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《黎明死線》x《惡鬼德古拉》合作今日開始。線上會議報告,兩個 IP 的工作人員談論他們的承諾

發布: 2024-08-28 06:33:03
1218 人瀏覽過



  • 黎明殺機高級創意總監戴夫·理查德
  • 同遊戲設計師Jason Guzzo
  • Konami Digital Entertainment 第六製作部製作人谷口功
  • 第六製作部長島崎克也
  • 第六製作部首席美術師中島涉

「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート


「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート

「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート


當被問及原版《惡魔城》在1986 年上映近40 年後仍然具有巨大影響時,谷口表示該系列擁有許多熱情的粉絲,並且“無論你想要什麼,你都不能要求”他說,“我覺得這個系列能撐這麼久是因為大家,我每天都很感激。

「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート


Regarding what left an impression on him through the production of this collaboration chapter, Mr. Shimazaki said that when he saw the idea first proposed by the "Dead by Daylight" team, he felt that they were particular about it due to the huge number of assets, etc. is an avid fan of ``Castlevania'' . In order to respond to this commitment, Mr. Shimazaki and others also worked on supervising this collaboration chapter with considerable enthusiasm. He also said that he is very much looking forward to delivering the bold gameplay and voluminous content created by the "Dead by Daylight" team to many fans.

On the other hand, Mr. Nakajima also noted that the assets proposed by the "Dead by Daylight" team skillfully captured the worldview of "Castlevania" and were smoothly incorporated into the worldview of "Dead by Daylight." He says he enjoyed supervising it. Not only the models and animations, but also the charms, UI, and materials that appear in the game were refined through many exchanges, but each time the Dead by Daylight team responded quickly and accurately. He praised the content, saying that the result was content that would please fans of both IPs.

Mr. Taniguchi once again mentioned the opportunity to play as Count Dracula in the collaboration chapter, saying, ``In the world of Castlevania, he is often defeated, but I'm really looking forward to seeing him win. Everyone, please do your best and defeat Count Dracula.''
He also appealed to people to take this opportunity to try out the "Castlevania" series.

「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート
「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート
Next, Dave Richard, senior creative director of "Dead by Daylight", revealed what efforts were made to bring the characters from "Castlevania" into "Dead by Daylight". According to the report, he has been a big fan of the work since childhood, and found it extremely difficult to create Dracula according to his own ideals.

Fortunately, he was able to work on this collaboration chapter at a time when he was accumulating the development know-how for "Dead by Daylight." Richard said, ``The Gothic romance theme of ``Castlevania'' -- creatures lurking in the darkness, the battle between light and darkness, and the feeling of fear and oppression at the same time -- will all be integrated into ``Dead by Daylight.'' I was able to do it," he said with confidence.

The demon castle in the collaboration chapter is different from the original, and instead of being sealed away by a solar eclipse, it was sent into the entity's realm. As a result, Dracula was able to continue to exist, with his ties to the Devil's Castle maintained.

Also, there were several options for Dracula's gameplay, but in the end it was decided to give him the ability to transform into a wolf or a bat. This ability frequently switches between forms, and the aim was to make the transformation as seamless as possible so that each character's characteristics could be utilized tactically. "Dead by Daylight" game designer Jason Guzzo said he wanted survivors to feel like they were fighting a boss battle when facing Dracula in the game. For this reason, Dracula says he has made full use of his shapeshifter abilities to become a killer who can catch survivors by surprise and launch brutal attacks.
Also, unlike other killers, the production is said to be one that gives a sense of dignity. For the motion of overcoming obstacles, a mist-like animation is created to give the impression of passing through them.

On the other hand, Survivor's Trevor Belmondo said that the image of ``Dead by Daylight'' was similar to the scene in ``Castle Legend'' in which he seeks allies to defeat Dracula.

「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート
Mr. Guzzo also mentioned the three forms of Dracula that can be switched using a shape shifter. First, the default vampire fights by making full use of ``Hellfire'', a medium-range attack that releases multiple pillars of flame in front of it. Hellfire can penetrate obstacles such as pallets and window frames.
「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート

The theme of the wolf is tracking. Their movement speed is the same as that of a vampire, but blood pools and scars can be clearly seen. Additionally, the ``Saint Orbs'' that survivors periodically leave behind allow you to sense their direction and increase their movement speed. The main attack
is to increase kinetic energy and jump at the survivor in front of you, and he says it's fun to suddenly jump out of the shadows and attack the survivor. In addition, if you miss the jump, you will be frozen for a certain period of time.

, which indicates the direction of the survivor and gradually becomes louder as you approach.
Bats have no attack methods, but they move quickly and can teleport to obstacles such as pallets or window frames within a certain distance. 「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート Note that while the enemy will not detect you, you will not be able to visually see the survivors, and all that will be visible will be the red scar marks. To compensate for this, his hearing has improved, and it is said that the footsteps of survivors can be heard louder than other figures. You can also use ``Lullaby''

Dracula uses each of the three forms mentioned above to corner the survivors, but "Memento Mori" is also said to have turned out great. It seems that she perfectly expressed her Dracula-ness by tearing out a survivor's throat with her sharp claws and drinking the champagne glass that caught the blood dripping from the wound.

Tips on how to enjoy playing Dracula were also introduced. First of all, it is recommended for beginners to concentrate on one form until they get used to the game. Once you get used to playing, it's a good idea to try transforming.

Guzzo also says that he wants veteran players to make full use of transformations and attack methods from the beginning to show off their strength. Dracula has a flexible play style, so he summarizes that he is quite fun among the killers.

「Dead by Daylight」×「悪魔城ドラキュラ」コラボ,本日スタート。両IPのスタッフがこだわりを語ったオンラインカンファレンスレポート

以上是《黎明死線》x《惡鬼德古拉》合作今日開始。線上會議報告,兩個 IP 的工作人員談論他們的承諾的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
