世界你好?我又回到正軌了#100daysofMiva 編碼挑戰第 9 天,我在 Nodejs 中開發了一個簡單的調色板產生器。讓我們一起來看看吧...✨
這是一個 調色盤產生器,使用 Node.js 使用 Express.js 和 chroma-js 建構。它每次都會產生一個漂亮的 5 色調色板,具有隨機生成的基色的不同色調。非常適合尋求快速色彩靈感的 UI/UX 設計師! ?
git clone cd colorpal
npm install
node app.js
您將看到一個介面,您可以在其中產生新的 5 色調色板。按產生按鈕以取得新的調色盤。
將 :id 替換為您要查看的調色板的 ID,例如:
Base Color: #C08552 Palette: #F3E9DC (Light) #5E3023 (Dark) #DAB49D (Neutral)
此調色板產生器動態產生五種顏色的調色板並將其顯示在 UI 中。使用者可以透過點擊產生按鈕與調色板進行交互,調色板ID用於保存和共享特定的顏色組合。以下是佈局的工作原理。
<!-- Header --> <header class="p-3 text-center"> <h1>Colour Palette Generator</h1> </header>
<!-- Colour Boxes --> <section class="color-container"> <div id="box1" class="color-box" style="background-color: #000000;"> <span>#000000</span> </div> <div id="box2" class="color-box" style="background-color: #000000;"> <span>#000000</span> </div> <div id="box3" class="color-box" style="background-color: #000000;"> <span>#000000</span> </div> <div id="box4" class="color-box" style="background-color: #000000;"> <span class="text-white">Hey!</span> </div> <div id="box5" class="color-box" style="background-color: #000000;"> <span class="text-white"></span> </div> </section>
此部分包含顏色框。每個框都是一個 div,它根據生成的調色板動態更改其背景顏色。每個 div 內的跨度顯示顏色的十六進位值。
<!-- Loader --> <section id="loader" class="loader"> <div class="is-loading"> <h3 id="load-text">Generating...</h3> </div> </section>
<!-- Footer --> <footer class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"> <button onclick="gen()" class="btn btn-light">Generate</button> <button class="btn text-white" onclick="share(window.location.href)"> <i class="fa-regular fa-share-from-square"></i> </button> <span class="">100daysofMiva-Marvelly</span> </footer>
const boxes = [ document.getElementById('box1'), document.getElementById('box2'), document.getElementById('box3'), document.getElementById('box4'), document.getElementById('box5') ]; function updateBoxes(colors) { colors.forEach((color, index) => { boxes[index].style.backgroundColor = color; boxes[index].querySelector('span').textContent = color; }); }
產生新調色盤時,此 JavaScript 程式碼會動態更新顏色框中的顏色。顏色會套用於 UI 中的每個 div 元素。
async function gen() { // Show the loader = 'block'; try { const response = await fetch('/palette'); const data = await response.json(); // Update the boxes with the new colors updateBoxes(data.palette); // Update the URL with the new ID history.pushState({}, '', `/${}`); = 'none'; } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching palette:', error); = 'none'; } }
gen() 函數從 /palette API 路徑取得新的調色板,更新顏色框,並使用新的調色板 ID 修改瀏覽器 URL。
function share(url) {{ heightAuto: false, title: 'Share this Color Palette!', html: ` <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-around; font-size: 24px;"> <a href="${encodeURIComponent(url)}" target="_blank" title="Share on WhatsApp"> <i class="fab fa-whatsapp" style="color: #25D366;"></i> </a> <a href="${encodeURIComponent(url)}" target="_blank" title="Share on Facebook"> <i class="fab fa-facebook" style="color: #3b5998;"></i> </a> <a href="${encodeURIComponent(url)}" target="_blank" title="Share on Twitter"> <i class="fab fa-twitter" style="color: #1DA1F2;"></i> </a> <a href="${encodeURIComponent(url)}" target="_blank" title="Share on Instagram"> <i class="fab fa-instagram" style="color: #E1306C;"></i> </a> </div> `, showConfirmButton: false, showCloseButton: false, }); }
share() 功能可讓用戶使用 SweetAlert 彈出視窗透過 WhatsApp、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 和 Telegram 等社群媒體平台分享當前調色盤。
// Check if an id is present in the URL const currentPath = window.location.pathname; const paletteId = currentPath.substring(1); if (paletteId) { loadPaletteById(paletteId); } else { gen(); }
This functionality checks if there is a color palette ID in the URL when the page is loaded. If an ID is present, the corresponding palette is loaded. Otherwise, a new palette is generated.
Building this app wasn't without its challenges! Here are some of the problems I encountered and how I solved them:
Dull Color Palettes: Initially, I was getting dull and boring colors. The issue was due to the way I was generating shades from the base color. I switched to using hsl.l (lightness) adjustments for better visual results.
Color Palette Variants: At first, I used random colors that were too different from each other. After realizing that everyone needed variants of the same base color for consistency, I adjusted my approach to generate color scales with different lightness levels.
Invalid Palette IDs: When trying to retrieve a palette by ID, some IDs were invalid or incorrectly formatted. I fixed this by ensuring a strict format for the IDs and adding error handling for invalid IDs.
Hex Values Misplacement: At one point, the hex values were not displaying properly inside the color boxes. This was fixed by ensuring the span elements were correctly updated with the hex values.
Palette Sharing: Creating a robust sharing mechanism for various social media platforms was a bit challenging but ultimately solved using SweetAlert for the UI and share links for each platform.
Dynamic Palette Update: Implementing a smooth update of the UI when a new palette was generated was tricky. By using simple JavaScript and handling the loader display correctly, I ensured a seamless experience for users when generating new palettes.
Check it out
My GitHub repo