萬維網和互聯網改變了我們的生活和相互交流的方式,以及我們進行科學、工程和商業的方式。現代生活完全是圍繞著網路來驅動或以網路為中心的。企業不斷尋求新的方式來以引入創新的新方式生產和交流各種服務。在本文中,我們將討論 Java 中的套接字程式設計。
套接字為 OSI 模型傳輸層的網路程式設計提供了介面。使用套接字的網路通訊在網路上隨處可見。除此之外,用 Java 編寫的套接字程式可以與用非 Java 語言(如 C、C++、Python 等)編寫的套接字程式進行通訊
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Socket 類別方法是在 Java 中找到的。套接字綁定了一個連接埠號,以便 TCP 識別要傳送資料的連接埠號碼。 Java 提供了一組類,其中一個是 java.net。這用於網頁應用的快速開發。 java.net 套件中存在的關鍵類別、介面和異常簡化了創建客戶端和伺服器程式所涉及的複雜性:
java.net 套件中使用了兩個類,用於建立程式。
用 Java 建立伺服器套接字程式有多個步驟。
第 1 步:Socket 伺服器已開啟。
Server Socket General= new Server Socket(PO)
這裡 PO 是連接埠號碼。
Socket General= server. accept()
這是伺服器。 accept()等待客戶端,這裡socket的名字是Client。
第 3 步:建立 I/O 流以便建立連線
is = new Data Input Stream(client. Get Input Stream());
os = new Data Output Stream(client. get Output Stream());
輸入流和輸出流被分配了它們的Get Input Stream(),並分別呼叫它們。
第 4 步:已建立與客戶的聯繫。
string hello = br. Read Line();
br. Write Bytes("How are you\n");
第 5 步:最後,Socket 退出。
最後使用close socket函數來關閉並結束socket程式設計。
import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class SimpleMachine { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { // On port 1362 server port is registered ServerSocket soc = new ServerSocket(1362); Socket soc1=soc.accept(); // Link is accepted after waiting // Linked with the socket there should be a connection OutputStream s1out = soc1.getOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dosH = new DataOutputStream (s1out); // A string command is sent dosH.writeUTF("Hello how are you"); // The connection can be closed but the server socket cannot. dosH.close(); s1out.close(); soc1.close(); } }
現在我們將看到一個用 Java 寫的簡單客戶端程式。
第 1 步:建立 Socket 物件。
Socket client= new Socket(server, port_id)
伺服器和Port ID已連線;即伺服器連接到該Port ID。
第 2 步:建立輸入/輸出流。
is = new Data Input Stream(client.getInputStream());
os = new Data Output Stream(client.getOutputStream());
Step 3: Input/Output streams are made for talking to the Client.
Data is read from the server:
string hello = br. readLine();
Send data to the server:
br.writeBytes("How are you\n")
This step communicates with the server. The input stream and output stream both communicates with the server.
Step 4: Close the Socket when done.
This function will close the client when it is finally done.
An example of a simple server socket program is shown below.
A simple program for the client.
import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class SimpleMachineClient { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { // At port 1325, connection to the server is opened Socket s1H = new Socket("host",1325); // Read the input stream by getting an input file from the socket Input Stream s1I = s1. getInputStream(); Data Input Stream disH = new Data Input Stream(s1In); String str = new String (disH.readUTF()); System.out.println(str); // After it is done, we can close the connection. disH.close(); s1I.close(); s1H.close(); } }
Socket programming is beneficial in Java and in any other programming language. A program written in Java can connect with a program written in C or C++. In other words, the language of the socket program doesn’t matter when there has to be a connection between the two. In this article, we have basically seen the Simple Server and the Simple Client example where there is a connection between the server socket and in the other, there is a connection between the server socket. We have used TCP/IP programming for the same. However, there are a lot of programming techniques like UDP programming techniques and URL programming techniques. We have not seen examples of such in this article. We have stressed on TCP/IP programming technique.
以上是Java 中的套接字程式設計的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!