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發布: 2024-09-05 14:30:09
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Can MySQL Support of Concurrent Connections Without a Performance Collapse in Low-Conflict Scenarios Like TPC-C Testing?

MySQL 是世界上使用最廣泛的開源關聯式資料庫管理系統 (RDBMS) 之一。它為互聯網基礎設施的很大一部分提供支持,從小型個人專案到大型企業應用程式。隨著業務規模的擴大,資料庫處理更高負載(包括數千個並發連接)的需求變得越來越重要。在低衝突場景中,例如在 TPC-C 測試中觀察到的場景,這個問題變得更加相關:MySQL 能否支援數萬個並發連接而不導致效能崩潰?

本文將深入分析MySQL處理數萬名並發連線的能力,特別是在低衝突場景下。我們將探討技術限制、MySQL 如何優化並發性,以及實現如此高連接率的實際考量。

理解 MySQL 的架構

在深入了解並發連線的細節之前,有必要先了解 MySQL 的架構以及它如何處理多個連線。 MySQL 在客戶端伺服器模型上運行,其中多個客戶端連接到單一伺服器。 MySQL支援多種儲存引擎,包括InnoDB(現代版本預設)和MyISAM,其中InnoDB是高並發環境的重點。


MySQL 使用每個連接執行緒 模型。對於每個客戶端連接,MySQL 都會產生一個新執行緒來處理查詢處理。雖然此模型簡單且易於實現,但它具有固有的可擴展性限制。隨著並發連接數量的增加,執行緒數量也會增加,這反過來又增加了系統資源的開銷,特別是 CPU 和記憶體。

在高並發環境下,執行緒管理成為瓶頸。然而,MySQL 多年來一直在最佳化,以更好地管理這些線程,特別是 MySQL 5.6 及更高版本中引入的改進。


提高 MySQL 處理大量並發連接能力的最有效技術之一是透過連接池。連接池重複使用較少數量的活動連接,而不是為每個客戶端請求開啟和關閉新連接。這減少了與建立和管理執行緒相關的開銷。流行的連接池解決方案,例如ProxySQL和MySQL自己的線程池外掛程式,對於實現高並發至關重要。

低衝突場景:TPC-C 測試


TPC-C 是一個基準測試,旨在模擬對典型訂單輸入系統的資料庫操作進行建模的環境。它專注於五種類型的交易:新訂單、付款、訂單狀態、交貨和庫存水準。此測試測量不同並發等級下的吞吐量和反應時間。

在 TPC-C 測試中,低衝突場景是指資料庫操作之間的爭用最少的情況。這意味著事務是相對獨立的,不同操作之間幾乎不需要鎖定和協調。低衝突場景通常更有利於擴展並發性,因為鎖定和等待造成的開銷很小。

為什麼 TPC-C 對於併發性很重要

TPC-C 測試非常重要,因為它模擬了真實世界的高負載資料庫環境。透過分析低衝突場景中的效能,我們可以衡量 MySQL 在沒有高爭用複雜性的情況下進行擴展的能力,這對於電子商務、訂單處理或任何處理大量資料的系統來說是理想的選擇。短暫的、獨立的交易。

MySQL 的可擴展性和並發機制


線程池插件是MySQL提供的處理數萬個並發連接的最強大的工具之一。線程池沒有使用每個連接一個線程的模型,這種模型在高並發性下會變得效率低下,而是將連接分組到池中,每個池由較小的線程集處理。這大大減少了開銷並確保 MySQL 可以服務更多數量的連線。

The thread pool dynamically adjusts to changes in load, ensuring that resources are allocated optimally. This approach prevents thread contention and excessive context switching, which are significant contributors to performance degradation in high-concurrency environments.

Adaptive Hash Indexes

InnoDB, MySQL’s default storage engine, uses adaptive hash indexing to speed up read queries in high-concurrency situations. When a table is frequently queried by the same set of keys, InnoDB automatically creates a hash index on those keys. This significantly reduces the time it takes to retrieve rows, which is particularly beneficial in low-conflict scenarios where many connections are performing read-heavy operations.

Buffer Pool Optimization

The InnoDB buffer pool is another critical factor in MySQL’s ability to scale under high concurrency. The buffer pool caches data and index pages, which reduces disk I/O and speeds up query execution. By increasing the size of the buffer pool and tuning its usage, MySQL can handle more connections without significantly impacting performance.

The key here is ensuring that the buffer pool is large enough to store the active working set of data. In low-conflict scenarios, this is easier to manage, as there is less contention for the same data blocks.

Low-Conflict vs. High-Conflict Scenarios

Lock Contention

In low-conflict scenarios, MySQL experiences minimal lock contention, which is a major advantage for scalability. In databases, locking is necessary to ensure data consistency when multiple transactions are accessing the same data. However, locking can cause performance bottlenecks when too many transactions are waiting for locks to be released.

By contrast, in low-conflict scenarios like TPC-C testing, transactions are relatively independent, meaning that there is less need for locking. This allows MySQL to scale to a much higher number of connections without encountering significant performance degradation.

Read/Write Ratios

Low-conflict scenarios tend to have a higher read/write ratio, meaning that there are more read operations than write operations. Reads are generally less resource-intensive than writes, especially when data is cached in memory via the buffer pool. This is another reason why MySQL can handle more connections in low-conflict environments—there is less pressure on the system to write to disk, which is an expensive operation.

Memory Management

Memory management becomes a critical factor when dealing with thousands of connections. In low-conflict scenarios, MySQL can make better use of caching and buffer pools, which significantly reduces the load on memory resources. When the buffer pool is properly configured, MySQL can serve most requests from memory, which is orders of magnitude faster than serving from disk.

In high-conflict scenarios, memory management becomes more complex because of the overhead caused by locks, contention, and more frequent write operations. These add to the memory burden and often lead to slower performance under high concurrency.

Practical Considerations for Scaling MySQL

Hardware and System Configuration

No database, including MySQL, can handle tens of thousands of concurrent connections without the proper hardware and system configuration. To scale MySQL to support such high concurrency, the following hardware considerations are crucial:

  • CPU: High concurrency requires multiple CPU cores. Multi-threading is essential to handle the load generated by thousands of concurrent connections.

  • Memory: A large amount of RAM is necessary to support a sufficiently large buffer pool, which helps reduce disk I/O and improves performance.

  • Disk: While most operations in low-conflict scenarios can be handled in memory, fast disk I/O (e.g., SSDs) is still important for handling writes and transactions that can’t be stored in memory.

  • Network: The network can become a bottleneck when dealing with a high number of connections. Ensure that your server has a fast and reliable network connection to minimize latency.

Connection Pooling

Using a connection pooling tool, such as ProxySQL or MySQL Connection Pooling, is crucial for managing a large number of connections efficiently. These tools maintain a pool of active connections, allowing for better resource management and ensuring that new connections don’t overwhelm the database.

By keeping a smaller number of active connections and reusing them, connection pooling reduces the overhead associated with opening and closing connections, which is especially important for handling tens of thousands of clients.

Query Optimization

Even in low-conflict scenarios, poorly optimized queries can become a bottleneck. To ensure MySQL can handle tens of thousands of connections without performance degradation, focus on optimizing queries:

  • Indexing: Ensure that your queries are supported by appropriate indexes, which can drastically reduce the amount of data that needs to be scanned.

  • Avoid Full Table Scans: Full table scans are expensive operations that don’t scale well with high concurrency. Ensure that your queries are designed to use indexes properly.

  • Reduce Complex Joins: Complex joins, especially across large tables, can cause performance issues. If possible, denormalize your schema to avoid the need for large joins in your queries.

Monitoring and Tuning

High-concurrency environments require constant monitoring and tuning. Use tools such as MySQL Enterprise Monitor or open-source alternatives like Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) to track performance metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and query performance.

Based on these metrics, you can fine-tune your MySQL configuration to better handle high-concurrency workloads. Key parameters to monitor and tune include:

  • innodb_buffer_pool_size: This determines the size of the InnoDB buffer pool. A larger buffer pool can significantly improve performance by reducing disk I/O.

  • max_connections: This setting defines the maximum number of concurrent connections MySQL will allow. Make sure this is set high enough to accommodate your expected load, but not so high that the system becomes overloaded.

  • thread_cache_size: This parameter controls the number of threads that MySQL keeps cached for reuse. A larger thread cache can reduce the overhead associated with creating new threads for each connection.

Theoretical Limitations and Practical Experiences

While MySQL, particularly with the use of optimizations like connection pooling and the thread pool plugin, can theoretically handle tens of thousands of concurrent connections in low-conflict scenarios, real-world performance depends heavily on the specific workload and system configuration.

In practice, many production environments report being able to handle thousands to tens of thousands of concurrent connections with MySQL without significant performance degradation. However, pushing beyond this limit may require advanced configurations, hardware optimization, and a careful approach to managing memory, disk I/O, and CPU resources.


MySQL can indeed handle tens of thousands of concurrent connections in low-conflict scenarios like TPC-C testing without a performance collapse, provided that proper optimizations are in place. Key factors include the use of the thread pool plugin, connection pooling, buffer pool optimization, and careful query design. Additionally, hardware configuration plays a crucial role in ensuring scalability.

With the right tools and configurations, MySQL can achieve impressive levels of concurrency, making it a robust solution for high-traffic environments where performance and reliability are critical.

