


1. Upgrade computer configuration: If your computer configuration is low, you can consider upgrading memory, processor and other hardware.

2. Compress Word file: If your Word file is too large, you can try to compress the file size, such as reducing pictures, deleting unnecessary content, etc.

3. Disable unnecessary plug-ins: If you have installed a large number of Word plug-ins, you can try to disable unnecessary plug-ins to increase the speed of Word.

4. Scan for computer viruses: If your computer is infected with viruses or malware, you can use anti-virus software to scan and remove it.

5. Update Word software: If there is a problem with your Word software, you can try to update the software or reinstall Word.

6. Why does the computer freeze when starting up?

If the computer is stuck when it starts up, check whether the computer driver is installed correctly. Check whether the computer is forced to install rogue software. Just uninstall it. Use anti-virus software to scan the entire disk to check whether it is infected with viruses.

7. Why is the computer always stuck when running EXCEL?

Reason: The operation is too complicated, such as inserting a lot of objects and using a lot of formulas. If this situation causes the software to become stuck, it is a hardware problem. The computer configuration cannot keep up or something, so you can only wait patiently. Method: Locate the object to clear, press and hold the shortcut key ctrl+g or find Start--Find and Select--Locate Objects in the menu bar, select the object, click OK and press the delete key to clear.

8. Why is it so hard to play Hearthstone on the computer?

The computer configuration is too poor, or the network is too slow.

9. Why is it so slow to remotely control the other party’s computer?

Answer: Remote control of the other party’s computer is usually laggy because of communication lags. First, if other computers can work, it means there is no problem with the network.

Second, when you connect to other computers and operate other people's computers, there is no card problem. The only possibility is that there is a problem with your own computer. There are two possibilities. One is a system failure. Optimize this or simply reinstall it. The second is hardware problems, which requires detailed analysis. It is recommended to check the graphics card and graphics card driver.

10. Why is it so laggy when playing Naruto OL on the computer?

First clean up the junk files in the system and check if there is a network Trojan. If that doesn’t work, reinstall the system

According to your computer configuration, there should be no carding problems!

