大家好,今天我來跟大家介紹一個新的單元測試庫,叫做sheepy,但是首先我們來談談單元測試的重要性。該庫不適合初學者,要使用它進行單元測試,您需要額外注意。它僅具有用於使用端點和 http 錯誤檢查模組進行 API 測試的斷言。
PyPi 連結:pypi
+-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Assertion Method | Description | +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | assertEqual(a, b) | Checks if two values are equal. | | assertNotEqual(a, b) | Checks if two values are not equal. | | assertTrue(expr) | Verifies that the expression is True. | | assertFalse(expr) | Verifies that the expression is False. | | assertRaises(exc, fn) | Asserts that a function raises a specific exception. | | assertStatusCode(resp) | Verifies if the response has the expected status code.| | assertJsonResponse(resp)| Confirms the response is in JSON format. | | assertResponseContains(resp, key) | Ensures the response contains a given key. | +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
安裝非常簡單,只需打開您選擇的終端,安裝 pip 並輸入 pip install Sheepy
from sheepy.sheeptest import SheepyTestCase class ExampleTest(SheepyTestCase): def test_success(self): self.assertTrue(True) def test_failure(self): self.assertEqual(1, 2) def test_error(self): raise Exception("Forced error") @SheepyTestCase.skip("Reason to ignore") def test_skipped(self): pass @SheepyTestCase.expectedFailure def test_expected_failure(self): self.assertEqual(1, 2)
SheepyTestCase 類別提供了用於建立和執行單元測試的多種功能,包括用於配置特殊行為的斷言方法和機制,例如跳過測試或處理預期的失敗。
test_success:此測試檢查傳遞給assertTrue方法的表達式是否為true。由於 True 值已明確傳遞,因此此測試將成功。
test_skipped:此測試已使用 SheepyTestCase 類別的 Skip 方法進行修飾,這表示在執行測試時將跳過它。跳過測試的原因被提供為“忽略的原因”,並且這個理由可以在最終的測試報告中顯示。
test_expected_failure:此方法使用expectedFailure裝飾器,表示預期會發生失敗。在方法內部,在1 和2 之間存在相等性檢查,這通常會導致失敗,但是隨著裝飾器的應用,框架認為這種失敗是預期行為的一部分,不會被視為錯誤,但是作為“預期的失敗」。
ExampleTest.test_error:失敗 - 強制錯誤
ExampleTest.test_failure: FAIL - 1 != 2
ExampleTest.test_skipped: 跳過 -
ExampleTest.test_success: 好的
API 測試案例
Sheepy 測試框架中的 API 測試設計簡單但功能強大,允許測試人員使用常見的 HTTP 方法(如 GET、POST、PUT 和 DELETE)與 API 進行互動。該框架提供了一個專用類別 ApiRequests 來簡化發送請求和處理回應,並透過 HttpError 異常類別進行內建錯誤管理。
測試API時,測試類別繼承自SheepyTestCase,它配備了各種斷言方法來驗證API的行為。其中包括用於驗證 HTTP 狀態碼的assertStatusCode、用於確保回應採用 JSON 格式的assertJsonResponse 以及用於檢查回應正文中是否存在特定鍵的assertResponseContains。
For instance, the framework allows you to send a POST request to an API, verify that the status code matches the expected value, and assert that the JSON response contains the correct data. The API requests are handled through the ApiRequests class, which takes care of constructing and sending the requests, while error handling is streamlined by raising HTTP-specific errors when the server returns unexpected status codes.
By providing built-in assertions and error handling, the framework automates much of the repetitive tasks in API testing, ensuring both correctness and simplicity in writing tests. This system allows developers to focus on verifying API behavior and logic, making it an efficient tool for ensuring the reliability of API interactions.
from sheepy.sheeptest import SheepyTestCase class TestHttpBinApi(SheepyTestCase): def __init__(self): super().__init__(base_url="https://httpbin.org") def test_get_status(self): response = self.api.get("/status/200") self.assertStatusCode(response, 200) def test_get_json(self): response = self.api.get("/json") self.assertStatusCode(response, 200) self.assertJsonResponse(response) self.assertResponseContains(response, "slideshow") def test_post_data(self): payload = {"name": "SheepyTest", "framework": "unittest"} response = self.api.post("/post", json=payload) self.assertStatusCode(response, 200) self.assertJsonResponse(response) self.assertResponseContains(response, "json") self.assertEqual(response.json()["json"], payload) def test_put_data(self): payload = {"key": "value"} response = self.api.put("/put", json=payload) self.assertStatusCode(response, 200) self.assertJsonResponse(response) self.assertResponseContains(response, "json") self.assertEqual(response.json()["json"], payload) def test_delete_resource(self): response = self.api.delete("/delete") self.assertStatusCode(response, 200) self.assertJsonResponse(response)
Output example
Test Results: TestHttpBinApi.test_delete_resource: OK TestHttpBinApi.test_get_json: OK TestHttpBinApi.test_get_status: OK TestHttpBinApi.test_post_data: OK TestHttpBinApi.test_put_data: OK
The new sheepy library is an incredible unit testing library, which has several test accession methods, including a module just for API testing, in my opinion, it is not a library for beginners, it requires basic knowledge of object-oriented programming such as methods, classes and inheritance.
以上是使用 Sheepy 在 Python 中進行單元測試的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!