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使用 Pytest 自動化您的任務:帶有範例的實用指南

Linda Hamilton
發布: 2024-10-08 12:10:03
338 人瀏覽過

Automate your tasks Using Pytest: A practical guide with examples

Automation is a critical part of modern software development and testing. It saves time, reduces manual errors, and ensures consistency across processes. The Pytest framework is one of the most popular and powerful tools for automating tasks in Python, particularly in testing. It’s lightweight, easy to use, and offers numerous plugins and built-in features to simplify the automation process.

In this article, we will explore the best ways to automate tasks using the Pytest framework. We’ll walk through three practical examples, demonstrating how Pytest can automate different types of tasks effectively.

Why Pytest?
Before diving into the examples, let's discuss why Pytest is a great choice for task automation:

Simplicity: Pytest has a simple and concise syntax, making it easy to write and read test cases.
Extensibility: With a wide range of plugins and hooks, Pytest can be extended to support different testing needs.
Fixtures: Pytest provides fixtures, which are a powerful feature for setting up preconditions or states for tests, enhancing reusability.
Integration: Pytest integrates well with other tools, including CI/CD platforms, enabling end-to-end automation.

Example 1: Automating API Testing with Pytest
APIs are the backbone of many applications, and ensuring their reliability is critical. Pytest, along with the requests library, makes it easy to automate API testing.

Step 1: Install Required Libraries
First, ensure you have Pytest and the requests library installed:

pip install pytest requests
Step 2: Write the Test Script
Let’s automate a simple GET request to a public API like JSONPlaceholder, a fake online REST API for testing.

`import requests
import pytest

Define the base URL

BASE_URL = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com"

def api_client():
# This fixture provides a session object for making API requests
session = requests.Session()
yield session

def test_get_posts(api_client):
# Send a GET request to fetch posts
response = api_client.get(f"{BASE_URL}/posts")
# Assertions
assert response.status_code == 200
assert len(response.json()) > 0, "No posts found"`

Fixture (api_client): This fixture sets up a reusable session for making HTTP requests, ensuring we don’t need to create a new session each time.
Test Function (test_get_posts): This function sends a GET request to the /posts endpoint and verifies that:
The status code is 200, indicating success.
The response contains at least one post.
Step 3: Run the Test
To execute the test, run the following command:

Copy code
pytest -v test_api.py
Why This Works
The test is concise and reusable, leveraging Pytest’s fixtures to handle setup and teardown.
Pytest’s output shows which tests passed or failed, making it easy to track API reliability over time.

Example 2: Automating Web UI Testing with Pytest and Selenium
Web UI testing ensures that the frontend of an application behaves as expected. Pytest can be combined with Selenium to automate these tasks efficiently.

Step 1: Install Required Libraries
Install Pytest, Selenium, and WebDriver Manager:

pip install pytest selenium webdriver-manager
Step 2: Write the Test Script
Here’s how you can automate a simple web UI test that verifies a search function on Google:

`import pytest
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager

def browser():
# Set up the Chrome WebDriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())
yield driver

def test_google_search(browser):
# Navigate to Google
browser.get("https://www.google.com")`{% endraw %}

# Find the search box and enter a query
search_box = browser.find_element(By.NAME, "q")
search_box.send_keys("Pytest Automation")

# Assert that results are shown
results = browser.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.g")
assert len(results) > 0, "No search results found"

Fixture (browser): This fixture sets up a Chrome WebDriver instance using webdriver-manager and ensures it’s properly closed after each test.
Test Function (test_google_search): This function:
Opens Google’s homepage.
Searches for “Pytest Automation”.
Asserts that the search returns at least one result.
Step 3: Run the Test
Execute the test with:

{% raw %}pytest -v test_ui.py
Pytest 的固定裝置管理瀏覽器實例,使測試設定和拆卸乾淨有效率。
使用 Selenium,腳本像真實用戶一樣與網頁交互,確保 UI 按預期運行。
範例 3:使用 Pytest 和 Pandas 自動進行資料驗證
資料驗證在資料工程、分析和 ETL 流程中至關重要。 Pytest 可以使用 pandas 函式庫自動執行資料驗證任務。

第 1 步:安裝所需的庫
確保安裝了 Pytest 和 Pandas:

pip install pytest pandas

`導入 pytest
將 pandas 導入為 pd

# 建立一個範例 DataFrame
數據 = {
「年齡」: [25, 30, 35, 40],
df = pd.DataFrame(數據)
返回 df

def test_data_not_null(sample_data):
# 檢查DataFrame中是否有空值
斷言sample_data.isnull().sum().sum() == 0,「資料包含空值」

def test_age_column_type(sample_data):
# 驗證「age」欄位是否為整數型別
斷言sample_data['age'].dtype == 'int64',「年齡列不是整數型別」`
Fixture (sample_data):這個fixture設定一個範例DataFrame,模擬一個可以在多個測試中重複使用的資料集。
測試函數(test_data_not_null):此測試檢查 DataFrame 中是否存在空值,如果發現則失敗。
第 3 步:執行測試

pytest -v test_data.py
Pytest 的靈活性允許以資料為中心的測試,確保資料集符合預期標準。
使用 Pytest 自動化任務的最佳實踐
利用外掛程式:Pytest 擁有各種外掛程式(例如,用於 HTML 報告的 pytest-html、用於並行執行的 pytest-xdist)來增強您的自動化工作。
與 CI/CD 管道整合:將 Pytest 測試與 Jenkins 或 GitHub Actions 等 CI/CD 工具整合以進行持續測試。

Pytest 是一個強大的工具,可自動執行從 API 和 Web UI 測試到資料驗證的各種任務。它的簡單性、靈活性和廣泛的插件支援相結合,使其成為開發人員和 QA 工程師的絕佳選擇。透過利用 Pytest 的功能(例如固定裝置、參數化以及與 CI/CD 管道的整合),您可以建立健全、可維護且可擴展的自動化框架。

如果您希望自動化工作流程或增強測試流程,Pytest 是一個很好的起點。測試愉快!

以上是使用 Pytest 自動化您的任務:帶有範例的實用指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
