海莉是《第一後裔》中的第一位狙擊手後裔,這讓她強大而獨特。如果你想充分利用她並在對手靠近你之前消滅他們,你需要了解 Hailey 的最佳構型。
儘管 Hailey晉升為神槍手後,她的技能也涉及近距離戰鬥。確保您先解鎖了 Hailey。
Hailey 的皇冠寶石攻擊是 Zenith,考慮到它是一把超強大的狙擊步槍,與她的被動技能完美搭配,給你很大的動力去瞄準弱點並遠離行動。
她的 Cyro Round 和 Storm Snare 技能將讓你從敵人的人群中逃脫到更高或更遠的地方。一旦你到達安全地點,只要你不移動並且有MP,你就可以安全地彈出冷怒來獲得暴擊率和傷害。
考慮到海莉的技能,你需要不斷尋找獨立的製高點,瞄準敵人的弱點進行狙擊。這使得海莉成為 Boss 戰和消滅精英敵人的優秀後裔,儘管她在消滅人群方面只能發揮一定的作用。
現在我們了解瞭如何在《第一後裔》中扮演Hailey 的最佳人選,讓我們來看看充分利用她的最佳構建。
模組決定了《第一後裔》中建構的成敗,因此為 Hailey 配備正確的模組至關重要。
讓我們回顧一下《第一後裔》中為 Hailey 提供的最佳模組:
External Components are the little bow on top of any build in The First Descendant, and yet they can be pretty powerful.
Considering the random nature of External Components, I’ll name the stats that you’ll mostly want to buff when it comes to Hailey:
Her max MP is already pretty high, and is increased through modules. For extra survivability, I’d recommend increasing her DEF and max HP for any nasty surprises or ranged barrages.
The choice of weapon for Hailey in The First Descendant is a crucial choice considering her playstyle.
For Hailey, I’d strongly recommend the Ultimate Weapon Afterglow Sword.
This sniper’s special ability is Nightmare Reaper, which inflicts the Death Propagation effect upon an enemy upon hitting a weak spot, which increases the firearm attack Critical Hit Chance, making it perfect for Hailey’s devastating damage capabilities.
For Hailey’s other weapons, I’d suggest a powerful Assault Rifle and a Scout Rifle, as Afterglow Sword consumes High-Power Rounds, meaning you may need more commonly available ammo for prolonged engagements.
With this excellent build guide in mind, you can deck out Hailey with the best gear in The First Descendant and annihilate your enemies and bosses alike. If you’re still working on making the best Hailey build, make sure you have the best Ultimate Bunny build.