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Share nimation Libraries to Help You Create a Visual Feast and Double Your Chill Time!

說到前端動畫,我強烈推薦這個框架-真的很好用! GSAP(GreenSock 動畫平台)是一個用於建立高效能、跨瀏覽器動畫的 JavaScript 函式庫。它提供了許多強大而靈活的API,允許開發者創建各種複雜的動畫效果。
使用它非常簡單。例如,我們可以建立一個動畫,在 2 秒內將 .box 元素沿著 x 軸向右移動 200 像素:

gsap.to(".box", {
  x: 200,
  duration: 2

當然,這只是 GSAP 功能的冰山一角。它具有許多使我們能夠高效工作的功能:
1. CSS 屬性動畫:您可以對幾乎所有 CSS 屬性進行動畫處理,包括較不常用的屬性。
4. SVG 和 Canvas 動畫:支援 SVG 和 HTML5 Canvas 元素的動畫。
6. 3D 動畫:雖然 GSAP 主要用於 2D 動畫,但它也支援一些 3D 效果。
8.效能最佳化:GSAP 針對效能進行了高度最佳化,可以處理大量動畫而不影響頁面效能。

GSAP的一個關鍵特性是它的效能最佳化,它使用最佳化的演算法和瀏覽器的requestAnimationFrame API來實現流暢的動畫。此外,此 API 設計為使用者友善型,易於學習和使用,並提供豐富的文件和範例,幫助開發者快速入門。


Share nimation Libraries to Help You Create a Visual Feast and Double Your Chill Time!

Lottie 是 Airbnb 開發的開源動畫庫。其主要用例是將專業軟體(如 After Effects)設計的動畫匯出為 JSON 文件,將其無縫整合到行動應用程式和網頁中。

  container: element, // the DOM element that will contain the animation
  renderer: 'svg',
  loop: true,
  autoplay: true,
  path: 'data.json' // the path to the animation JSON

Advantages of Lottie
1. After Effects Compatibility: Lottie supports directly converting After Effects projects (in .json format) into animations that can be used in applications and on the web.
2. Cross-Platform: Lottie supports multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, and Web (through frameworks like React Native, Vue, Angular, etc.).
3. Outstanding Performance: Lottie uses native graphic and animation code, meaning animation performance is typically better than animations created directly with CSS or JavaScript.
4. Customization: Animations can be customized and dynamically modified, such as changing colors, sizes, speeds, etc.
5. Lightweight: Lottie animation files are small because they only contain keyframe data, rather than full videos or frame sequences.
6. Ease of Use: Lottie provides a simple API, making it very easy to integrate animations into projects.
7. Rich Animation Effects: Since it's based on After Effects, Lottie can support complex animation effects, including 3D effects, masks, expressions, etc.
8. Real-Time Rendering: Lottie animations are rendered in real-time, meaning they maintain high quality across different screen sizes and resolutions.
9. Community Support: As an open-source project, Lottie has an active community that continuously adds new features and improvements.
10. Animation Caching: Lottie supports caching animations, which can enhance performance for repeated plays.

Lottie's use cases are extensive, ranging from simple loading indicators to complex interactive animations.

React Spring

Share nimation Libraries to Help You Create a Visual Feast and Double Your Chill Time!

React Spring is a blessing for React developers. This framework is a React-based animation library that uses physics-based animations to create very natural and smooth animation effects.
Here's how to initialize a simple animation that moves a div from left to right:

import { useSpring, animated } from '@react-spring/web';

export default function MyComponent() {
  const springs = useSpring({
    from: { x: 0 },
    to: { x: 100 },

  return (
        width: 80,
        height: 80,
        background: '#ff6d6d',
        borderRadius: 8,


Share nimation Libraries to Help You Create a Visual Feast and Double Your Chill Time!

Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library that uses CSS properties and SVG to create smooth CSS and SVG animations.
Here's how to initialize a simple animation:

  targets: '.css-prop-demo .el',
  left: '240px',
  backgroundColor: '#FFF',
  borderRadius: ['0%', '50%'],
  easing: 'easeInOutQuad'

To be honest, looking at the API, it seems quite similar to the GSAP animation library, but I'm not sure how they are related.

Other Animation Libraries

There are many other animation libraries, but I haven't used them personally. If anyone has experience with them, feel free to share your thoughts or experiences in the comments.
1. Framer Motion: Another React-based animation library that provides a simple API for creating animations and interactive effects.
2. Velocity.js: A powerful animation engine that works well with jQuery, offering rich animation effects.
3. Popmotion: A comprehensive motion and animation library that supports both React and non-React environments.
4. KUTE.js: A lightweight animation library focused on performance and ease of use, supporting animations for CSS properties, SVG, and custom properties.
5. GreenSock Draggable: A GSAP plugin that allows for drag-and-drop functionality, enabling interactive animation effects.
6. CyberConnect: A library based on the Web Animations API that can create complex animations and transition effects.


GSAP and Lottie are very useful, especially in Three.js projects, where GSAP is perfect for animations. Using Lottie to showcase complex non-interactive animations is a good choice.

