模式 1:常數視窗(如 window = 4 或某個整數值)
例如,給定一個 (-ve 和 +ve) 整數數組,找到大小為 k.
的連續視窗的最大總和模式 2:(可變視窗大小)具有 的最大子數組/子字串範例:總和
模式 3: 的子陣列/子字串的數量就像 sum=k。
用於解決諸如查找 sum =k 的子串數量之類的問題。
模式 2 的不同方法:
public class Sample{ public static void main(String args[]){ n = 10; int arr[] = new int[n]; //Brute force approach for finding the longest subarray with sum <=k //tc : O(n^2) int maxlen=0; for(int i =0;i<arr.length;i++){ int sum =0; for(int j = i+1;j<arr.length;j++){ sum+=arr[j]; if(sum<=k){ maxLen = Integer.max(maxLen, j-i+1); } else if(sum > k) break; /// optimization if the sum is greater than the k, what is the point in going forward? } }
//O(n+n) in the worst case r will move from 0 to n and in the worst case left will move from 0 0 n as well so 2n int left = 0; int right =0; int sum = 0; int maxLen = 0; while(right<arr.length){ sum+=arr[right]; while(sum > k){ sum = sum-arr[left]; left++; } if(sum <=k){ maxLen = Integer.max(maxLen, right-left+1); //if asked to print max subarray length,we print maxLen else asked for printing the subarray keep track of // left and right in a different variable } right++; }
我們知道,如果找到子數組,我們將其長度儲存在maxLen 中,但是在添加arr[right] 時,如果總和大於k,那麼當前我們透過執行sum = sum-arr[left] 和left++ 來向左收縮。
我們知道目前的最大長度是maxLen,如果我們繼續縮小左索引,我們可能會得到另一個滿足條件(<=k)的子數組,但長度可能小於目前的maxLen,那麼我們不會更新maxLen,直到我們找出另一個滿足條件並且也具有len > 的子數組。 maxLen,則僅更新 maxLen。
當子數組不滿足條件 (<=k)int left = 0 時,最佳方法是僅在子數組長度大於 maxLen 時收縮左側。
int right =0; int sum = 0; int maxLen = 0; while(right<arr.length){ sum+=arr[right]; if(sum > k){// this will ensure that the left is incremented one by one (not till the sum<=k because this might reduce the length i.e right-left+1 which will not be taken into consideration) sum = sum-arr[left]; left++; } if(sum <=k){ maxLen = Integer.max(maxLen, right-left+1); //if asked to print max subarray length,we print maxLen else asked for printing the subarray keep track of // left and right in a different variable } right++; } } }