大隈先生重申,DEI 是「多元化、公平性和包容性」的縮寫,「DEI 是代表『多元化、公平性和包容性』的縮寫。」他解釋說,這意味著「創造一種人們可以展示的狀態”一個人的能力”。
此外,在美國,《21 世紀通訊和視訊無障礙法案》(CVAA) 要求遊戲內容主要針對有聽力和視覺障礙的人製作,因此也會收到有關功能的回饋,包括 UI/UX。
如果發生這種情況,可能會出現問題,例如是否真的有人想要在遊戲內容中加入 DEI 元素,或者這是否只是發送回饋的人的偏好。然而,遊戲市場研究公司Newzoo對美國和英國的遊戲玩家進行的一項調查中,「DEI對你來說重要嗎?」這個問題佔了總數的55% 。所以數值結論是美國和英國的遊戲玩家看重DEI。
根據這些結果和收到的回饋,我們可以推斷,在美國和英國開發遊戲內容時考慮 DEI 可能會被更廣泛的接受。然而,如上所述,DEI 中需要考慮的因素有很多,因此當談到優先考慮哪些因素時,Okuma 先生說:「有必要考慮相關內容中最重要的因素。」雖然很難做出一般性的陳述,因為它根據內容而有所不同,但下面的幻燈片顯示了與角色外觀相關的DEI 的一個範例。
在創作這樣的角色時,還需要考慮髮型、體型、眼型、顏色等要準備多少種類型和圖案。從日本和美國的種族/民族比例來看,97%的日本人是日本人,而59%的美國人有歐洲或北歐血統,18%是西班牙裔/拉丁裔,13%是非洲裔。 ,還有6%是亞裔,所以美國人有多種血統。因此,為了能夠創造出能夠投射自身的角色,需要準備大量的零件。
另外,也根據海外合作夥伴的回饋,追加了《BLUE PROTOCOL》角色創作時可以選擇的髮型之一「辮子」的一集。大隈先生說,當他第一次感受到“遊戲中沒有這樣的表達”的反饋時,他感到震驚並想,“這就是多樣性的意思嗎?”
「如果不表達出來,不僅無法滿足自我表達的需求,還可能無法想像玩家的諸多身分。」前段時間,我意識到我可能最終會抹去一個人的存在。 ”
Mr. Okuma originally wondered whether there was a need for diversity in game content. However, as I learned on the job and experienced the above, I realized that in order to bring online games from Japan to the world, it is necessary to understand DEI and consider expression. It seems like he started thinking about it.
On the other hand, Mr. Okuma points out that if there is a lack of understanding of DEI, it will be impossible to make the correct selection of expressions necessary for the content. In other words, there is a risk that you may ignore the feedback you receive because you don't understand it, or you may end up doing everything you are told because you don't understand it.
In particular, the latter can cause major problems. For example, if there is a game set in a school with about 20 students in rural Japan, and more than half of the characters are foreigners, it may be correct from a DEI perspective, but from a practical standpoint it would be extremely unnatural. It becomes something. Of course, there is no problem if there is an inevitability that everyone can agree with, but if there is no particular intention or reason, or even if there is an intention or reason, there is no inevitability. This is not a good idea as it will result in .
Mr. Okuma points out that there are situations and situations where expressions related to DEI are not necessarily necessary, and that there are cases in which it is better not to express them, especially in order to protect the worldview and setting of the content. He summarized that it is important to properly understand DEI and expression in order to be able to make such judgments and to determine the direction of the content you are involved with.
Preparation for internal communication
Although he has deepened his understanding of DEI, it is extremely difficult for him to reflect that knowledge into Bandai Namco Online's content on his own. Mr. Okuma wondered how it would be best for staff involved in internal projects to handle DEI, given their knowledge, and decided to disseminate information about DEI through in-house training and other means.
However, since he had never experienced such work, he did not know where to start at first. Even when he wanted to invite outside lecturers, he had no idea what kind of knowledge was required, what format the training should take, or even who to ask.
So he started by gathering information. First, we checked all feedback from our overseas partners. Although the project side had already considered whether or not to respond and the priority, it was decided to re-understand the elements and confirm on their own what should be prioritized.
I also read as many DEI-related news from overseas general media and articles related to DEI in the game industry from about 10 years ago to the recent past as much as possible. He also compared how a particular title featured in an article was rated in other articles, and also checked how it was treated in Japan.
Information regarding DEI was also shared within the BANDAI NAMCO Group. Bandai Namco Entertainment in particular has strong connections with bases in America and Europe, and handles a large number of titles, so he was able to gain useful information and knowledge.
In addition, it was revealed that they learned about disabilities and gender through receiving introductions from in-house staff to doctors involved in medical care for people with disabilities and contacting manufacturers that manufacture and sell school uniforms.
They also referred to content from other companies. What kind of DEI initiatives are being taken by overseas games, or even Japanese games that are popular overseas?Conversely, what is the appeal of being popular overseas even though there are almost no DEI elements? Looks like he checked it. Mr. Okuma said that the improvement in accessibility in fighting games in particular has been remarkable, and there is no reason not to use this as a reference.
In addition, by reading books on DEI, he supplemented the information he obtained on the web, confirmed information from a different perspective, and obtained quantitative figures provided by overseas market research companies. While increasing his own DEI knowledge, Okuma spent about a year preparing for in-house training.
In-house training content (partial)
In the session, four themes were introduced from the internal DEI training conducted by Mr. Okuma. The first one is "About the character's hair". The shape of human hair can be broadly divided into three types: straight hair, wavy hair, and curly hair, although there are large racial and individual differences, and it is also affected by the humidity of the country or region in which you live. Shown.
The second thing is "About the character's gender" . Human sexuality has four elements: biological sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender expression, and it has been shown that each person's gender is expressed through a combination of these elements. Ta.
The third one is “About differences in culture and values”. For example, ``Hotaru no Hikari'' is a song that is played at ``end'' scenes such as graduation and the end of the year in Japan, while in the United States it is a song that is played at ``blessing'' scenes such as weddings and New Years. It was shown that there are some things that are treated differently depending on cultural differences. Therefore, if we export our common sense and values to other countries, it may be perceived as strange, so we need to carefully consider this.
In terms of differences in culture and values, differences in "context culture" were also shown. Japanese culture is a high-context culture where communication is based on a shared understanding, even without saying much, as typified by behaviors such as ``perceiving'' and ``reading between the lines.''
On the other hand, Western culture starts from a lack of common understanding and is a low-context culture that emphasizes verbal expression, but this is due to the fact that it is a multi-ethnic country made up of immigrants. Therefore, it was shown that simply translating Japanese lines and explanations into the local language may not be interpreted well due to insufficient words.
Finally, "About accessibility" . Accessibility is a higher layer that includes usability, which refers to ease of use, and barrier-free, which removes obstacles.In the case of games, it refers to eliminating difficulties in playing and providing an environment that is easy for everyone to play. was shown.
Bandai Namco Online has stated that the content of its internal DEI training is not a guideline, nor does it have any compulsory force.
At the end of the session, Mr. Okuma said that he still loves the Japanese games that he has played since he was a child, and that he would be very happy if many people around the world could enjoy them. He summarized that he would be happy if this DEI session could be utilized in the development of future game content.