Java為使用者提供了不同類型的數字系統;完全數也是java提供的一種數字系統。在Java中我們可以將任何數字視為完美數。如果除它之外的所有因數都等於給定數,那麼我們可以認為給定數是完全數。在Java中,我們可以使用不同的方法來找到完美數。基本上,完美數只不過是數系中以 10 為底的任何數字,它是數學中數系的一個子領域。根據使用者要求,我們可以使用完美的數字系統。
假設我們需要檢查 8 是否為完美數。
2.循環將繼續,直到條件 (j
3.例如 no=8, j=1 no/2=4,所以 j
8%j=0 true 那麼 sum =1
J=2 2
在這個方法中,我們也使用物件呼叫了 PerfectOrNot() 方法。在此方法中,執行自行啟動並呼叫 PerfectOrNot ()。它重複迭代,直到 j
現在讓我們來看看 Java 中完美數的不同範例,如下。
import java.util.Scanner; class Perfect_number1 { public static void main(String arg[]) { long num,s=0; Scanner s_c=new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter number"); num=s_c.nextLong(); int j=1; while(j<=num/2) { if(num%j==0) { s+=j; } j++; } if(s==num) { System.out.println(num+" the given number is perfect number"); } else System.out.println(num+" the given number is not perfect number"); } }
透過使用上面的程序,我們嘗試用 while 迴圈在 java 中實現完美數。上面程式的編碼非常簡單,這裡我們建立了main 方法;在main 方法中,我們使用Scanner 類別和while 迴圈來尋找給定數字的因子,並將該因子加入s 變數中,該變數是因子的總和,如上面的程序所示。最後,我們比較兩個數字並根據比較列印訊息。我們使用下面的螢幕截圖來說明上述程式的最終輸出。
import java.util.Scanner; class Perfect_Method { public static void main(String arg[]) { long num,m; Scanner s_c=new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter number"); num=s_c.nextLong(); m=perfectOrNot(num); if(m==num) System.out.println(num+" The given number is perfect number"); else System.out.println(num+" The given number is not perfect number"); } static long perfectOrNot(long n) { long s=0; for(int j=1;j<=n/2;j++) { if(n%j==0) { s+=j; } } return s; } }
In the above program, we use a static method to check if a given number is a perfect number or not. In the above program, we use the perfecOrNot () method. After that, we use a for loop to find the factors of the given number, and the remaining process is the same, that is, to compare the result with the given number and print a message according to the comparison. The final output of the above program we illustrate by using the following screenshot as follows.
Now let’s see another example to check perfect numbers by using the recursive Method as follows.
public class Recursive { static int n = 200; static int s = 0; static int d = 1; static int findPerfect(int n, int d) { { if(d<=n/2) { if(n%d==0) { s+=d; } d++; findPerfect(n,d); } return s; } } public static void main(String args[]) { int r = findPerfect(n,d); if(r == n) System.out.println(" The given number is perfect Number"); else System.out.println("The given number is not perfect Number"); } }
In the above program, we are using a recursive method to check the perfect number. The final output of the above program we illustrate by using the following screenshot as follows.
We hope from this article you learn Perfect Number in java. From the above article, we have learned the basic logic of Perfect Numbers, and we also see different examples of Perfect Numbers. From this article, we learned how and when we use the Perfect Number in java.
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