如何在 Satisfactory 1.0 中建立火車:材料、開關和訊號、自動化等

發布: 2024-09-19 03:32:02
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如果你現在在 Satisfactory 中火車是一個可行的選擇,那麼你就已經走上了完成工業改造統治的道路。然而,火車比簡單的傳送帶複雜得多,您在 Satisfactory 中需要至少其中一個元素的指南是可以理解的。

Satisfactory 中的完整火車指南

I在最終成為作家之前,他做過很多很多工作,其中之一是在火車線路上當了幾年售票員。在我的整個職業生涯中,我花了六個月的培訓和不斷的更新來理解維持火車運行的各種複雜機制。在 Satisfactory 中學習火車如何工作大約需要相同的時間。

Satisfactory 已經掌握了現代火車線路中幾乎所有起作用的元素,從道岔到自動化和信號。這創建了一個非常詳細的系統,其功能幾乎與真正的火車系統一樣,但它可能會變得非常複雜。為了完美的構建,你需要掌握這項技能。


  • Satisfactory 中完整的火車指南
    • Satisfactory 中完整的火車指南
      • 基礎
      • 如何在Satisfactory 中建立火車線路
      • Satis&factory中一條簡單的火車線路
      • 一列火車有多少個車位
    • 如何在Satisfactory 中實現火車自動化
      • 如何添加更多線路和車站滿意
      • 路口
      • 開關
      • 信號
      • 街區
    • 車站



How to create trains in Satisfactory 1.0: Materials, switches and signals, automation, and more即使是基本的火車線路也需要遵守一些基本的起點。遵守這些規則,你應該沒問題。當出現問題時參考這些要點也很好;簡單的解決方案往往就是答案。火車在里程碑 6 處解鎖。

  • four
  • 重量
  • —基本計算是一輛機車到貨車。如果超過這個值,火車就會在山上減速並導致網路延誤。
  • 號誌
  • – 只需在所有十字路口入口放置通行號誌並設定阻塞號誌燈 稍後將詳細介紹號誌。
  • 施工 – 每段鐵路有一根管道和一根鋼樑。它們可以夾住東西,並且可以建造在幾乎所有東西上。最好建立在基礎上以保持簡單。
  • 電力 – 軌道承載電力,因此您只需將電力發送到一個站點即可使整個網路實現電氣化。網路上的站點還可用於為 Satisfactory 中的工廠連接電源。

– 平台持續需要 50MW;貨運平台僅在裝卸時就需要50MW。機車在停止時將消耗 25MW,在移動時將消耗高達 110MW。

如何在Satisfactory 中建造一條火車線路

在您嘗試建立一個網絡之前,伊桑巴德·金德姆·布魯內爾(Isambard Kingdom Brunel)汗,先把基礎打好。建立一條簡單的兩站環線,用於接送貨物。這可以快速、輕鬆地完成。如果您遇到困難,請查看一些控制台命令以進入 Godmode 並從上面構建。

Satisfactory 中的一條簡單火車線

How to create trains in Satisfactory 1.0: Materials, switches and signals, automation, and more為此,建造一個循環,從您想要裝載貨物(無論是液體還是固體)的地方開始,到您想要放下貨物的地方結束。環路建成後,在兩端建立一個車站。您會注意到車站有一個需要遵守的方向。確保它們的方向正確,否則火車將無法正確自動化。這些是您的機車將停止的地方。

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Now, behind each station, build either Freight Platforms or Fluid Freight Platforms. Ensure that their inputs and outputs face your factory. Unlike stations, their direction doesn’t matter. These will line up with your Freight Cars and load and unload their goods. You will need one freight platform for each freight car on a train.

Freight Cars can carry 32 stacks of solid goods and 2,400 m3 of liquid, but only one type of each. Enter into the platforms menu, and set them to load or unload.

Connect one of the stations to power. Adhere to the rule of 110MW for each Locomotive and 50MW for each station and Freight Platform. You are now ready to automate your line.

How many locos to one train

Trains need to be able to drag their cargo around the lines. One Locomotive can only pull so much, especially when moving up slopes. Bear this in mind when constructing your trains.

The basic rule of thumb is one engine to four freight cars. When building these longer, ensure you have the Locomotives to pull and push them. It is possible to place two Locomotives at the beginning or another at the back, whichever you prefer. Just ensure they face the same direction on a single-directional line or push and pull when on a bi-directional line. If they’re both facing inward, you’ll end up with a train that can’t move.

Longer trains are not recommended. They will often move slower. I think it is better to have multiple short trains with a single locomotive. These struggle a lot less up hills and can move much faster around a network. It is essential to ensure your blocks and signals are properly coordinated to prevent train crashes in Satisfactory.

How to automate trains in Satisfactory

Once you have a train route set up with at least one train and two stations, it is time to automate in Satisfactory. If you have more than one station and train, they must be connected to the same train line to be added to the timetable.

Bring up the automaton menu in Satisfactory by selecting one of your train stations with E and heading to the Timetable option at the top. Here, there is a display of all the trains on your network. Select a train, and this will show the available stations on the network.

How to create trains in Satisfactory 1.0: Materials, switches and signals, automation, and more

Click the edit timetable option. Here, select the order of stations this train should visit. Choose the most efficient route. Once you have selected the stations it should visit in order, go back and select self-driving. This will run automatically on a simple one-train, two-station loop.

Now that you have a basic load and unload train line in Satisfactory, it’s time to add more lines, signals, and stations to your network. Keep it simple until you understand.

How to add more lines and stations in Satisfactory

To combine two networks, the rails of each must be connected. They can simply cross over or run close to each other, and they will become connected. However, for the sake of this Satisfactory train guide, let’s connect them.


Junctions are simple enough to set up. However, it isn’t possible to join one rail to another anywhere; it has to be done where two segments meet. Build the route you would like, remembering that the line is single-directional.


Switches are created when joining segments together. However, when a train is automated in Satisfactory, it will choose the correct path depending on its given route. Switches are only really important when manually driving a train.


For junctions and intersections, there is a simple rule to follow to ensure that your trains don’t crash. Build block signals at the exits of the junction and pass signals at the entrance. These will prevent trains from all entering the junction at once.


Trains are prevented from crashing in Satisfactory with a very simple block system. This essentially dedicated a stretch of a railway line to only one train at a time. If a section is occupied by one train, another cannot enter it until it is empty.

How to create trains in Satisfactory 1.0: Materials, switches and signals, automation, and more

Create these sections on your lines with Block Signals. The first ones you should place are at the beginning and end of your stations. This will prevent another train from trying to enter while another is loading or unloading. The more trains you add to a circuit, the more blocks you will need to create.

These stop trains crashing when one is busy or moving slower due to power. Block signals can only be placed at the end of rail segments.


More stations can be added anywhere along the line. They will take power from whatever single hook-up you have, so there is no need to trail ugly power lines across the map. Just ensure they are facing the right way and have sufficient block markers.

When building your train lines, it is always best to see if there is an alternate recipe that can streamline your builds for more efficiency.

以上是如何在 Satisfactory 1.0 中建立火車:材料、開關和訊號、自動化等的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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