在本文中,我將說明如何創建一個非常簡單的 Angular 指令來追蹤元素的可見性狀態,或者換句話說,當它進入和退出時視口。我希望這會是一個很好的、也許有用的練習!
為了做到這一點,我們將使用現代瀏覽器中可用的 IntersectionObserver JavaScript API。
<p visibility [visibilityMonitor]="true" (visibilityChange)="onVisibilityChange($event)" > I'm being observed! Can you see me yet? </p>
type VisibilityChange = | { isVisible: true; target: HTMLElement; } | { isVisible: false; target: HTMLElement | undefined; };
擁有未定義的目標表示該元素已從 DOM 中刪除(例如,透過 @if)。
我們的指令只會監視一個元素,它不會改變 DOM 結構:它將是一個 屬性指令.
@Directive({ selector: "[visibility]", standalone: true }) export class VisibilityDirective implements OnInit, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { private element = inject(ElementRef); /** * Emits after the view is initialized. */ private afterViewInit$ = new Subject<void>(); /** * The IntersectionObserver for this element. */ private observer: IntersectionObserver | undefined; /** * Last known visibility for this element. * Initially, we don't know. */ private isVisible: boolean = undefined; /** * If false, once the element becomes visible there will be one emission and then nothing. * If true, the directive continuously listens to the element and emits whenever it becomes visible or not visible. */ visibilityMonitor = input(false); /** * Notifies the listener when the element has become visible. * If "visibilityMonitor" is true, it continuously notifies the listener when the element goes in/out of view. */ visibilityChange = output<VisibilityChange>(); }
自然地,我們注入 ElementRef 來取得我們應用指令的 DOM 元素。
在寫 main 方法之前,讓我們先處理一下指令的生命週期。
ngOnInit(): void { this.reconnectObserver(); } ngOnChanges(): void { this.reconnectObserver(); } ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.afterViewInit$.next(); } ngOnDestroy(): void { // Disconnect and if visibilityMonitor is true, notify the listener this.disconnectObserver(); if (this.visibilityMonitor) { this.visibilityChange.emit({ isVisible: false, target: undefined }); } } private reconnectObserver(): void {} private disconnectObserver(): void {}
這是我們指令的核心。我們的 reconnectObserver 方法將是開始觀察的方法!它會是這樣的:
private reconnectObserver(): void { // Disconnect an existing observer this.disconnectObserver(); // Sets up a new observer this.observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach(entry => { const { isIntersecting: isVisible, target } = entry; const hasChangedVisibility = isVisible !== this.isVisible; const shouldEmit = isVisible || (!isVisible && this.visibilityMonitor); if (hasChangedVisibility && shouldEmit) { this.visibilityChange.emit({ isVisible, target: target as HTMLElement }); this.isVisible = isVisible; } // If visilibilyMonitor is false, once the element is visible we stop. if (isVisible && !this.visibilityMonitor) { observer.disconnect(); } }); }); // Start observing once the view is initialized this.afterViewInit$.subscribe(() => { this.observer?.observe(this.element.nativeElement); }); }
private disconnectObserver(): void { if (this.observer) { this.observer.disconnect(); this.observer = undefined; } }
type VisibilityChange = | { isVisible: true; target: HTMLElement; } | { isVisible: false; target: HTMLElement | undefined; }; @Directive({ selector: "[visibility]", standalone: true }) export class VisibilityDirective implements OnChanges, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { private element = inject(ElementRef); /** * Emits after the view is initialized. */ private afterViewInit$ = new Subject(); /** * The IntersectionObserver for this element. */ private observer: IntersectionObserver | undefined; /** * Last known visibility for this element. * Initially, we don't know. */ private isVisible: boolean = undefined; /** * If false, once the element becomes visible there will be one emission and then nothing. * If true, the directive continuously listens to the element and emits whenever it becomes visible or not visible. */ visibilityMonitor = input(false); /** * Notifies the listener when the element has become visible. * If "visibilityMonitor" is true, it continuously notifies the listener when the element goes in/out of view. */ visibilityChange = output (); ngOnInit(): void { this.reconnectObserver(); } ngOnChanges(): void { this.reconnectObserver(); } ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.afterViewInit$.next(true); } ngOnDestroy(): void { // Disconnect and if visibilityMonitor is true, notify the listener this.disconnectObserver(); if (this.visibilityMonitor) { this.visibilityChange.emit({ isVisible: false, target: undefined }); } } private reconnectObserver(): void { // Disconnect an existing observer this.disconnectObserver(); // Sets up a new observer this.observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach(entry => { const { isIntersecting: isVisible, target } = entry; const hasChangedVisibility = isVisible !== this.isVisible; const shouldEmit = isVisible || (!isVisible && this.visibilityMonitor); if (hasChangedVisibility && shouldEmit) { this.visibilityChange.emit({ isVisible, target: target as HTMLElement }); this.isVisible = isVisible; } // If visilibilyMonitor is false, once the element is visible we stop. if (isVisible && !this.visibilityMonitor) { observer.disconnect(); } }); }); // Start observing once the view is initialized this.afterViewInit$.subscribe(() => { this.observer?.observe(this.element.nativeElement); }); } private disconnectObserver(): void { if (this.observer) { this.observer.disconnect(); this.observer = undefined; } } }
以上是Angular LAB:讓我們建立一個可見性指令的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!