用外行的語言來說,斐波那契數列就是將前兩個元素相加形成下一個元素,直到得到所需的數列大小而形成或獲得的一系列元素。我們通常從 0 和 1 開始斐波那契數列。
廣告 該類別中的熱門課程 PHP 開發人員 - 專業化 | 8 門課程系列 | 3次模擬測驗開始您的免費軟體開發課程
0, 1, 1, 2 ,3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
在這裡,我們將看到在 PHP 環境中工作時具體獲取斐波那契數列。差異在於我們編碼的格式,即使用 PHP 腳本的起始標籤及其結束標籤。
<?php …; …; …; ?>
這將幫助您理解和學習如何在 PHP 中使用迭代方式和遞歸方式兩種方法來產生斐波那契數列。
例如,如果我們需要為 n=5 建立斐波那契,我們將顯示元素直到第 5 項。
範例 #2
邏輯與上述相同。這裡我們給定 n=10,即我們需要找到直到第 n 項的元素。因此,我們將繼續遵循我們的邏輯,直到我們的系列中有 n 個術語。
在上面的一個範例中,我們有 n=9,邏輯表示:
對於 n=3
因此,級數中的第三個元素是 1。
因此,我們得到第 4 個第 元素為 2。
因此,對於「n」等於 9,按照與上面解釋相同的邏輯,我們得到序列為,斐波那契序列是 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
關於如何用 PHP 編寫程式來列印斐波那契數列,基本上有兩個著名的版本:
像 PHP 中一樣,我們將使用「echo」語句來列印輸出。
也稱為使用迭代。在這種方法中,我們將從 0 和 1 開始序列。之後我們將列印第一個和第二個數字。接下來我們將使用迴圈開始迭代,這裡我們使用 while 迴圈。
用於列印前 10 個斐波那契數列元素的 PHP 腳本。
<?php function Fibonacci($n) { $num1= 0; $num2= 1; $counter= 0; while($counter < $n) { echo ' '.$num1; $num3= $num2 + $num1; $num1= $num2; $num2= $num3; $counter= $counter+1; } } //for a pre defined number for Fibonacci. $n=10; Fibonacci($n); ?>
Thus we get our next number in the Fibonacci Series.
When the above program is executed, we get the output as follows:
By recursion, we mean the way where the same function is called repeatedly until a base condition is achieved or matched. At this point, recursion is stopped.
The said “function is called repeatedly” phrase points to the section in your code where we will define our logic for the Fibonacci Series.
Below is an example of generating Fibonacci Series in PHP, using If-Else conditions giving way for our recursive approach.
Here is the PHP Scripts for printing the first 15 elements for Fibonacci Series.
<?php function Fibonacci($num) { //If-Else IF will generate first two numbers for the series if($num == 0) return 0; else if($num == 1) return 1; // This is where Recursive way comes in. //recursive call to get the rest of the numbers in the series else return(Fibonacci($num -1) + Fibonacci( $num -2)); } //For a given n=15 $num =15; for($counter = 0; $counter < $num; $counter++) { echo Fibonacci($counter).' '; } ?>
Code Explanation:
This is the recursive way, which means our function that contains our logic is called again and again for generating the next element in the series until our condition for achieving a specific series size is obtained.
In Iterative approaches, the First and Second element is first initialized and printed. Here we allow a For Loop to give us our first and second elements starting with 0 and 1.
This is where our Fibonacci Logic comes into work and the next number in the sequence is obtained by adding its previous two numbers. Because this is the recursive method, we need to give a counter value to count the recursions equal to nth value, which is being handled by our For Loop.
When the above program or code is executed, the following output is displayed.
The Fibonacci Series does not only appear in mathematics or science calculations but in nature too, have you ever noticed Yellow chamomile flower head.
The Fibonacci Series if plotted on a graph, it forms a spiral called Fibonacci Spiral. It is also one of the gems given by Indian soil. It is found in Indian Mathematics as early as 200 BC in the works done by the mathematician, Pingala. Later Fibonacci introduced the sequence to European countries in his book Liber Abacci in 1200s.
以上是斐波那契數列 PHP的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!