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Aleo (ALEO):注重隱私的第一層區塊鏈平台

Barbara Streisand
發布: 2024-10-07 16:14:14
1070 人瀏覽過

Aleo (ALEO) 是第 1 層智慧合約區塊鏈,專注於為 DApp 和最終用戶提供完全私密的交易環境。

Aleo (ALEO):注重隱私的第一層區塊鏈平台


Aleo(ALEO)是一個區塊鏈平台,透過使用零知識證明(ZKP)技術來維護用戶隱私,幫助去中心化應用程式(DApp)運營商和最終用戶保護他們的交易和帳戶詳細信息。 Aleo 透過巧妙結合兩種驗證方法(委託權益證明 (DPoS) 和其獨特的「簡潔工作證明」(PoSW)),立志成為領先的專注於隱私的區塊鏈網路。 Aleo 網路還為使用者提供近乎即時的確定性和高水準的可擴展性。 

對於專門從事隱私敏感領域的 DApp 運營商和希望保密交易的消費者來說,Aleo 可能是一個自然的選擇 - 或者至少是一個值得仔細研究的有價值的替代方案。


Aleo (ALEO) 是第 1 層智慧合約區塊鏈,致力於透過使用零知識證明為 DApp 和最終用戶提供完全私密的交易環境。

Aleo 的原生 ALEO 代幣(以前稱為 Aleo Credit)用於交易費用支付、質押、獎勵支付和治理。


深入了解 Aleo

Aleo(ALEO)是一個第 1 層區塊鏈網絡,允許用戶保護其鏈上活動和資料並享受完整的隱私。它透過使用主要來自 ZK 證明技術系列的組件組合來實現其隱私保護特性。透過提供私密交易和價值儲存環境,Aleo 解決了區塊鏈技術在面向隱私的用例中的基本限制——公共存取所有鏈上資料。

Aleo also offers its users a high degree of scalability and instant finality. The technical efficiencies of the blockchain, coupled with its private environment, are beneficial for niches and industries for whom preserving the confidentiality of transaction activity is critical. One such prominent area is finance, specifically decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. On Aleo's recently launched mainnet, DeFi apps feature prominently. Other types of DApps can benefit from this functionality offered by Aleo, such as private crypto wallet solutions and decentralized identity (DID) apps, both of which are also present within the blockchain's young ecosystem.

The Aleo project was founded in 2020 in San Francisco, CA, by Howard Wu, Raymond Chu, Collin Chin and Michael Beller. After four years of research and development, the project launched its finalized testnet version in May 2024. On Sep 18, 2024, Aleo debuted its mainnet.

With its innovative privacy-oriented concept based on ZK proofs, Aleo has attracted significant attention from the crypto investor community. As of October 2024, the startup has already raised $228 million in venture capital (VC) funding, and boasts no less than 19 institutional investors, among whom is the largest venture capital firm in the world — Andreessen Horowitz (a16z).

Aleo Key Features

As an L1 smart contract blockchain, Aleo combines several innovative technologies to achieve technical efficiency while maintaining user privacy.

Proof-of-Succinct Work (PoSW)

Among the Aleo platform's most innovative and critical features is its PoSW procedure, which is used as part of the network's block validation process. In PoSW, special network actors, called provers, generate ZK proofs for transactions by using special hardware designed to solve computational puzzles. The Aleo blockchain's algorithm determines the difficulty level of these computations and the amount of work that needs to be completed by provers' machines.

In some ways, the PoSW procedure is similar to Bitcoin's proof of work (PoW) block validation model. However, while Bitcoin's PoW is the sole block validation procedure required on the chain, PoSW is only one component of Aleo's overall block validation process (which we’ll look at in more detail below). Proofs generated by provers are passed on to Aleo's validators, who then complete the block validation procedure. PoSW enhances privacy and security while ensuring efficiency within the consensus mechanism.

Leo Language

Aleo’ platform is fully capable of running privacy-preserving smart contracts. In order to facilitate privacy-focused smart contract development on the network, Aleo has introduced the Leo programming language, designed for efficient and intuitive creation of Aleo-based apps and protocols. The language abstracts low-level cryptographic security concepts, allowing blockchain developers to concentrate

以上是Aleo (ALEO):注重隱私的第一層區塊鏈平台的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
