在本文中,我們將了解使用 Java 程式語言編寫用於階乘計算的程式碼的各種方法。作為一種易於使用的物件導向語言,Java 是一種獨立於平台的簡單程式語言。 Java 的編譯器和解釋器是以安全性為主要方面開發的。 Java 的應用範圍非常廣泛。
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階乘,符號為“!” (感嘆號),是將一個數字與所有較小的數字相乘的數學運算。例如,如果數字是 5,階乘的輸出將為 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120.
1.完成您的程式碼並將其另存為 (檔案名稱).java
2.開啟終端機並執行以下 java 指令。
接下來,我們將編寫一個簡單的階乘計算的 Java 程式。
public class Factorial { public static void main(String args[]) {int i, fact=1; int number=5; for(i=1;i<=number;i++) { fact=fact*i; } System.out.println("Factorial of "+number+" is: "+fact); } }
使用任意檔名和 .java 副檔名儲存上述程式碼。
它從兩個變數「i」和「fact」開始,值為 1,然後「number」為 5,這是我們計算階乘的數字。我進入For循環,不斷增加i的值,直到我們將它與一個數字匹配,即5。在增加的同時,每次fact的值增加,它都會相乘,並且fact被分配一個新值。
import java.util.Scanner; class Facto{ public static void main(String args[]) { int q, a, fact = 1; System.out.println("Please Enter a number:"); Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); q = in.nextInt(); if ( q < 0 ) System.out.println("Please enter a number greater than 0:"); else { for ( a = 1 ; a <= q ; a++ ) fact = fact*a; System.out.println("Factorial of "+q+" is = "+fact); } } }
public class FactorialExample2 { static int factorial(int n){ if (n == 1) return 1; else return(n * factorial(n-1)); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Factorial of 5 is: "+factorial(5)); } }
The above code starts with a single int variable and checks if it is equal to 1; if yes, it returns one, as factorial for 1 is 1. If not equal to 1, it proceeds with the recursion function. Our int value, for example, is 5, so it’ll be like “5 * factorial(5-1)”, factorial is called here for the second time, which is another call. Then it returns again with a newer int value, which is 4, “4 * factorial(4-1)”, now it’ll be the third call to the recursion method. Now, the newer int value is 3, which means “3 * factorial(3-1)”, now it’ll be the fourth call, and the value will be 2, which means “2 * factorial(2-1)”. The int value will be one in the next recursive call, which will terminate the function here. While every call was made, its value was saved in a Stack, which is a LIFO method. So, for the final Output, the result will be “5*4*3*2*1 = 120.”
Compared to other methods, Recursion is quite difficult to understand and to implement, but if understood well and implemented wisely, it is a good tool.
It is highly recommended to use Recursion only in the case where writing an iterative code can be quite complex.
Now that we have learned various methods for implementing Factorial Calculations in Java Let’s explore a Built-in function that does the same work in a single line.
*) IntMath
Understanding the need for arithmetic operations over a value, a few functions specific to certain value types were written, we will see the Integer type value in work.
IntMath is a class for arithmetic calculations on an int value. IntMath class comes with a range of arithmetic operations, including factorial.
factorial (int n)
We started with an introduction to java and how to run a java program. Then we learned about Factorial Calculation and various methods, including Recursion, to accomplish it.
Towards the end, we learned about IntMath; a Java Function primarily focused on Arithmetic operations. Java is a widely-used programming language; it comes with many features; in this article, we learned about Factorial Calculations in Java, which is a tiny aspect.
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