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King George V coin found on pile of dirt dug up by mole on farmer's field near Sedbergh

Linda Hamilton
發布: 2024-09-22 21:02:15
931 人瀏覽過

Chris Bownass, 54, who lives not far from the location, says it was his dad who spotted it.

King George V coin found on pile of dirt dug up by mole on farmer's field near Sedbergh

A farmer has discovered a rare First World War coin while digging up molehills on his land.

The King George V coin was found on one of several piles of dirt dug up by the small mammal on a farmer's field near Sedbergh.

Chris Bownass, 54, who lives not far from the location, says it was his dad who spotted it.

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He said: "My dad's a farmer and he said a mole had been digging holes and dug up a very old coin.

"We can just about make out that it dates back to 1919.

"My dad plans to keep it but we'd love to speak to a local historian to try and find out a bit more - and perhaps find out what it's worth though I don't think it's a million.

"We're not too keen to publicise the exact location but it's quite unusual as no-one really walks through there and it definitely didn't drop out of my dad's pocket.

"My 92-year-old aunt still lives at the location so we don't want to encourage people to come along and start searching the area but we'd love to find out more."

Anyone who is interested in seeing the coin you can email Chris on chrisbownass@yahoo.com.

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