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掌握 DSA 中的限制和解決問題的策略

Susan Sarandon
發布: 2024-10-14 13:30:37
1087 人瀏覽過

So, you’ve practiced DSA on paper, you’re getting the hang of it, but now you encounter these sneaky little constraints. What do they even mean? How do they affect your solution? Oh, and when is it smart to break a problem into smaller chunks, and when should you solve it head-on? Let’s break it all down in this final part of your DSA journey.

1. The Importance of Understanding Constraints

In every problem, constraints are your guidelines. Think of them as the bumpers in a bowling alley—you can't ignore them, and they guide how you approach the problem.

Why Constraints Matter

Constraints are there to:

  • Narrow down the possible solutions.
  • Give you clues about which algorithm will work best.
  • Indicate efficiency limits: Can your algorithm be slow or must it be lightning fast?

For example, you might see something like:

  • 1 ≤ n ≤ 10^6 (where n is the size of the input array).
  • Time limit: 1 second.

This tells you that:

  • Your algorithm must handle up to a million elements.
  • It must finish in under one second.

A brute-force algorithm with O(n²) time complexity won’t cut it when n = 10^6. But a more efficient algorithm with O(n log n) or O(n) should work just fine. So, these constraints push you to choose the right approach.

2. What to Look for in Constraints

When you look at constraints, ask yourself these key questions:

1. Input Size

  • How big can the input get?
  • If it’s large (like 10^6), you’ll need an efficient algorithm—O(n²) is probably too slow, but O(n) or O(n log n) might be fast enough.

2. Time Limit

  • How fast does your solution need to be? If the time limit is 1 second and the input size is huge, you should aim for an efficient solution with lower time complexity.

3. Space Limit

  • How much extra memory can you use? If there are memory constraints, it’ll push you to avoid solutions that take up too much space. Dynamic Programming might not be an option if space is tight, for example.

4. Special Conditions

  • Are there unique conditions? If the array is already sorted, you might want to use Binary Search rather than Linear Search. If the elements are distinct, it might simplify your logic.

5. Output Format

  • Do you need to return a single number? An array? This will affect how you structure your final solution.

3. How to Identify the Goal of the Problem

Read the Problem Multiple Times

Don’t rush into coding right away. Read the problem carefully—multiple times. Try to identify the core goal of the problem by asking yourself:

  • What’s the main task here? Is it searching, sorting, or optimizing?
  • What exactly is the input? (An array? A string? A tree?)
  • What is the desired output? (A number? A sequence? True/False?)

Understanding the problem is half the battle won. If you don’t fully understand what’s being asked, any solution you attempt will likely miss the mark.

Simplify the Problem

Break the problem down into simple terms and explain it to yourself or a friend. Sometimes, rephrasing the problem can make the solution clearer.


Problem: “Find the two numbers in an array that sum up to a given target.”

Simplified version: “Go through the array, and for each number, check if there’s another number in the array that, when added to it, equals the target.”

Boom! Much easier, right?

4. When to Break a Problem (And When Not to)

When to Break a Problem Down

Not all problems are meant to be solved in one go. Many problems are best tackled by dividing them into smaller subproblems. Here’s when to do it:

1. Recursion

Recursion is the art of breaking down a problem into smaller subproblems that are easier to solve, and then combining the solutions to solve the original problem.

















第 1 步:了解輸入與輸出

  • 輸入:整數陣列。
  • 輸出:元素依升序排列的最長子序列的長度。

第 2 步:辨識模式


  • 您可以將其分解為更小的子問題(找到以每個元素結尾的最長子序列)。
  • 您可以儲存這些子問題的結果(在 DP 陣列中)。


  • 建立一個 DP 數組,其中 dp[i] 儲存以索引 i 結尾的最長遞增子序列的長度。
  • 對於每個元素,檢查所有先前的元素。如果目前元素大於前一個元素,則更新 dp[i] 值。
  • 最後的結果將是dp數組中的最大值。

第 4 步:紙上試運轉

取一個小範例數組 [10, 9, 2, 5, 3, 7, 101, 18] 並逐步試運行您的演算法以確保其正常工作。



  • 再次分析約束。輸入大小是否意味著您需要 O(n log n) 解決方案而不是 O(n²)?
  • 尋找最佳化:是否可以透過記憶或其他技術避免冗餘計算?




  1. DSA 初學者指南

  2. 筆紙解決問題

  3. 最佳资源和问题集

  4. 掌握 DSA 中的时间和空间复杂性:您的终极指南

号召性用语:准备好应对一些真正的 DSA 挑战了吗?开始练习具有特定约束的问题,并专注于逐步分解它们。与我分享您的进展,让我们一起解决一些很棒的 DSA 谜题!

以上是掌握 DSA 中的限制和解決問題的策略的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
