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發布: 2024-09-02 18:32:09
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iphone連接電腦只顯示照片,這可是個難題!相信許多 iPhone 用戶都遇到這個令人抓狂的問題:明明連接了電腦,但電腦上卻只能看到照片。究竟是什麼原因導致了這種情況?該如何解決呢? php小編香蕉深知廣大網友的苦惱,特地為大家帶來詳細的故障排除指南。請繼續閱讀,了解問題的根源和解決方法。









蘋果手機匯出照片到電腦失敗,可能是因為你在行動裝置iCloud 照片、中開啟了iCloud照片圖庫、並選擇優化儲存空間,而該照片還沒有從蘋果照片伺服器下載,就不能導出。蘋果手機導不出照片到電腦上的解決方法步驟如下:











四、如何使用iPhone 4連接電腦並傳輸照片

蘋果公司的iPhone 4是一款備受歡迎的智慧型手機,可以透過連接電腦的方式傳輸照片。這篇文章將詳細介紹如何使用iPhone 4連接電腦並傳輸照片的步驟。


在開始連接iPhone 4之前,確保你已經準備好以下物品:

iPhone 4:確保你的iPhone 4電量充足,並且可以正常工作。 USB線:這是連接iPhone 4和電腦的必備工具。 電腦:確保你有一台裝有iTunes軟體的電腦。

步驟二:連接iPhone 4和電腦

現在,讓我們開始連接你的iPhone 4和電腦:

將一端的USB線插入你的iPhone 4的充電介面。 將另一端的USB線插入你電腦的USB介面。確保連接穩固。


一旦你成功連接了iPhone 4和電腦,你就可以開始傳輸照片了:

在你的電腦上開啟iTunes軟體。 在iTunes中,點擊左上角的設備圖標,選擇你的iPhone 4。 進入照片標籤,在同步照片選項下選擇你想要傳輸的照片資料夾。 點選套用按鈕,開始同步照片。

現在,你已經成功地將照片從iPhone 4傳輸到電腦上了。可以在電腦上找到同步的照片資料夾,並進行檢視和編輯。



確保你的iPhone 4和電腦之間的連接穩定,避免在傳輸過程中拔插入數據線。 如果你的電腦沒有安裝iTunes軟體,你需要先下載並安裝它。

謝謝你閱讀本文,希望透過這篇文章能幫助你成功連結iPhone 4和電腦,並順利傳輸照片。

5. How to connect the computer to copy the photos when the iPhone screen is damaged?

This cannot be connected to the computer, because the connection to the computer requires confirmation on the mobile phone. It is recommended to find a repair shop and let others install a screen for you. Pour out the data and then remove the screen. , others will charge for washing. I often encounter such customers, and they all deal with it this way

6. When the iPhone is connected to the computer, the iPhone camera photo folder is not displayed?

It is caused by the driver not being installed or the driver installation error. The solution is as follows:

1. Download and install itunes on your computer.

2. Connect iPhone and computer with USB data cable.

3. Open My Computer or Computer on the desktop.

4. Click a camera icon for the Apple iPhone option.

5. Right-click single or multiple-select photo files to copy, and then you can import them to your computer.

7. How to connect iPhone7 Plus to computer to transfer photos?

Hello, I am very happy to answer your question

How to import photos from the computer and iPhone photos to each other:

1. Connect to the computer through the iPhone data cable, and the phone will display To trust or not trust, click Trust directly, and the computer will show you to open the device to view the files.

2. Click to open the device to view the file.

3. Click internalstorage mobile disk to enter.

4. Click on the corresponding dcim file to enter.

5. Copy the corresponding picture file directly to the computer. Of course, you can also copy the picture on the computer to the corresponding photo folder on the iPhone

Hope this can help you

8. What should I do if my iPhone cannot display photos when connected to the computer?


After the phone is connected to the computer and the iPhone is unlocked, it will prompt "Do you allow this device to access photos and videos?", select "Allow".


If method one doesn’t work, disconnect from the computer, then use your phone to take a random photo; reconnect to the computer and see if the iPhone disk appears.


If neither method 1 or 2 works, move the mouse to "My Computer" and select "Manage";

9. Only connect the iPhone to the computer to transfer photos. Can you show the previous one?

The reasons why only part of the photos are displayed when imported into the computer include: errors in the import process, the computer system cannot be loaded, connection timeout, hidden files are not displayed, etc. How to import photos from Apple to computer:

1. Connect iPhone to computer using the USB data cable that comes with the device. Plug one end of the USB cable into your computer and the other end into your iPhone's charging port. If you are running Windows 10 and have Apple's "Photos" application installed, a dialog box will automatically open after connecting the device to the computer using a USB data cable. Click the Import button to transfer the photos from your phone to the Photos application on your computer.

2. Use the "Photos" application on the Mac computer to connect the iPhone to the Mac computer using the USB data cable that comes with the device. Plug one end of the USB cable into your computer and the other end into your iPhone's charging port. Open the Photos application on your Mac computer. Its icon is a colorful flower pattern. When your iPhone is connected to your computer, the Photos app should automatically open. The iPhone icon should appear in the upper left corner of the application window.

10. How to connect iPhone to computer?

The specific analysis on how to connect iPhone to computer is as follows.

1. Plug the data cable into the phone, then take the USB port end and plug it into the USB port of the computer.

2. After the USB interface is plugged in, our screen will show Trust Computer

3. At this time, we have to click Trust. This is the key to connecting to the computer.

4. After the operation is completed, a camera picture will be displayed on the computer, which proves that the connection is complete.

