析構函數是一個函數,用於刪除由給定類別的建構函數所建立的物件實例,作為其功能特性的一部分。每當 PHP 程式中使用建構函數時,就不會強制需要使用析構函數來補充其功能。但在需要建構函數的程式中使用析構函數被認為是一種很好的做法。此外,該方法並不是專門呼叫執行的,而是在控制項找不到建構函數方法的函數參考時執行。
呼叫析構函數的基本語法:__destruct() 函數,
廣告 該類別中的熱門課程 PHP 開發人員 - 專業化 | 8 門課程系列 | 3次模擬測驗開始您的免費軟體開發課程
__destruct ( void ) : void
<?php class <ANY_CLASS_NAME> { // Declaring a constructor function __construct() { // To initialize required properties } // Declaring a destructor function __destruct() { // To remove reference of an object } } ?>
此方法也用於清理資源並釋放記憶體以容納更多記憶體。不能使用析構函數執行重載,且同一類別中只能存在單一析構函數。它的另一個獨特功能是,即使腳本在 exit() 命令的幫助下停止執行,析構函數仍然會被呼叫。此 exit() 將不允許剩餘的關閉方法退出。
<?php class DestructableExample { function __construct() { print "Inside constructor\n"; } function __destruct() { print "Destroying the class " . __CLASS__ . "\n"; } } $obj = new DestructableExample();
在這個例子中,我們在建構函式中使用了兩個變數;員工的名字和姓氏,然後我們在 PHP 程式碼結束之前透過呼叫析構函式來銷毀物件 Employee。
<?php class Employee { // Employee's first name private $emp_fname; // Employee's last name private $emp_lname; // Declaration of constructor public function __construct($emp_fname, $emp_lname) { echo "Initialisation of object as follows...<br/>"; $this->emp_fname = $emp_fname; $this->emp_lname = $emp_lname; } // Declaration of destructor public function __destruct(){ // Here we can clean the resources echo "Removing the Object..."; } // This method is being used to display full name public function showName() { echo "Employee full name is: " . $this->emp_fname . " " . $this->emp_lname . "<br/>"; } } // Class object declaration $harry = new Employee("Harry", "Potter"); $harry->showName(); ?>
在此範例中,我們將了解如何處理文件 test_doc.txt,該文件是與主文件位於同一工作目錄中的必備文字文件。確保在 test_doc.txt 中包含一些需要作為程式碼的一部分顯示的文字。
<?php header("Content-type: text/plain"); class Example { /** * Declaring an identifier * variable- string */ private $first_name; /** * A reference to another Foo object * variable Foo */ private $setlink; public function __construct($first_name) { $this->first_name = $first_name; } public function setLink(Example $setlink){ $this->setlink = $setlink; } public function __destruct() { echo 'Destroying: ', $this->first_name, PHP_EOL; } } // We are creating 2 objects here $obj1 = new Example('Example 1'); $obj2 = new Example('Example 2'); // Objects are made to point to themselves $obj1->setLink($obj1); $obj2->setLink($obj2); // Destroying their global references $obj1 = null; $obj2 = null; // Since both objects are declared null we cannot access them now and hence they must be destroyed // but since they are not yet destroyed a memory leak may occur as they are still present. // // Garbage collector can be called as shown in below line. Uncomment to check its functionality // gc_collect_cycles(); // Now we create 2 more objects but will not set their references // only the obj1 and obj2 are pointing to them right now $obj1 = new Example('Example 3'); $obj2 = new Example('Example 4'); // Removing their global references $obj1 = null; $obj2 = null; // Now the Example 3 and example 4 cannot be accessed due to no references // for them. Hence the destructor is called automatically // previous to the execution of next line echo 'Script has ended', PHP_EOL; ?>
如程式碼所述,如果我們取消註解腳本中心的 gc_collect_cycles() 函數,我們將得到以下輸出:
<?php class FileHandle{ private $file_handle; private $name; /** * We declare file handle with parameters file name and mode * Using parameter string $name as file name * Using parameter string $fmode as file mode for read, write */ public function __construct($name,$fmode){ $this->name = $name; $this->file_handle = fopen($name, $fmode); } /** * We are closing the file handle */ public function __destruct(){ if($this->file_handle){ fclose($this->file_handle); } } /** * Reading and printing file's content */ public function display(){ echo fread($this->file_handle, filesize($this->name)); } } $fu = new FileHandle('./test_doc.txt', 'r'); $fu->display(); ?>
如果未建立 test_doc.txt,則會拋出以下警告。
如我們所見,析構函數與建構子完全相反,用於在物件使用完成後銷毀對象,並且在程式碼中不再需要。從而確保它清理不需要的資源,為未來的資源留出空間。這是透過宣告 __destruct() 函數來完成的,PHP 將在腳本末尾自動呼叫該函數。
以上是PHP 中的析構函數的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!